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Posts: 8
Registered: 05.09.2010
07.09.10 09:04:25


I am using AVS video editor 4.2.

I can't get the fade credits I made to roll at the right time.

The black part comes on at the right time, but the ACTUAL WORDS do not. They come on a while after the black part starts. By that time people will have probably stopped watching my video!

I am very confused with that funny line that you can pull down or pull up - the one with the green dot on the top. I am not sure how to use that. It keeps scrolling, when I move to different lines in my credits, and sometimes I have to pull it up or down just to see part of what I wrote in the credits. How do u get this thing to work properly?

On the timeline, I even tried pulling the yellow line, on the left side of where the black fade credits start, over to the right a bit, hoping this would make the words start faster. But it doesn't! What do I do to make the words start as soon as the black part begins??

BTW, I erased all the original words like "directed by" and added all my own words. Maybe this caused some sort of problem?

I tried going to this website, but it didn't help me. It didn't explain how to move that up and down scrolly thing that is on either side of the credits - the scrolly thing with the green dot at the top.


Please help!

Posts: 8
Registered: 05.09.2010
07.09.10 09:38:22
To: scissorhands

ps: I tried using the black screen credits, and i have the exact same problem!
Posts: 8
Registered: 05.09.2010
07.09.10 10:27:19
pps: I wrote....

"On the timeline, I even tried pulling the yellow line, on the left side of where the black fade credits start, over to the right a bit, hoping this would make the words start faster. But it doesn't!"

Well it does, but then they go by too fast because the duration is shorter. And then if i try to fix that by pulling the little vertical yellow line on the timeline of the credits over to the right, I end up with my original problem all over again.

How do I get them to start at the right time and not go too fast??
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Posts: 20
Registered: 01.09.2010
08.09.10 00:58:04
To: scissorhands

This is what is missing in the newest version 5.1 and hence what I have been talking about in my post located here.


What you need to do is click on the square underneath the green circle at the top of the window as shown here.

Then drag this box down to the top of the video window as shown here.

You can also adjust the position of the side text by dragging the side boxes in or out depending on the look you are trying to achieve. In my video I have dragged them in a little bit so that they do not take up all of the left and right hand side space.

You may also have to do this for the bottom of the text box as well depending on how much text you have in your end credits. I have a lot because I have alot to say and I want to support the business and companies that helped me produce my movies including AVS 4 Youas shown :).

Please note. It is not possible to do this in the latest version which is of AVS Video Editor. As the size boxes have been removed and now the text boxes are automatically controlled by the program. I'm hoping that the developers will put this feature back in an updated version very soon. As it is a very important feature of the program.

However there is a work around until a new version with the text box adjustment has been replaced in the program. The work around I have come up with is this.

Install version of AVS Video Editor into its default directory. Once this has been installed.

Install version 4.2 but install this version into a different directory. I just added a 4 to end of the directory name like so.

C:\Program Files (x86)\AVS4YOU\AVSVideoEditor4

My version is installed into the default directory like so.

C:\Program Files (x86)\AVS4YOU\AVSVideoEditor

Please note I am running Windows 7 64bit so that is why you see a (x86) directory. If you are running a 32bit version of Windows your program directory will look like this.

C:\Program Files\

Hope this helps.

If your interested in how my video turned out and in particular the scroll credits at the end of the movie you can see it via this link.


If you have any other questions please let me know and I will help you where I can.

Hoping Vlad will see this post and see what I have been trying to explain all along :).
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
11.09.10 12:54:03
To: scissorhands

Not sure what can cause the problem in version 4.2...
Please note that actuall text should appear within 5 seconds after starting black screen. Which delay do you have?

To: CybaGirl

Thanks for screenshots and for the video. Now I see the problem. I've passed it to our developers and as soon as they offer a solution I will let you know.
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Posts: 20
Registered: 01.09.2010
15.09.10 01:47:49
To: Vlad

Ok thanks Vlad that will be great and I'm looking forward to the update. As it's a pain having to go back and forth between versions at the moment.

I don't suppose you have an estimate as to when we might see the update to include the re-sizing?

Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
18.09.10 05:00:40
To: CybaGirl

Sorry for the late response.

Our developers are considering to return text re-sizing option to the next version of AVS Video Editor. Usually it takes a couple of month before new verison will be released. As soon as there are any news, I will let you know.

Best regards.
Experienced User
Posts: 20
Registered: 01.09.2010
30.12.10 20:02:38
To: Vlad

Hello Vlad,

I noticed that two new versions of AVS Video Editor have been released but sadly neither of them have the text re-sizing option put back into them like version 4.2 has.

Can you please find out when this option is going to be put back into the program?

As it is an option that should never have been removed and is something that is extremely useful and needed.

Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
02.01.11 05:33:19
To: CybaGirl


We have recently released the updated version AVS Video Editor 5.2.,where the bug with Fade Credits (delayed text) has been fixed.

I'm sorry to say that text re-sizing option is not avaliable in the update. We decided to keep fixed text areas in text effects as issues displaying text may arise if user re-sizes text area and set his own. We are sorry if it may be of any inconvenience.

Kind regards.
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