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Posts: 9
Registered: 20.10.2009
04.04.10 15:00:05
Have not used Video Editor for a while.
I just opened it up and pressed play to preview
one of my video and nothing played.

The next scene button seemd ok.
Sort of.
The video would not preview
when I try to play.
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
05.04.10 03:40:12
To: simon666


To avoid the problem please try the solution given in this post .

Posts: 1
Registered: 14.04.2010
15.04.10 11:17:15

As a newcomer to AVS4 I am having a share of the kickstart problems. (Day two).
A further complication is that I am a LINUX user and my mailer is here, preventing a dialog while in WinXP.

What I want to do;

I have three Chapters of a video installed and need to create an opening screen containing a Name, followed by 3 "Radio buttons" related to the chapters and returning to the opening screen after playing that chapter.

Without a manual I cannot find a way to accomplish this. I have an understanding(?) that the buttons need to be "Created" before this is done?

Any tips, hints, comments and help would be very welcome.

Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
16.04.10 06:45:17
To: rayed


Unfortunately, it is not possible to create the DVD menu exactly as you described.

I would recommend you to use AVS DVD Authoring software for creating DVD menu and use New Custom Project mode where you will be able to create DVD menu as you wish. Please find the manuals here.

Should you need more assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Posts: 5
Registered: 25.03.2010
05.05.10 02:12:53
after reading all the posts here, i still have the problem and i can define it precisely:

when i open a file in the editor,or i can't see the preview screen (top right) or i can't see the text editor preview screen (i got a black screen). never both of them.
once i open i get the first prob . close open again and get the 2nd prob.

plz, plz, take my problem seriously. i need to present this video at thursday

the soft is licensed
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
05.05.10 06:36:36
To: gabi

Does the problem persist when you use any video file in any project you create or only in one particular project? Please try to place an image file on the main video timeline and inform if the problem remains.
Also try using the solutions offered in this thread: 1) make sure you display color quality is set to 32-bit, the instructions are given in this post 2) try updating drivers for your video and audio cards.

Posts: 5
Registered: 25.03.2010
06.05.10 01:09:02
thx for your reply

the problem is in this file only, and in other files that i save from now, not in the other latesest savings file in this project.

i updated the video drivers, and no change.
..there is 1 change. now i can't see the image files in main window (see the jpg attached).
plz other suggestion, thx
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
06.05.10 04:32:17
To: gabi

Thank you for the information.
Can you still add new image files to media library or they also get invisible?
If possible please try to import another image file to media library and place it on the main video timeline, then add text on the image and specify if you still get preview or text editing window black.
Posts: 1
Registered: 06.05.2010
09.05.10 15:37:53
I can not get the Editor to play or any sound. I have been offered a long list of things to try by VS but THAT is not good enough... Please read my reply..

All i wanted was a simple programme. I dont want to have to rebuild my PC to operate AVS so therefore I will find something that works as it should. If Movie Maker can be made to function without spending a week on trail and error, why cant your programme?
I`m sorry but I you should have these bugs ironed out yourself before you market the product, not expect us to do it for you.
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
13.05.10 01:23:16
I`m sorry but I you should have these bugs ironed out yourself before you market the product, not expect us to do it for you.
We must assure you that the software is tested thoroughly before release, all bugs are eliminated. However, the problem might be connected by specification of a particular file that you have. If you could provide us with this file that would become possible to reproduce the problem and correct it. Otherwise we can hardly offer any solution, as the problem cannot be reproduced on our part. We have sent you the uploading instructions on the support page and thank you in advance for understanding.

Hope to hear from you soon
Posts: 3
Registered: 27.05.2010
27.05.10 02:08:02
Hi Guys,

I'm new to AVS and I've downloaded the latest version of Video Editor on a full licence, I cannot view anything in the preview screen, what's the point of the programme if you can't preview? It's pointless! Can I get my money back? I don't like being sold something that doesn't do what it claims to do!!!

If there's a fix I'd like it now or the whole lot will 'go back to the shop'!

Very disgruntled of London!
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
27.05.10 03:59:17
To: deanfoley

Please try the suggestions offered in post #7745
Inforrm please if the suggestions are helpfull.
Posts: 2
Registered: 28.05.2010
28.05.10 02:13:09
New to AVS as of 2 days ago, at this stage I just have the trial version and was planning to buy the full license, but given the problems with preview I'm reconsidering.

I'm running Windows XP, already at 32-bit colour. First time I used the programme, everything was fine and preview worked. Second time, it would play the sound but just a black screen for video. I shut the programme down and restarted it, and preview worked again. This morning I've opened and closed the programme 3 times and had no luck - still just a black preview with the audio. Ran the software soon after booting up the PC so I don't think that's going to fix anything.

Thought this was a great bit of software initially, now really disappointed at the lack of a proper fix for this problem :(
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
31.05.10 06:37:59
To: cjtrigg

Please specify if you have the black preview if you playback video files from the media library or from the timeline, or from both?
If only the files from the timeline, and you saved them as a project .vep4 file, please attach it here.
Best regards
Posts: 2
Registered: 28.05.2010
01.06.10 01:45:16
To: Nat

I get the black preview from both the media library and the timeline.
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
01.06.10 04:59:11
To: cjtrigg

Please try to place an image file on the main video timeline and inform if the problem remains.
Does the problem persist when you use any video file in any project you create?
Also try updating drivers for your video and audio cards.

Posts: 1
Registered: 09.07.2010
09.07.10 04:54:19
I am new to AVS VIDEO Editor - I created a Video using a mixture of JPG/MOV with Mp3 files - I used the TIMELINE to do this - when I had finished creating the Video I went into STORY BOARD to add Transition effects. The net result of thios is that it NO LONGER recognised MP3 files - ie, they will not play when I preview. I deleted the Mp3 file and attempted to re add it.. systems syas " unsupported file format" - it was an MP3 file which previously worked. Im using the latest version with a FULL license. Any ideas?
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
09.07.10 06:13:57
To: robert.leach@tiscali.co.uk

You have been answered in AVS4YOU Support System.
Please use your e-mail and password to log in and track the answers.
Posts: 1
Registered: 14.07.2010
14.07.10 12:20:06
My version of AVS Editor is 4.2. (Purchased this month on 1st July)
I have two problems:
1) importing an .flv file often fails. There is a kind of freeze-up with the hourglass icon staying on.
I need to tap the ALT & F4 keys. Then a message comes: Programm not responding. Type END NOW option to end the program.
At times the import works. WHY IS THIS PLEASE?

2) Once a video file is imported, the preview does NOT show the whole screen as seen when played on WM or REAL player. What preview window typically shows roughly the top left quarter of the original screen but enlarged to fit the window. When played on the preview window, only this truncated version is played and only this version is edited. This is a serious error. WHAT CAN BE DONE TO FIT THE WHOLE ORIGINAL VERSION INTO THE PREVIEW PLEASE?
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
14.07.10 23:25:13
To: Edsa

To solve the problem please completely uninstall AVS4YOU software from your PC. Instructions below:

1. Go Start> All Programs> AVS4YOU> Uninstall.

2. Go Start> Run... Print regedit in the opened window and click Ok. In the opened Registry Editor window please find and delete all AVS4YOU folders:

3. Go Local Disc (C:) > Program Files > AVS4YOU (delete it)**.
Go Local Disc (C:) > Program Files > Common Files> AVSMedia (delete it)***.
Go Local Disc (C:)>> ProgramData\AVS4YOU (delete it).

Download the latest version of AVS DVD Authoring following this link, try to use it and inform about the result.

Please note if you have Windows 7 64 bit istead of the keys marked by (*) you need to delete:
*HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Wow6432Node > AVS4YOU (delete it)
**Go Local Disc C > Program Files (x86) > AVS4YOU (delete it).
***C>Program Files (x86)\Common Files\AVSMedia (delete it).

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