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Posts: 1
Registered: 27.01.2013
01.02.15 12:23:18
I started using this suite of programs a few years back and at some point in time purchased an unlimited license. Before you do the same, consider whether your definition of unlimited is the same as at AVS. The only conversation I ever had regarding the implied warrantability of software purchased (unlimited) or licensed (annual fee) was with someone at the FTC when I wished in vain it was not an all day affair on my little laptop to try to get a hold of some one at AVS. Anyway, here's my take: The unlimited license at AVS is NOT unlimited. It doesn't survive past the life of your CPU. I have software on my system that I have OWNED for years. The programs usually last as long as they are still supported and some I have meticulously backed up and will use as long as they are compatible with my hardware. It sure beats learning new operating commands and syntax all the time. I installed the AVS suite on a USB 1TB hard drive around three years ago. I used it on a total of three CPU's, never more than one at any particular time. I guess this is a violation of AVS's License, as they do not have the "Single CPU" definition given to me by the FTC. You upgrade your computer and your unlimited license expires. Something at AVS has changed. I admit to never reading license agreements, which makes me just the kind of idiot AVS likes doing business with. Anyway their new registration tracking system won't let me use the software on my new laptop. I don't have an unlimited expectation of being able to use this software in an unlimited way. If you are shopping licenses, and I do read them now, as i am not financially able to repurchase something I thought I owned already, look for the single CPU terminology which allows one computer at a time, not one computer ever. I think this is the creation of some greedy accounting nerd and not a free information computer nerd. Whether or not this practice is as truly cheesy as i think it is, is for you to decide. I wonder when in my lifetime it became a job skill to be vague and deceptive. I missed that class. I really like this software and wish I could continue to use it. I am also truly not able to spend what little I have for a license that has such a variable length of use. I used all of the converters and editors with great success and will say they have acceptable interfaces and aren't difficult to master. The only problem I couldn't solve in 3 years involved getting good audio results out of the video editor. I wished the audio editors interface worked inside the video editor. I now need to find what to do about being stuck with MS Movie Maker.
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
11.02.15 13:25:07
To: pejsar

Dear user,

Thank you for leaving the feedback.

We are really sorry for any inconvenices caused.

You are offered to read EULA before installing AVS4YOU software and then on your PC: Start - All programs - AVS4YOU - EULA.

Please let me know if I can be of any furher assistance to you.

Kind regards
Posts: 1
Registered: 05.05.2015
11.05.15 17:28:00
To: pejsar

I Agree I purchased two licences back on 2008/09 as we had two computers, I must admit I don't use the software heavily but it worked for the small jobs I have done over the years (Editing my kids Birthdays, Family Christmas movies)...

At Christmas we decided to purchase a new computer as the old one was starting to fail, only to find out the licence was not transferable, I am extremely reluctant to purchase a new licence as I now have two active ones that are effectively of no use to me what so ever, and I cant guarantee that I will never be replacing this computer in the not so distant future..

Software that I have purchased from other vendors actually allows me to effectively de-register the licence so that I am able to re-install it on another machine, as I cant do this with AVS am I to understand that I have not actually purchasing a licence at all but just the ability to use the software on one specific computer.

I am dissapointed that the Licencing Agreement is set out so specific that the term Unlimited is actually only for the life of the computer no matter how short that might be...

I think this should be made clearer as like me this was not made apparent until I tried to re-install it..

No matter how good the applications are I cant afford to keep purchasing a new licence every time I change my computer so it looks like I will now need to look for an alternate solution that I will actually own...
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
15.05.15 15:37:50
To: graham.hutchings@gmail.com

Dear user,

Thank you for leaving the feedback.

We are really sorry for any inconvenices caused.

You are offered to read EULA before installing AVS4YOU software and then on your PC: Start - All programs - AVS4YOU - EULA.

Please let me know if I can be of any furher assistance to you.

Kind regards .
Posts: 1
Registered: 31.05.2015
31.05.15 20:27:50
To: Nat
You're reply is inadequate. It does not explain your companies practically unheard-of licensing practice. I have licensed your product on two machines as well. I replaced one machine, so I am now down to one license. When I replace my second machine, I will not be using your software any longer. There are plenty of other options out there. It ill-serves your company or your clients to maintain such an anti-consumer policy. Cheers! Greg Birdsong
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
01.06.15 10:52:29
To: gregbirdsong@gmail.com

Dear Greg Birdsong,

Thank you for the feedback. I will pass it over to the responsible for consideration.

We are really sorry for any inconvenices caused.

Should you have any questions or problems please feel free to contact us.

Kind regards
Posts: 2
Registered: 30.06.2015
30.06.15 04:21:30
Are these responses coming from some robot at AVS? The misleading use of "l.ifetime" is bad enough. the responses here don't even address the issue.

I have the same issue with a laptop dying and support hasn't even responded to my repeated use of the support form and system.

Time for us to spread the word on what AVS licensing is in reality? It's our duty as consumers. - Paul
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
30.06.15 10:14:30
To: pstayert

Dear Paul,

We are sorry for the delay in reply and any inconvenices caused.

You have been assisted in AVS4YOU support system.

Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance to you.

Kind regards
Posts: 2
Registered: 28.11.2009
12.07.15 14:08:35
Nat, I agree with all the above posters, I have been a user of the product for the last 5 years, I just lost my so called misleading "unlimited" license simply because my previous machine failed and I had to buy a new one, please spare me and don't tell me to read the license agreement, because you seem to be hung up on that. I will never buy your product again nor will I recommend it to anyone as I have done in the past, I will buy other programs ( probably better), where I know I own them for as long as I choose and not the other way around. A very dissatisfied ex customer.
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
14.07.15 09:16:27
To: woodsman

Thank you for the feedback.
You have been assisted in AVS4YOU Support System.
We are sorry for any inconveniences caused.
Kind regards
Posts: 2
Registered: 28.11.2009
14.07.15 23:13:31
Update, the issue has been resolved, great work on Nat's part. Thanks Nat*SUPER*
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
15.07.15 09:25:45
To: woodsman

Thank you for the kind feedback.

Should you have any further questions please feel free to contact us.
Posts: 1
Registered: 09.08.2015
09.08.15 23:35:30
To: woodsman

How do you mean 'resolved'?
Did they extend your 'lifetime' licence?
Posts: 98
Registered: 12.07.2011
10.08.15 10:09:05
To: sued

Please be advised that all registration requests are considered individually and privately.
In case you have encountered an issue or have any questions, please contact our Support Team.
Posts: 1
Registered: 08.06.2016
08.06.16 21:27:46
It seems to me that the AVS4You folks need some reminding what the term "Unlimited" means.

I bought AVS4You with the understanding that the product would be Unlimited use. That means I, not you, decide what computers it is installed on. I, not you, not EVER YOU, decide where and how it is installed.

You have been paid. If you want more money from me, step one is to act in an honorable and forthright manner. Offering me a $20 discount on software I've already paid for is not even close to that.

Now, I'm willing to meet you halfway. I don't need, want, or care about audio editing or playback and have never used those features. I've already paid you for an UNLIMITED license for my VIDEO editing software. Unlock it, keep it unlocked, and I'll delete the audio software. It makes a lot more sense for you to offer a la carte true unlimited licenses than for you to try to pretend that the word "unlimited" means something it doesn't.

I've attached a screenclip of the Dictionary.com definition of the word "Unlimited" to help you out. As long as you stay true to that definition, you may continue using that word in your advertisements. Stray outside the definition, and I promise you so help me god you'll be reported to every single consumer reports website on the web. I hope we're clear on that, because I have no intention of repeating myself.

I should not have to swear at your support staff via email before you do the right thing and give me access to my own software.
Attached files:
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
09.06.16 11:27:58
To: DWade

Dear user,

Thank you for the feedback.

You have been assisted in AVS4YOU support system.

Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance to you.

Kind regards
Posts: 2
Registered: 04.10.2016
04.10.16 06:27:06
It's unlimited UPDATES, UPGRADES and new APPLICATIONS. The catch ... unlimited has nothing to do with the transfer the software suite to a new CPU hardware system. It's pretty clear in the EULA. :-D And that's the reason why the UNLIMITED LICENSE is always around $59 for 11 applications ...

True, Adobe products let you move software from system to system (deactivating and reactivating each time) ... but you also paid anywhere from $99 to $1400 for one single application (not a suite of 11). And even Microsoft limits the number of re-installs of its $300 Office Suite ... do it too many times and you get the dreaded "call Microsoft" online activation error. Neither include major release upgrades or any new applications. And neither have to honor transferring the software from the system it was originally licensed and installed on (per their EULA).
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
07.10.16 12:05:39
To: BetaTest

Thank you for the feedback.

AVS4YOU licence agreement cannot be breached.

Thank you for understanding.

Kind regards
Posts: 1
Registered: 17.04.2017
17.04.17 14:49:28
I purshased two copies of the lifetime subscription believing it refered to the software being useful in the purshasers lifetime. The catch that AVS uses is only allowing it to be installed on one computer and never transferable to a new one if you show have to replace or upgrade your computer. You should be aware as in my case an upgrade could consist of having to reinstall Windows, upgrading a hard drive, motherboard or other part of your equipment. If this should every occur and you try to reinstall the software you will get a notice that you must purchase the software again as it sees your equipment upgrade as another installation even though you only have it on one computer.

AVS4you is great software, just beware of the support. I have recommended it to my support customers in the past and may continue to do so if I can't find an alternative. I will however make clearly aware that the purchase of the license is not for a lifetime as generally understood.
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
19.04.17 08:22:03
To: johncheck

Dear user,

Thank you for leaving the feedback.

If you update your PC, change any PC components, OS, hardrive, etc, you can still use your current licence key to activate the software. However if you change your PC, you need additional licence. As our subscriber you can obtain a discount for it.

You have been assisted in AVS4YOU support system.

Kind regards
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