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Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
06.02.13 06:43:48
To: lramp

Dear user,

You can try to fulfill it manually:
1. import the video you need to edit into AVS Video Editor,
2. place the video onto main video timeline, right click on it - choose Mute,
3. place the same video file onto audio timeline and try to manually place it so the audio could match video.
you can check audio and video on the preview window of the program.

Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance to you.

Kind regards
Posts: 1
Registered: 12.02.2013
12.02.13 23:00:20
I recently installed AVS Video Editor and have been using 4-5 hours fighting with the screen capture tool. I really like the program, but the voice/picture is out of sync almost all the time. After trying all kinds of stuff I now realized that whenever I change the size of the standard selected area it turns out of sync (the standard: 698x522). If I make it any larger I can know for sure that it goes wrong. There was one exception when I chose the WMV format for the video, but then the quality was so bad and the color went strange, so I would rather use the FLV format.

Any advices on what I can do, because I would need to record larger areas of my screen!

Thanks a lot!
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
13.02.13 04:30:53
To: siggi

Dear user,

Unfortunately this is a known issue of AVS Screen capture - there is a sync problem while recording at full screen. Our developers are working on it now and I will let you know as soon as it is resolved. For now it is only possible to record not in full screen to avoid the problem.

Thank you for understanding.

Kind regards
Posts: 1
Registered: 06.04.2013
06.04.13 12:45:18
I'm also having a problem with audio/video sync. I'm trying to convert from a .wtv file to .mp4 file using the Xbox 360 profile.
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
08.04.13 05:42:29
To: gblinckmann

Dear user,

Please specify if you can playback the original .wtv file on your PC players without audio/video sync problem.

Could you try to convert the video to some other format or profile and inform if you still get the problem.

Try to playback .wtv file on the preview window of AVS Video Converter: press the Edit button on the top toolbar and inform about the result.

Thank you for cooperation.

Kind regards
Posts: 5
Registered: 14.04.2013
14.04.13 06:51:54
Hi. I have a .vob file and want to make an .AVI file. Ideally, I want to edit it also before conversions. Both using Video Editor and Video Conveter (updated versions) I have the issue that so many people have, that is there is a sync problem between audio and video. The sync delay is not constant, and it increases when the video progresses.
What can I do?
By the way, I get this error message when loading Video Converter: "It is impossible to load the application. pthreadGC2.dll has not been found. Try reinstalling".

Of course, reinstallation does not cure this issue, but I think it is unrelated to the sync problem (I do not get this mesage when loading Video Editor).

Any idea on how to solve this issue? I should have read more about AVS4U before purchasing it... It seems that tons of people have this problem, which is evidently a mega-bug in the software, and it makes the sofwtare worthless.

Unless it gets solved, fast, I will request full reimbursement!

Posts: 5
Registered: 14.04.2013
14.04.13 06:53:28
To: pcolombo60

P.S.: I did not mention it but, OF COURSE, the riginal file does NOT have the sync problem.....
Also, I tried using several softwares for playing the AVI file, but the problem is, of course, always there.
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
15.04.13 05:16:47
To: pcolombo60

Dear user,

Thank you for the detailed description of the problem. Many people have such a issue due to the fact that nowadays there is a huge number of different formats and files of different origin, sometimes not very reliable and thus encoded with errors.

There might be a problem in AVS4YOU software and we need your original .vob file to resolve the issue.

Please upload it to our FTP server, I will send you the instructions on how to do it using AVS Support System.

If we are not able to resolve the issue in a timely manner we are sure to give you a refund.

Thank you for cooperation and sorry for any inconvenieces caused.

Kind regards
Posts: 5
Registered: 14.04.2013
16.04.13 18:16:50
To: Nat

Thank you for your kind reply. I will upload the files as suggested.
I forgot to mention that the problem is present not just when saving the file as AVI but also when saving the edited file as .VOB.
i.e., independently on editing the original video or not, using Video editor or Video Converter corrupts the audio/video synch. It is a shame, as the programs are very nicely done and useful.
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
17.04.13 06:12:49
To: pcolombo60

Dear Paolo,

Thank you for the information.

As soon as the file is uploaded please let us know.

Thank you for cooperation.

Kind regards
Posts: 5
Registered: 14.04.2013
18.04.13 14:08:38
To: Nat

I uploaded the files. However, the synch problem occured for different files in different format, so I believe it is a glitch in the software, not an issue with the specific .VOB file I am processing.
Thanks for your help
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
22.04.13 07:50:54
To: pcolombo60

Dear Paolo,

Thank you for the files and the information.

We will now test it and inform as soon as he solution is found.

Kind regards
Posts: 5
Registered: 14.04.2013
28.05.13 17:44:02
To: Nat
Hi- I never had any further contact nor reply from you guys. The AVS video editor does not allow to create videos in which the sound matches the video frames!
When are you going to fix this major issue?
How can I get full refund for my money? A software with this major glitch is worthless!
Posts: 73
Registered: 15.02.2013
29.05.13 11:55:41
Dear Paolo,

The solution to the issue is still being processed and we expect it to be resolved in the upcoming release. We can offer to convert the file for you if you specify all the settings for the out put file:

- file format

- File parameters indicated under Advanced / Conversion options window http://onlinehelp.avs4you.com/AVS-Video-Converter/ProgramInterface/MainWindow/AdvancedSettings/ConversionOptionsTab.aspx

Best regards
Posts: 1
Registered: 03.02.2014
03.02.14 22:33:55
I am converting MP4 to WMV. Audio is out of sync.
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
05.02.14 07:46:17
To: love.farmers@gmail.com

Dear user,

You have been assisted in AVS Support System.

Please inform if the recomendations were helpfull to you.

Kind regards
Posts: 75
Registered: 28.01.2014
08.02.14 18:24:43
To: love.farmers@gmail.com

Hi LF, can you please share on how the audio sync got fixed for you?
Posts: 1
Registered: 19.10.2015
19.10.15 21:25:15
I have downloaded this software to two computers. Both have audio lag when I try to record videos either with the web cam or screen capture. How do I fix this?
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
20.10.15 11:04:44
To: iwishforonebilliondollars

Dear user,

You have been assisted in AVS4YOU support system.

Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance to you.

Kind regards
Posts: 1
Registered: 06.08.2019
06.08.19 14:17:39
I have converted MPEGs to MP4s. Voice and image are now not in sync, although they were before the conversion. Any advice on how to fix this issue?
Thank you.
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