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Posts: 1
Registered: 27.08.2013
28.08.13 01:55:29
The aspect ratio of my project is 16:9. The video that I've imported is 16:9 - 1920x1080 and it looks great. However, I'm having issues with images not displaying cleanly, even at high resolution. Page one of the attachment shows a 1920x1080 image that looks good while in the media library in the preview pane, but when dragged into the timeline (shown on page 2), the quality is lost and it is no longer widescreen. Another example of image issues, page 3 shows where I have a logo that I've tried to insert at low and high resolution, but the image always has jagged edges. Please advise ASAP! Thanks.
Attached files:
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
29.08.13 07:58:19
To: ayanna67@hotmail.com

Dear user,

In answer to your questions:
when dragged into the timeline, it is no longer widescreen

The black margins appear on the file due to the fact that the project aspect ratio is set to 4:3. To change the aspect ratio please click Edit - Aspect ratio - 16:9. Please also make sure the option 'Set the project's aspect ratio according to the first file' is not checked: click Edit button on the top toolbar - choose Settings - General - in Project section unclick the option and close the Settings window.
Be sure to select 16:9 aspect ratio when creating a video file after you finish the project: select the necessary profile from the drop down list or press the Advanced button after selecting the format.

I'm having issues with images not displaying cleanly, even at high resolution.

Actually by default AVS Video Editor creates cache for HD files after importing them, and playback the cached file on the preview, so the editing process may be more convenient. You can change the quality of the video preview both on the timeline and on medialibrary by clicking on the Edit button on the top toolbar - choose Settings - General tab - Preview section: choose "High (Slowest)" in "Quality" drop down box to get the best available quality for the timeline video playback. Please note that processing/editing speed will be lower. If you check the option "Use original format in media library" - you will get the best available quality for the preview from media library.

Please note that preview quality does not influence anyhow the output video quality. To get the output file of high quality please select the input file parameters like frame rate, frame size and bitrate for the output by clicking on the Advanced button after selecting the format. To check the input file parameters right click on the video in media library - choose Properties.

Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance to you.

Kind regards
Posts: 59
Registered: 15.06.2013
21.09.13 19:53:45
Hi Ayanna, where you able to resolve this issue yet? I'm just curious.
Posts: 1
Registered: 05.10.2013
05.10.13 01:57:29
Is there a reason why photos loaded into AVS Video Editor show to be in far less resolution than the actual file?
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
08.10.13 08:52:25
To: zanthal

Dear user,

Actually by default AVS Video Editor creates cache for HD files after importing them, and playback the cached file on the preview, so the editing process may be more convenient. You can change the quality of the video preview both on the timeline and on medialibrary by clicking on the Edit button on the top toolbar - choose Settings - General tab - Preview section: choose "High (Slowest)" in "Quality" drop down box to get the best available quality for the timeline video playback. Please note that processing/editing speed will be lower. If you check the option "Use original format in media library" - you will get the best available quality for the preview from media library.

Please note that preview quality does not influence anyhow the output video quality. To get the output file of high quality please select the input file parameters like frame rate, frame size and bitrate for the output by clicking on the Advanced button after selecting the format. To check the input file parameters right click on the video in media library - choose Properties.

Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance to you.

Kind regards
Posts: 12
Registered: 10.10.2013
30.10.13 10:26:06
I've noticed a lot of people complain about this

sometimes the preview doesn't work at all - and often it freezes momentarily

I've tried all the different settings etc so please don't tell me to re-install etc

I only have a dual core system - would it make a difference if I changed my graphics card? - eg: to a CUDA enabled one?
Posts: 12
Registered: 10.10.2013
30.10.13 10:22:28
I've noticed there is quite a delay before the edit screen appears

Is this the edit "program" loading or is it processing the clip in some way?

either way it's not ideal having to wait so long

are there plans to improve this?
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
31.10.13 11:03:59
To: mickwest1

Dear Mick,

Sorry for the delay in reply.

Please make sure your PC meets the minimal system requirements for AVS Video Editor:

Please see my post above and try to follow the recommendations.

Let me know if I can be of any further assistance to you.

Kind regards
Posts: 12
Registered: 10.10.2013
31.10.13 15:59:18
To: Nat

Hi Nat

Well my PC is Intel core 2 duo at 2.66 ghz with 3 gb of ram - running XP - so should just about be OK(!?)

I notice that you specify slightly slower min processor speed for Windows 7 - would there be an improvement if I changed to Windows 7?

also would it be worth upgrading my graphics card?

(any comments from other users welcome)

although I already keep my PC uncluttered and running well - I ran a PC optimizer program called Wisecare yesterday and the preview seems better now (!?)

(btw I also tried Pinnacle 12 and the preview grinds to a halt as soon as you add an overlay track - AVS definitely better )

regardless of the above - I still think the edit screen could appear a bit quicker - it's my main gripe now as everything else seems quite snappy

ALSO - is there a way I can be notified of messages on this forum?

best regards
Posts: 2
Registered: 04.11.2013
04.11.13 21:47:29
AVS Video Editor Malfunction: Been using AVS Video Editor over 5 years. This problem started two days ago. Cannot make smooth editing trims. Program freezes up. Periodically won't respond when the 'on' button is tapped. Sound is staccato and broken up. Then, after a few moments, everything releases and film moves on until my next edit. Absolutely maddening! The only good thing is that when I view the edited file afterwards, all cuts have been completed successfully.

If I have a bug, can't find. Did a malware sweep - got rid of 30 files. Video Editor still is messed up. Any suggestions? Computer using Windows 7 with more than enough power to handle this and all other AVS files. No problem with other AVS software.
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
06.11.13 08:20:55
To: mickwest1

Dear Mick,

In answer to your questions:
my PC is Intel core 2 duo at 2.66 ghz with 3 gb of ram - running XP - so should just about be OK(!?)

Your PC meets the minimal system requirements.

you specify slightly slower min processor speed for Windows 7

2 Quad Core (not 2 duo as in XP) processor and 3 GB or higher RAM (not 2 as in XP) are requiered for Windows 7, so in general XP uses less system resources than Windows 7 or 8, that is why it is better for you to use Windows XP.

I ran a PC optimizer program yesterday and the preview seems better now

The program might have cleaned some space on your PC, that gave you additional resources to process videos in AVS programs.

I still think the edit screen could appear a bit quicker

If it is possible you can try to use the software on some other more powerfull PC.

Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance to you.

Kind regards
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
06.11.13 08:26:39
To: Lulabelf25

Dear Mick,

Sorry for the delay in reply.

Please make sure your PC meets the minimal system requirements for AVS Video Editor:

To avoid the problem please try to change the quality of the video preview both on the timeline and on medialibrary by clicking on the Edit button on the top toolbar - choose Settings - General tab - Preview section: choose "Low (Fastest)" in "Quality" drop down box to get the best processing speed.
Please also uncheck the option "Use original format in media library" - you will get good processsing speed.

Please note that preview quality does not influence anyhow the output video quality. To get the output file of high quality please select the input file parameters like frame rate, frame size and bitrate for the output by clicking on the Advanced button after selecting the format. To check the input file parameters right click on the video in media library - choose Properties.

Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance to you.

Kind regards
Posts: 2
Registered: 07.11.2013
07.11.13 16:03:49
using gopro footage recorded in 1080 hd 29 frames per sec but when produced in 1080hd 25 frames per sec it starts to be choppy
Posts: 2
Registered: 07.11.2013
08.11.13 01:22:15
any help on editing gopro stuff would be greatly apperciated .thanks
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
08.11.13 07:59:41
To: dmack22@shaw.ca

Dear user,

You need to select 29 frames per second (input file paramenters) for the output to avoid problems with video playback.

Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance to you.

Kind regards
Posts: 1
Registered: 10.05.2014
10.05.14 13:18:42
Hopefully you can help. I am fairly new to creating videos and screen captures. I'm using AVS video editor.
I am trying to create screen captures for a new site of mine. When i click the screen capture set the capture space and record, all is fine.

When i then stop and save, the video plays back fine when i play it back from the media window. The aspect ratio on this is 4:3. That said, i tried 16:9 and the playback on both is fine. As soon as i drag it to the timeline, the video is distorted and i can't make out words on the page. I know the issue is aspect ratio related but i'm struggling to correct.

I have set the aspect ratio in the media view and the timeline to the same thing 4:3. It's better but still a little blurry.

Question. How do i find out what aspect ratio i should be using? For instance, if i capture full screen the issue is exaggerated. Do i need to change the aspect ratio depending on the size of screen i capture? I think so as when i capture a smaller part of the screen, the playback on timeline is fine. Just not sure how to align the size captured with the aspect ratio so that it displays in focus.

Help would be appreciated - feel a little silly as i'm sure this is bread and butter to most:)
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
13.05.14 08:25:20
To: RichZee

Dear user,

The issue is not connected to the aspect ratio of your project. Please select the project aspect ration according to the output file aspect.

Actually AVS Video Editor by default creates cache for HD files after importing them, and playback the cached file on the preview, so the editing process may be more convenient. You can change the quality of the video preview both on the timeline and on medialibrary by clicking on the Edit button on the top toolbar - choose Settings - General tab - Preview section: choose "High (Slowest)" in "Quality" drop down box to get the best available quality for the timeline video playback. Please note that processing/editing speed will be lower. If you check the option "Use original format in media library" - you will get the best available quality for the preview from media library.

Please note that preview quality does not influence anyhow the output video quality. To get the output file of high quality please select the input file parameters like frame rate, frame size and bitrate for the output by clicking on the Advanced button after selecting the format. To check the input file parameters right click on the video in media library - choose Properties.

Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance to you.

Kind regards .
Posts: 1
Registered: 22.07.2016
22.07.16 18:11:46
AVS - Video Editor Preview Area. Video is not centered. I have tried to adjust the aspect ration, reset default settings, etc. It is not my files because it improperly displays the samples too. It shifts them to the upper left of the screen. When I use the next scene button it shows the image/video in the center of the screen. I have also uninstalled then reinstalled the software. Still does it. Any help would be appreciated. Only started doing this a few months ago. Have not had time to work on it.
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
26.07.16 09:18:33
To: joellenmbarton

Dear user,

Please try to change the color quality - right click on your desktop - choose Properties - Settings and change the color quality to 32 or 64 bit - press Ok button.

Then start AVS Video Editor once again and inform about the result.

Thank you for cooperation.

Kind regards
Posts: 1
Registered: 01.10.2016
01.10.16 02:29:46
I have never had any problem with the quality of the output video in video editor when using version 7.1.
So when I recently upgraded to the present version 7.3 I was extremely surprised and annoyed to find the output quality as abysmal.
It is totally pixelated, on every format that I've tried, these were exactly the same files as are used in the previous version which I never had a problem with an always good quality,
surely if this has been updated this is an issue that needs to be sorted, I didn't need to use any special settings on the previous version, and I wish now I never upgraded now to find the programme not usable.
Please advise what is happening?
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