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Posts: 26
Registered: 16.05.2009
19.05.09 06:09:35
To: nadin

Forgot to mention: I have a quad core and the 'cpu leak' appears to happen in the jumps of %25 (that is if you pause it every so often to check).
There is a setting somewhere to disable multi processing...

Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
29.05.09 06:16:56
Actually there should not persist any problems when converting huge MKV files, anyway our testing team has not managed to find any drawbacks, incl. on a 64-bit system. I have forwarded this problem to our developers and will inform you what they will say.

Trying to convert 6GB files causes some bug similer to a memory leak, it's more of a cpu leak.
Converting starts fine then starts to slow down and stop, when you pause the conversaion
And look in task manager the program still uses cpu and a bit of memory (it goes a bit up &
down). If you wait some time (didn't masure it exactly) the program will eventually go down
to %0 cpu and when you resume the conversaion process it would work as normally but
repeat the above (slow down, stop, when paused %99 cpu uses)
Such bug really exists. Hopefully, it will be corrected within future releases of the program.

Best regards
Posts: 1
Registered: 29.05.2009
29.05.09 13:08:52
I purchased AVS Converter 6 yesterday afternoon. My MTS files will not convert to MPEG. I e-mailed help support 4 times now, no answer! The video footage is there cause it takes of 3.6 GB on each DVD. Why will they not convert?

Experienced User
Posts: 26
Registered: 16.05.2009
30.05.09 04:50:43
To: nadin

Good, you found one of the problems :)

Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
31.05.09 23:19:03
To: slysista10

Try saving the .dlls attached in post#5401 of this thread. If this does not help, we'd need one of your files for testing.
I'll send you the instruction on the support page.

To: shachar2

Our developers have found a problem with large files. It occurs during conversion and can be avoided by enabling one thread mode (the solution is described here). However, file format error you get upon uploading the files, is not connected with this issue. So, the only way the problem can be cleared up, is by analysing one of the files you get the error with. We understand that the files are large, but still we'd be glad to receive one of them. You will be contacted per e-mail with the instruction.

Thank you in advance
Experienced User
Posts: 26
Registered: 16.05.2009
01.06.09 04:20:54
To: nadin

the file format issue seems to be gone for now, I'm not sure why.
It's not a restart because I've already tried that
system restore shows windows updates, ati driver (4850, rolled back because it was unstable), and some nokia cellphone driver (connected via bluetooth via nokia pc suite software).

eariliest date I have on system restore is 17.5, reported the problem on the forum on the 16.5 which means I've used it at least a few days before.

Considering that I have a 1.5TB HD I don't have a lot of restore points only half a month
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
02.06.09 03:46:30
To: shachar2
That's great news that the problem has gone! :-)
Not sure whether it is possible to reproduce the problem based on this information. We'd rather need the source file.
Anyway, if the problem returns, do not hesitate to contact us.

Best regards
Posts: 2
Registered: 04.06.2009
04.06.09 09:29:26
I have just registered the video converter version 6. I tried the sample program and had no problems converting my avchd video files to dvd. Since registering I keep geeting a "file format not supported" error message. I have tried reloading ad updating and it appears I have the most up to date program. The files are in mts format and are supposed to be supported by this program.
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
04.06.09 23:50:57
To: drnama

Try using the solution offered in post#5401 of this thread. If this does not help, we'd appreciate if you uploaded one of your files to our FTP server for testing. The instruction has been sent to you on the support page.

Best regards
Posts: 2
Registered: 04.06.2009
06.06.09 13:18:33
To: drnama
I was able to get the program to work for a short time after uninstalling it then install again. However, it is doing the same thing again. I am trying to convert multipel files. I have uploaded one file to the server as you requested. I also tried the details listed in post 5401 but could not get the second file to save for some reason. It kept giving me a message that said I was not authorized to save in that folder. I am the user of this computer so it should not be protected and the 1st file saved fine.
Experienced User
Posts: 26
Registered: 16.05.2009
08.06.09 10:16:44
To: drnama

"not authorized to save in that folder"

That's a Windows Vista Feature
Posts: 2
Registered: 11.06.2009
11.06.09 19:41:31
I am trying to convert .ts file to dvd and can not get it to work so what do i do?

It tells me file format error so I thought it would do .ts files
Posts: 2
Registered: 11.06.2009
12.06.09 16:53:05
I am trying to upload .ts files and convert to dvd pppplllllleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaassssssseeeeeee HELP iT WILL NOT DO IT i DONT KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO AND i HAVE SENT A QUESTION IN TO SUPPORT AND NO ANSWER AND I HAVE ASK ON HERE BEFORE....IS THERE ANYBODY THAT KNOWS HOW TO DO THIS
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
16.06.09 05:10:24
To: kcrossln

Sorry for not replying earlier!
Please upload one of your files to our FTP server for testing. The instruction will bent to you on the support page.

To: jgraggs2@gmail.com

Your post has been moved. Please follow this link.

Best regards
Posts: 1
Registered: 24.06.2009
24.06.09 23:24:25
I am having issues wth converting AVCHD format (Sony HD Camcorder) to MPEG fromat. I get Video Fromat Unsuppprted. Can you help me please.
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
26.06.09 03:19:01
To: cdelator

The recommendation is the same:
Try using the solution offered in post#5401 of this thread. If this does not help, we'd appreciate if you uploaded one of your files to our FTP server for testing.
I will send you the instruction per e-mail.

Best regards
Posts: 4
Registered: 26.06.2009
26.06.09 03:20:01

I am new to AVS4YOU. I tried to convert the following file: WTD S2 Ep1 Pt1.avi. to DVD. I received a" File format error" message. I haven't a clue how to remedy this.

I would appreciate any help.

confused and depressed,
Experienced User
Posts: 29
Registered: 07.11.2008
26.06.09 04:11:39
To: jamhen

WTD S2 Ep1 Pt1.avi.
Try removing the dot at the end!
Posts: 4
Registered: 26.06.2009
26.06.09 18:08:25
To: mitchell65

Boy am I confused. Sorry there shouldn't be the dot at the end. The File format error referred to the input: WTD S2 Ep1 Pt1.avi

Posts: 4
Registered: 26.06.2009
26.06.09 21:18:06
To: nadin

Thank you. I followed your instructions but still got the format error message. I then tried a file name change simply waking4.avi. No good same error message: 'File Format error'. Anything else I can try?

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