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Posts: 7
Registered: 25.06.2009
25.06.09 06:52:57
I am also having sync problems. I have attached the file information. I have been having issues with my dvr-ms which was recorded with VISTA.(skipping frames which I posted a new message about) The ones I have recorded with Windows 7 (.wtv) and converted back to dvr-ms seem to be ok. (Oh and don't ask to FTP the 6GB file :-) )
Attached files:
62.03 KB
Posts: 7
Registered: 25.06.2009
25.06.09 13:50:55
To: Shawnf

I have a 2GB file which I can FTP which you can use to test if needed for my skipping and sync problems
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
26.06.09 03:48:16
To: Shawnf

Please note my reply here. If the solution offered is not helpful, we'd be glad to receive one of your files for testing.

Posts: 5
Registered: 12.07.2009
12.07.09 01:55:15
Operating System:
Windows XP Home SP3
Intel Core2 Quad Q9800 2.66 Ghz
AVS Video Converter Version:
Convert IFO. Files to a MP4 for a Playstation Portable

My problem is as follows:
Before the converting, the movie and the sound match and are synchron (as IFO-file)

After converting in a MP4 file at the beginning of the movie, the sound an the pictures
still macht. At the end of the movie (the longer the movie is the less it is synchron) the sound runs
about half a second before the pictures.

Did someone else have this problem? Does anybody know a solution for this problem?
Txs for any answers! *SOS*
Attached files:
33.98 KB
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
12.07.09 23:45:58
To: Eggi_123

Does the problem persist when you preview the video in the program?
Please could you attach a screenshot of the Advanced window of the program (click on Advanced > File Information) for the complete input and output file information.

Thank you
Posts: 5
Registered: 12.07.2009
15.07.09 03:57:45

No, in the preview the image and the sound match.
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
17.07.09 02:43:34
To: Eggi_123

Please try using the following solution:

Save the files attached to the following folder: C:\Program Files\Common Files\AVSMedia\ActiveX
If you are asked whether you would like to overwrite the existing .dlls, click on Yes.

Then run the Repair utility in order to register the new .dlls:
1. Close AVS Video Converter and all other running programs and applications.
2. Next follow Start > All Programs > AVS4YOU > Repair.

Please write back on the result.
Attached files:
Posts: 2
Registered: 17.07.2009
03.08.09 18:07:49
I installed AVS4YOU Video Converter ver today. I have severe audio sinc problems and the video jerks occasionally when I convert hi def TOD files to MPEG2. Screenshot atached.
I am using:
Windows Vista Home Premium 64bit
Intel Q6600 with 8GB RAM
Attached files:
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
03.08.09 22:30:06
To: Fixitman

We'd be glad to receive your source video file for testing. I'll send you the instruction on the support page.
Thank you in advance.
Posts: 2
Registered: 17.07.2009
05.08.09 15:42:47
To: nadin

I have uploaded the raw TOD file as well ast the MPEG file that Video Converter 6 created, as requested. I am looking forward to your response.
Posts: 1
Registered: 05.08.2009
05.08.09 17:10:43
I've got the same problem with AVSVideo Converter - Sound out of sync after conversion.

I've reported to support. Deafening Silence. I've paid for the product and expected support.

Should I broadcast the problem to the Net community? I hope not. I just want the product I've paid for doing its job.


Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
05.08.09 23:12:36
To: a cooke

Make sure you are using the latest version of the program (Start > Programs > AVS4YOU > AVS Update Manager).

Attach a screenshot of the Advanced window of the program showing all the input and output file settings.
Would be great if you also sent us the source file for testing. Check up the support page for the instruction.

Best regards
Posts: 5
Registered: 22.08.2009
22.08.09 06:01:55
Hi, I just installed actual trial from your website today. v

After converting DVR-MS into DIVX HD from my Vista MCE all files are out of sync too.
You can take an dvr-ms file, as I took it from several machines, all will be out of sync.

It doesn't matter from which hardware an which OS.

I'm sure, I'm using the latest version!

I really want to buy it, but not with sync-problems. :)
Posts: 5
Registered: 22.08.2009
22.08.09 06:03:53
I forgot to tell you, that I'm using default values, I haven't changed ANYTHING

My hardware is a Quadcore with Vista 64 Ultimate an 8GB RAM in Raid1. I don't think, we have a performance-prob :)
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
24.08.09 02:58:44

Please send us one of your dvr-ms files - we'll try to correct the problem. I'll send you FTP details per e-mail.
Thank you
Posts: 5
Registered: 22.08.2009
25.08.09 15:58:16
OK? Where can I send 8GB to?
I've found out someting! It seems as if Files about 500MB are converted perfect. I Don't have file with 1 or 2 GB. I converted 2 fie´les with 8GB and there was en effect when starting the converted video. On both videos from a different Origin the video stcocked the first 2 seconds. It seems as if AVS-Coverter has to buffer to much. Aber this the video runs out of sync!
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
26.08.09 03:00:47

I have posted a reply to your new post concerning this problem on the German forum. Here is the link.

Best regards
Posts: 2
Registered: 29.08.2009
29.08.09 16:31:46

I too have an audio/lip sync issue when converting files. My problem happens when converting MTS files into WMV. In addition, the file also stutters/pauses for no reason?

I have followed your advise shown on previous posts and updated the software using the update manager, but this hasn't fixed either of the problems.

I have attached four example MTS files which if you convert together as one will create a file that shows both the above problems.

Please help!

Thank you.
Attached files:
2833.5 KB
9580.5 KB
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
30.08.09 23:57:20
To: Phils

Unfortunately, the files you have attached cannot be opened. Please could you upload one of them to our FTP server.
I will contact you per e-mail with the instruction.

Best regards
Posts: 2
Registered: 29.08.2009
31.08.09 12:56:06
To: Phils


I've just uploaded the files to your FTP server as instructed in your email.

Thank you
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