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Posts: 2
Registered: 05.03.2009
09.03.09 08:15:42
I converted a mwv photo movie/slide show to dvd using the Converter v.6. The dvd disk I used was an HP DVD +R 4.7 formated on the computer, then mwv converted to dvd, and downloaded onto the disk and burned. The dvd will play on our computer(pc vista) but will not play on our dvd player which will play Windows media, divx, super video, hmdi, and dvds. It took three tries to get the conversion to download properly and three burned disks. Each one states "disk error" when placed in the DvD player. This last disk I have not finalized as I am concerned that I will have four disks to toss out. The unfinalized dvd DOES play on the computer. Should I finalize this one and see if it will play on the dvd player or is there an issue with the software that does not allow it to play on DVD players?
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
11.03.09 05:42:07
Should I finalize this one and see if it will play on the dvd player

I think, you should. As a rule, unfinalized DVDs do not play in standard DVD players.

Best regards
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Posts: 29
Registered: 07.11.2008
11.03.09 06:29:54
To: njskohlhaas

Can you open one of the dvd's? I think you should see .VOB and .IFO files for the DVD to run on a standard DVD player. If you have AVS Video Editor start a new project, import your mwv file then click save movie, choose Disc, then DVD and follow the screen. This will burn the files a to the disc which will play in a standard TV Player. I think if you just copy the file to a disc it will be in a format that as you say your PC will recognise but your TV DVD player will not.
Hope this is of some use as I am a neebie but I had the same problem. I solved it as above.
Posts: 2
Registered: 05.03.2009
12.03.09 14:03:50
To: nadin

Thanks so much, I'll give the video editor a shot and see how that does. I'll let you know if it works!
Experienced User
Posts: 29
Registered: 07.11.2008
13.03.09 01:38:33
To: njskohlhaas

Just one more suggestion. I invested in a few DVD+RW discs. You can then use them over and over again. The Video Editor will detect if a DVD+RW has files already on it and ask if you want them erased. Click erase and then you can continue to burn the latest project. You can do this over and over again. This is much cheaper than keep scrapping used DVDs.
Posts: 2
Registered: 14.03.2009
13.03.09 01:39:33
can someone help me figure out how to run the converter/burner in a way i can understand to convert and burn movies to play in my dvd player i'm getting an error that the playback is not supported for this player and my friend tried it too and is getting the same thing so how can we fix this problem?
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
16.03.09 02:42:34
Thanks so much, I'll give the video editor a shot and see how that does.

Actually it does not really matter if you use AVS Video Converter or AVS Video Editor. The burning will be carried out by AVS Video Burner - application launched automatically after edition/conversion is complete.

i'm getting an error that the playback is not supported for this player

Have you tried to play the disc on your PC? Is the disc played correctly?
Please specify the disc type you used and the model of your DVD player.

Best regards
Posts: 2
Registered: 14.03.2009
19.03.09 06:58:03
i'm using TDK brand recordable dvd-r disc's and using an an off brand dvd player and they play on my computer but won't play in any of my dvd players or my friends emerson dvd player either she's even having the same problems and i have the registered verision of the converter and she has the unregistered verision where the watermark shows up but now my computer has crashed
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
20.03.09 02:35:26
To: jb_eagle2003@yahoo.com

Could you still provide us with the exact information, so that we could try to reproduce the problem:
1. Specify which settings you have chosen to burn the DVD;
2. Which disc types exactly you have used (type, manufacturer, speed);
3. Specify the exact models of DVD players you have used to playback the disc.

Hope to hear from you soon
Posts: 3
Registered: 24.05.2009
20.03.09 02:36:26
HI gang - I sure hope someone can help me with this problem. I have been downloading movies and converting them to DVD you AVS video converter 6. The movies (seem to) convert properly in that I have the ISO file VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS. However, when I burn them to DVD they won't play in my DVD player. I thought the problem was the discs I was using; but I changed from -R to +R and still cannot play the DVDs on my home player. I read somewhere that I had to rearrange the files in my directory such as follows: VIDEO_TS_IFO, VIDEO_TS_VOB, VIDEO_TS_BUP, VTS_0_0.IFO, VTS_0_0.VOB, VTS_0_1.VOB . . . VTS_01_0.BUP but even that didn't work. I am almost at my wits end, and quickly running out of discs - only 1 out of 9 burns has been successful and I can't for the life of me remember if I did anything different to the good project . . I don't think so. Can anyone please give me (for dummies) step by step direction on how to convert a movie to DVD and then burn it to DVD so I can play it on my home (Panasonic) DVD/VHS player?

Thanks so much - if you need any further information - I'm all ears!

- joy
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
26.05.09 00:07:38
To: Joyohjoyous

Does the disc play on your PC? If yes, could you please provide the following information:
1. Specify which settings you have chosen to burn the DVD;
2. Which disc types exactly you have used (type, manufacturer, speed);
3. Specify the exact models of DVD players you have used to playback the disc.

Hope to hear from you soon
Posts: 3
Registered: 24.05.2009
31.05.09 06:29:47
To: mitchell65
Thanks Mitchell - I'll give it a try. I'm willing to try anything at this point, because I'm wasting DVDs. Thanks again. I'll let you know if it works. - Joy
Posts: 3
Registered: 24.05.2009
31.05.09 06:39:20
To: nadin
Hi Nadin - In answer to your questions:
1. setting = NTSC - good quality (DVD NTSC good quality 90/162 @ 1 DVD/DL DVD Disc)
2. Disc types = Memorex 4.7 g -R and Staples 4.7 g +R (the strange thing here is, one movie worked and the other did not - both on same settings . . I think :)
3. DVD player - Panasonic (PV-D4744S-K) DVD/VHS player

Does this information help you?

- Joy
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
10.06.09 03:12:39
To: Joyohjoyous

Thank you for the information. Some testing on your problem has been done and no incompatibility issues between the DVD format chosen and your player found.

Therefore please note the below steps:
1. check up the manual of your DVD player for disc types supported (it might support only -R or +R discs or all disc types, incl. RW);
2. if all disc types are supported, try burning the same movie on a TDK or Verbatim disc (you can right-click on VIDEO_TS folder and choose Send To > AVS Video Burner);
3. if the disc still cannot be played on the player, please attach the .log files which contain all the information on the burning process (please zip them prior to attaching).

You can find .log files following
(for Vista) C:\Users\[User]\Application Data\Roaming\AVS4YOU\AVSVideoBurner
(for XP) C:\Documents and Settings\[User]\Application Data\AVS4YOU\AVSVideoBurner

Looking forward to hearing from you
Posts: 1
Registered: 25.06.2009
10.06.09 03:13:39
i downloaded some porn in wmv format and then tried to convert it to dvd went though the prosess and took out the dvd disk
after it was done, put it in the dvd player and files were on it. it would not play. what do i do?
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
29.06.09 05:53:53
To: ken-dee

Is the disc played on your PC? If yes, please specify the model of the DVD player and disc type used.

Hope to hear from you soon
Posts: 2
Registered: 06.07.2009
06.07.09 11:35:35
I converted a avi file for a dvd it plays on my pc but my dvd player does not regonize it.
I treid standard ntsc and standard pal conversion
pc drive is a slimtype dvd A DS81P ATA
player is a portable dvd player akai 720t
Do you always need to add a menu during te set up process for converting to a dvd? I did not do that

Other burning software works fine it is the conversion tool that does not work I think

DVD type is sony -R


Posts: 2
Registered: 06.07.2009
06.07.09 13:15:42
To: jan

Found the answe after some ty outs, you must akways make a menu with a minimum af one chapter.
All worked fine now*DANCE*
Posts: 59
Registered: 16.11.2009
16.11.09 09:51:00
I am having a similar problem to the listed below. I am wasting several blank dvd's trying to get a decent copy that will play in my dvd player connected to my tv. The movie copies play fine in my laptop, but when I pop it in my tv dvd player, it is junkie in quality. I don't have a clue what the problem is. But I am wondering if I can purchase a tv dvd player that is compatable with the 10 movies I burned. I don't have the files saved in my laptop anymore, because I erased them. I erased them since the avs copier warned that audio and video files already existed, and would be overwritten. So to avoid confusing the system I did not retain any files on the hard drive after each burn of original movie. So is there for sale a compatable tv dvd player out there? Or did I just waste a bunch of money on blanks, software, and labor?
Experienced User
Posts: 29
Registered: 07.11.2008
16.11.09 10:27:19
To: hicksbryan9

Oh Dear - What a shame you deleted the originals. First law of Still or Video photography. ALWAYS KEEP A BACKUP OF THE ORIGINALS. Large capacity external hard drives are so cheap these days that it is worth investing in one just to store your originals. It sounds like your DVD player doesn't like the DVD's that you have. Have you checked to see if the DVD spec supports your particular type of DVD. Are they DVD-R, DVD+R of what. If you find they are not compatible then buy some discs that are and make a copy from your existing discs to the new ones. When you ave your files onto your hard rive put them into individual folders relevant to your project. Then when you upload thenext lot from from camera to the HD put them in a different folder. Then you won't get the "They will be overwritten" message. A good filing system is anoher essential.
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