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Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
19.09.11 10:26:36
To: rocky1138


Actually, the solution is usually individual. The error depends on source files and on PC configuration.

Please give the details about the problems:

- please describe your actions step by step and specify the moment when the error occurs;
- specify the format of the files you work with and their origin;
- specify to which format you save the files and which output settings you select.
- attach a screenshot of your PC configuration (Operating System, CPU, Ram).

Best regards.
Posts: 16
Registered: 15.04.2010
20.09.11 12:47:06
To: Vlad

I have just encountered the same problem everyone seems to have lately. The issue seems to be worryingly contagious. I have been desperately trying to compile a film in 1080p avi (default settings) since yesterday, to no avail. I won't be able to upload a zip with all the files I am currently using - the files I use are much too big -, but here are the conclusions I have made. They will hopefully help your staff, Vlad.

- It seems clear to me that the problem is related to the presence of overlay videos in the project (another user mentioned the same conclusion a few posts earlier). The main reason is : all the films I compiled yesterday worked fine, except for the one that included a "massive" number of overlay videos (35 in just 4 minutes). The film, which is about 20 minutes long, crashes when the compilation is almost over (85,3%). It *always* crashes at the exact same moment, right in the middle of an overlay video. The size of the corrupt video file is 540 Mo.

Now, not all films including overlay videos will crash. Some of the films I compiled yesterday did contain a few overlay videos, and none of them crashed while compiling.

- It also seems clear to me that the problem is related to the output format. If I pick 720p avi (default settings), the film with the 35 overlay videos will be compiled smoothly until its very end. If I pick 1080p avi (default settings) however, the film *will* crash at 85,3% - that never fails.

I am using the latest version of Video Editor. My 64 bits Win 7 laptop has a P8600 Core 2 Duo 2,4 Ghz cpu with 4Go RAM. The video files I use are .m2ts / 1080p / 5.1 sound.
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
26.09.11 13:53:23
To: David GP


Thank you for sharing your experience. We will test the issue with video overlay and try to fix the problem.

Best regards.
Posts: 1
Registered: 09.02.2012
09.02.12 19:33:03
I met the same problem today! How could I solve it? I have several videos need to be edited. But many of them have met this problem when I exporting them to the computer.
Attached files:
111.01 KB
Posts: 914
Registered: 20.05.2010
10.02.12 07:43:33
To: fellulu


To avoid the problem please completely uninstall AVS4YOU software from your PC. Instructions below:

1. Go Start > All Programs > AVS4YOU > Uninstall. Please make sure to click the "Check All" button.

2. Follow the link below and download the utility that will automatically remove all AVS software components from your PC. Save the utility on your computer and launch it. It is highly recommended to leave the default option "Delete license key-files" checked:

3. Download the latest versions of the necessary programs from our website:
Now install the software on your PC anew.

If it does not solve the issue please contact us again and specify your PC configuration.

Best regards.
Posts: 1
Registered: 28.06.2012
28.06.12 02:22:46

I've tried everything that has been suggested on this forum and I still can't get the program to work. I am currently running the latest version of AVS Video Editor and I've gone through and uninstalled everything and re-installed everything among other suggestions that have been posted. I'm running Windows 7... Any assistance that you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Posts: 914
Registered: 20.05.2010
28.06.12 13:29:03
To: aberk88

Hello Adam,

Try to provide some additional information about the error:

- describe your actions step by step;

- specify the issue you have faced with

- specify the format of the file you are trying to edit and its origin

- specify to which format you convert and which presets you select

- attach a screenshot of your PC configuration: right-click My Computer, choose Properties, make a screenshot of the General tab.

Best regards.
Posts: 75
Registered: 30.01.2012
29.06.12 06:53:00
I see in this thread that the software developers have found some kind of fix for this 65556 error code. Does this fix do anything for the Video Editing Program? I was getting this error message on converting Blu-Ray videos and seems to have fixed it by changing the settings from multiple to single thread
conversion. was this some kind of fix, or did the program work for some other reason? Do I need to download some kind of fix to make this problem go away permanently?
Posts: 914
Registered: 20.05.2010
29.06.12 07:57:05
To: sherwindu


Unfortunately, there is no fix for the 65536 error. As the error may be caused by various issues.

Best regards.
Posts: 1
Registered: 14.10.2012
14.10.12 22:40:22
Been using AVS Video editor for a long time never got this message before, all of a sudden it started popping up. Dedicated a lot of time trying to figure it out, by trying to edit videos of all varying sizes, in different formats, changing only one option at each attempt like aspect ratio, or resolution, or bit rates... etc

Eventually I turned to thinking about what changes I made recently to my PC and it seems I found the source of the problem... Bitdefender Internet Security 2012
which is a antivirus/malware program.

I don't know why yet but when this program is installed an running the error code: 65536 appears 80% of the time I use AVS Video Editor

I have triple checked this by uninstalling and reinstalling Bitdefender 3 times, and attempting dozens of video edits

This all was with AVS Video Editor Ver. 6.2 (latest version to date)

Win 7, 64 bit
Intel i5-2500k 3.30GHZ

hopefully this info will help toward a resolution with this error code: 65536
Posts: 334
Registered: 10.04.2012
15.10.12 10:58:50
To: Midnitember

Thank you for your post.
To avoid the issue with BitDefender, you need to add the files to the Excluded processes of Bitdefender:

1. Open Bitdefender
2. Go into the "Exclusion" tab.
3. Select Excluded processes and add these files:

c:\program files\common files\avsmedia\activex\avsvideoconverterhost.exe
c:\program files\avs4you\avsvideoconverter\avsvideoconverter.exe
c:\program files\avs4you\avsvideoeditor\avsvideoeditor.exe
4. Apply the modifications.

Best regards
Posts: 7
Registered: 06.12.2012
06.12.12 15:13:35

Like many others, I'm also having problems with this Error code 65536 (when I try to produce my video), and I'm also working on a deadline: I have to finish this video by tomorrow.

I'm running AVS Video Editor on a Windows 7 Home Premium operating system with Intel Core i5-2450M CPU @ 2.50 GHz and 6 GB of RAM. I've had this problem for a few days now (on each of about 12 producing attempts), and I've already tried cleaning out my registry with CCleaner and choosing different output file types for the video (AVI, WMV, & MPEG). The error happens at a different place between about 33% and 52% of the process, but the location doesn't depend on the output file type: it varies even within single file types. Finally, since I downloaded this software just a few days ago, I'm sure that this is the most recent version, so while I haven't tried uninstalling and reinstalling or updating it yet, I doubt that will do anything for me.

I look forward to your answer.

Thank you.
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
07.12.12 05:13:25
To: bpgold12


To avoid the problem please completely uninstall AVS4YOU software from your PC. Instructions below:

1. Go Start > All Programs > AVS4YOU > Uninstall. Please make sure to click the "Check All" button.

2. Follow the link below and download the utility that will automatically remove all AVS software components from your PC. Save the utility on your computer and launch it. It is highly recommended to leave the default option "Delete license key-files" checked:

3. Download the latest versions of the necessary programs from our website:
Now install the software on your PC anew.

If it does not solve the issue please contact us again and specify your PC configuration.

Best regards.
Posts: 7
Registered: 06.12.2012
07.12.12 05:34:32
To: bpgold12

Thank you for your response.

I tried uninstalling and reinstalling, exactly like you said. Nothing changed.

I'm not sure what other PC configuration details you'd like: I've already given you the OS, the processor, and RAM, which is what the previous admins asked for. Nonetheless, here's everything.

I need this video in about 10 hours, so I'm really getting nervous now! I'll be checking this forum all day...
Posts: 7
Registered: 06.12.2012
07.12.12 14:17:03
To: Nat

I now need this video in just over one hour... can anybody help me, please??
Posts: 7
Registered: 06.12.2012
07.12.12 16:23:02
Well, even though I finished editing my video four days ago, tried everything suggested in this and other forums, and contacted you over 24 hours ago, I missed my deadline.

Still, I spent a long time on this video and maybe I can get partial credit for it, so please do help me publish it.

Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
08.12.12 04:25:33
To: bpgold12

Dear Ben,
We are really sorry for the delay in reply and the inconveniences caused.
You have been answered in AVS4YOU Support System.
We'll try to do our best to resolve the issue as soon as possible.
Thank you for understanding and cooperation.
Kind regards.
Posts: 1
Registered: 11.12.2012
11.12.12 09:38:22
que tal amigos, estoy usando el avs video converter 7.1 y desde hace unas cuantas semanas al intentar pasar archivos mkv a dvd, alos diez minutos se queda congelado por el error 65536.he probado repararlo sin exito y he reemplazado el archivo que mostrais en este hilo y nada.
puedo aportar algo nuevo sobre este error ya que problema de que no puede cargar bien las bibliotecas...
os he sacado unas capturas de los dos errores que me salen al intent repararlo...
espero me popdais ayudar pronto porque estoy desesperado ya que nunca me había pasado con otras versiones
un saluudo
Posts: 7
Registered: 06.12.2012
11.12.12 09:41:52
To: Nat

I've tried getting your attention in the support system, but that doesn't seem to work so now I'm trying here. You've never been quick to answer me (despite my urgency), but this is getting ridiculous.

Some friendly advice for anyone else looking for help: don't expect anything resembling promptness from this support staff. If you have a deadline, I highly recommend that you ask for help long before you think you need it. Try all of the other solutions offered in this forum (clean your registry, uninstall and reinstall AVS Video Editor with the uninstall utility, and try publishing the video with different output file types), and when those don't work be sure to include screenshots of your computer configuration and the error, along with your .vep file and all of your source files (if you can manage to upload them; the upload always failed for me until I used FileZilla to upload them directly to the AVS FTP server) in your original message. When you do that, make what you've already done and attached painfully clear, and if you were unable to do any of that make that clear as well and describe why. Then, don't expect an answer anytime soon.
Posts: 7
Registered: 06.12.2012
12.12.12 19:29:07
To: Nat

Well, Nat, thanks to you and this incredibly buggy program I've now missed my second deadline for a class that's now over and a Christmas party that's now long past. Thankfully, my teacher understands my situation (after I showed her our interactions) and will wait a few more days to see my video, but I'd really like to have it, you know, closer to this Christmas than the next one.

In fact, at this point I'd really like to deal with another member of the support staff, ideally your supervisor. Could you please put me in contact with him or her (or, if that person can see this message, can you please take charge of my situation)?

Thank you,
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