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Posts: 2
Registered: 16.12.2008
16.12.08 07:19:28
Before buying I tried the trail version of the video-editor4.
My camera creates .MOV files and it worked great.
So I decided to buy the editor.

When I'm trying to import MOV files from my camera, the program protests.
"Quicktime video codec is not installed"
How is that possible (and how can I repair this lack of codecs)
Posts: 569
Registered: 16.05.2008
16.12.08 08:09:45
To: designerslounge


So, according to the message, you need to install Quicktime video codec. You can easily find it in the internet.

We've already discussed the similar issue on the forum. Please follow this link.

Best Regards
Posts: 2
Registered: 16.12.2008
16.12.08 17:07:57
To: Dam
Thank you for the response, but reinstalling quicktime doesn't work.
is it possible to uninstall all the AVS programs and reinstall them? (with the same key)
Posts: 569
Registered: 16.05.2008
17.12.08 04:55:31
To: designerslounge

is it possible to uninstall all the AVS programs and reinstall them?

There is no need to do it.

So, do you have quicktime codec installed on your PC?
Posts: 4
Registered: 19.12.2008
19.12.08 14:50:30
To: Dam

I encountered the same problem as designerslounge. I already had QuickTime installed on my computer. If I didn't, I could not have viewed my mov files. That begs the question, why do I need to install quicktime again?

I followed the link to the other discussion and it pointed me to the quicktime installer. I downloaded the installer but it told me a new version of the program was already installed on my PC.

My confusion and frustration is that, lke designerlounge, the trial software worked without a flaw except the text in the middle of the image.
Posts: 4
Registered: 19.12.2008
21.12.08 00:48:06
To: Rick Rose

So I have now installed the newest QuickTime program and still get the same codec error.

Generally speaking, how many days should I wait for a solution to my problem?
Posts: 1
Registered: 21.12.2008
21.12.08 21:21:09
To: Rick Rose

I am having the same problem with AVS Video Converter 6. Getting the message quicktime codec not installed. Yet it is. I agree it is frustrating. I have not found a solution yet, nor received one from support either.
Posts: 569
Registered: 16.05.2008
22.12.08 03:49:09
To: dmacduff
To: Rick Rose


Please, upload the problem file to our FTP server. That will allow us to reproduce the error. I will send the FTP details to your mailbox

Best Regards
Posts: 4
Registered: 19.12.2008
22.12.08 05:51:49
To: Dam

Dear Dam,
What exactly do you want me to upload?

When I try to import a file with the .MOV extention into AVS Video Editor the error message reads as follows:
"QuickTime Video codec is not installed."

There is nothing to upload. It is just an error message with an OK button

At this point I think we should start looking at a refund, not a work around or a fix. How can I get my money back?
Posts: 569
Registered: 16.05.2008
22.12.08 05:55:54
To: Rick Rose

Hi Rick,

I want you to upload a file with the .MOV extention that you try to import into AVS Video Editor.
Posts: 4
Registered: 19.12.2008
23.12.08 01:04:20
To: Dam

attached is the screen shot of the movie inspector per your request
Attached files:
Posts: 569
Registered: 16.05.2008
24.12.08 06:37:26
To: Rick Rose

Thank you very much for the information.

Please try to download the attached AVSQuickTimeFile3.dll and place it following:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\AVSMedia\ActiveX

After you pasted the dll into the appropriate folder, you will be asked whether you want to overwrite/replace it. Say YES.

Please inform me about the result.

(The .dll has been deleted, as it has been included into the latest update. Update AVS files following Start > Programs > AVS4YOU > AVS Update Manager)
Posts: 2
Registered: 26.12.2008
26.12.08 14:59:04
To: Dam

I am having the same problem. The trial version works good. I am using Video Converter 6. I tried to move the dll file like you suggested, but I get the same error.
Posts: 1
Registered: 27.11.2008
01.01.09 07:32:26
I get the same error when trying to convert ,using avs video converter or avs video to ipod,I reinstall quicktime,reboot,then it will work for awhile and do it again.I have the latest version of everything and have tried all the suggestions and it still does the same thing."quicktime codec not installed" and it is installed.Does anyone have any ideas how to fix this?
Posts: 1
Registered: 23.01.2009
24.01.09 19:17:24
Same problem here also. "quicktime codec not installed"
Did not occur with the last versions all the way back to 5.6. I get the error ever since I upgraded to the lasted version a couple weeks ago.
Posts: 1
Registered: 31.01.2009
31.01.09 19:12:00
I get the same error when trying to convert ,using avs video converter or avs video to ipod,I reinstall quicktime,reboot,then it will work for awhile and do it again.I have the latest version of everything and have tried all the suggestions and it still does the same thing."quicktime codec not installed" and it is installed.Does anyone have any ideas how to fix this?

ARRRRGGGHHH!!! I have the exact same problem. It's not working, then it's working, and now it's not working. Will I have to reinstall and reboot everytime I want to use this?! PLEASE, SOLUTIONS ANYONE!!! Sorry for rant. I am not used to AVS giving me issues so I'm dealing with this well. HELP!!
Posts: 1
Registered: 04.02.2009
04.02.09 17:43:50
Has this been fixed.

I am having the exact same problem and it's really annoying the crap out of me.*CRAZY*
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
10.02.09 00:17:43
To: hoechst

To: keiser@wildblue.net

To: Detwilers

To: milagirll

To: azimpact

Please could you also upload your files to our FTP server, so that we could test them. The appropriate instruction will be sent to you via e-mail shortly.

Best regards.
Posts: 2
Registered: 04.02.2009
10.02.09 08:43:12
To all of the above:
I have had exactly the same problems after upgrading to Video Converter - works after installation - then does not work - upgraded Quick Time - works until reboot etc. Since I am running Vista - the most unpredictable operating system - it has taken a lot of time and reboots to find a cure that for me works every time (50 out of 50 so far):
Whenever I get the message "QuickTime video codec is not installed" I close Video Converter, kill CTSyncU.exe and start Video Converter again. Then I can open .mov files without any problems. I do not always have to do this - sometimes it just works without any problems (otherwise Vista would not be entirely unpredictable).
CTSyncU.exe is a programme called Creative Sync Manager that is installed in connection with Creative Zen players. You may kill it either by finding the name in the list of active processes and closing it there or clicking on the icon in the system tray (a green right arrow over a yellow left arrow) and choose "exit" from the menu.
If you need to restart the programme after using Video Converter you probably have an entry at Promgrammes -> Creative -> Creative Sync Manager. Whenever I have had the problem and have closed Sync Manager I will get the problem again if I start Sync Manager.
Posts: 2
Registered: 04.02.2009
10.02.09 11:22:26
To: nadin

Please note that the error in my case - and apparently all others in this thread - occured when pointing to a .mov file before trying to load the file. And it happens to any .mov file. Thus there is no point in uploading .mov files and looking at them.
In my case another error goes along with the .mov problem: When loading a .flv file Video Converter fails with an external error - but this error does not occur until the end of the loading of the file. This error too is cured by killing CTSyncU.exe.
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