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Posts: 3
Registered: 17.10.2009
17.10.09 09:49:23
To: nadin


I have followed the instructions in post 3688 in a custom project to define a button which will start the video at a particular place on the timeline. I find that I can drag the blue marker and the start time updates on the button properties tab, but if I go to another button and come back again, the time is always reset back to the beginning of the video.

Also when I burn the dvd the buttons always cause the video to start from the beginning, and not from the place I dragged the blue marker to when i was defining the button. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
19.10.09 04:17:19
To: rojahala

We have just checked that function - the blue marker should not reset back to the beginning of the clip when you move between buttons - so that's really strange that changes are not preserved on your part. Maybe you could describe your actions step by step attaching screenshots of the program interface to illustrate the issue and we will try to understand what is wrong.

Also make sure that the latest version of the program is installed on your PC.

Looking forward to hearing from you
Posts: 3
Registered: 17.10.2009
20.10.09 12:54:43
To: nadin

Hi Nadin,

Thanks for the reply. I had the latest version of software already.

I've since tried creating a new project from scratch which is a little less complex than my first attempt (only the main page plus one additional menu page. The additional page has the buttons which link to different parts of the video to play (the video is made of 5 different .avi files). This time it seems to be working ok, so I'm not sure what was wrong the first time.

The first time I will have performed many more actions as I was building my project importing video files and also removing some of them again. I was also learning and getting to grips with the dvd authoring software. Somewhere along the line one of those actions must have caused it to stop working.

If it happens again I will try to keep track of what I was doing at the time and I'll let you know. But for now, it looks like its working fine in the new project I've created.

Posts: 3
Registered: 17.10.2009
20.10.09 15:00:39

I experimented a bit more and I have now managed to fix the original project by removing all the importing video files and then importing them again. After I did this the blue marker is no longer reset to the beginning of the video.
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
20.10.09 22:24:24
To: rojahala

That's good news! :-)
Posts: 1
Registered: 21.04.2010
21.04.10 17:04:15
I want to do a few differen things, and perhaps it is too complicated for this software.

I want a menu page that has 8 buttons on it. One that says "Play All" and plays all 7 videos sequentially in my timeline. I also wantthe 7 remaining buttons tol play each individual button and return to the 8 button screen.

Please help!
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
25.04.10 13:01:36
To: elizabethokeefe


It is possible to create Play All and 7 buttons for 7 videos in AVS DVD Authoring, but unfortunately, they will not play separately returning then to menu screen. If you select to play one of the buttons, the DVD will play from it till the end of the whole DVD.

Posts: 17
Registered: 22.07.2009
20.07.10 01:20:26
This is frustrating...it really shouldn't be this hard.

Followed procedures as described exactly, even un-imported all videos and re-imported one video at a time like some on this thread tried with success. Still I have problems. The procedure I followed was exactly as you presented in the reply post.

I can get the blue marker to show up on the first button at the beginning of the video by following the instructions. Then by continuing to follow the instructions to place the marker for the second button at the beginning of the second video, the blue marker ALWAYS goes back to the beginning of the FIRST video.

ONCE I got it to actually appear somewhere on the timeline where I did not want it. I have no idea how I accomplished this feat of magic....it was some mystical button combination, and I was unable to do it again, nor drag or otherwise place the blue marker anywhere but at the beginning of the FIRST video.

I imagine the intent here is to either be able to drag the blue marker to a new location (which you cant - every time you click on the timeline the gray marker shows up), or place the gray marker at the location where you want the new blue marker for button two to appear. Doesn't work that way.

I've shut the program down, I've re-imported videos, I've checked to make sure I have the latest version (and I do).

I think a patch is in order, if you aren't ready to issue a new version, that allows easier programming of the custom buttons, and also allows you the option to return to menu after a video is played.

I'm frustrated because this software was to be my savior from the torment of Roxio, and I thought I had this thing configured to do exactly what I needed, but now this small hiccup is bugging the crap out of me. Please help.
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
20.07.10 02:54:37
To: chris123

It might be sometimes not very convenient to place the blue marker to the proper position, we are sorry for that, but it functions the following way:
when you highlight one of the buttons on the preview and set its function to Play video (on the right), you will see the blue marker with a red square on top of it.

You can drag the blue marker by clicking on the red square with your mouse (when you place the mouse errow on the red square, you'll see a hand with a pointing finger, that means you can now drag the marker to the position you need).

The moment you start to drag the blue marker through the timeline, the marker does not disappear. The blue marker is being overlayed by the grey preview marker, that shows the location of the video displayed on the preview. So the blue and grey markers are at one and the same position while you are dragging the blue marker, as you need to see on the preview where you drop the blue marker. The blue marker at that moment can not be seen, for it is less in size than the grey preview marker.
But as soon as you drop the marker at the position you need, you can move the grey marker and will be able to see the blue one.

Our developers are working on the feature 'return back to menu after playing the first video', but unfortunately for now we can not tell you when it will be available.

Posts: 17
Registered: 22.07.2009
20.07.10 07:10:15
OK...I got it....sorry for the frustrated tone of my previous post...it was a VERY long night. I did some more-rested trial and error this morning before checking the forum, and it turns out your response was exactly what I discovered this morning.

But what I believe the issue to be is that trying to pick the red square/blue line with the mouse pointer is somewhat difficult. I found myself repeatedly trying to pick it, only to end picking just the gray slider (when the gray slider was someplace else in the timeline, trying to pick the red square brought the gray slider back to that poing, but usually did NOT pick up the blue marker when I dragged it).

Sometimes I'd have to stab at the red square 5 or 6 times before the gray slider seemed to pick it up and drag it along to the correct spot. And it's really hard to tell you've grabbed the red square/blue line because the gray marker obscures completely the red square. The only way to tell you've gotten it, is that it disappears AND the line below the marker is now blue/gray.

Maybe I now tone down my suggestion to say perhaps make the red square/blue line a little easier to pick and drag with the mouse on the next version. Make it a bigger target to stab at with the mouse pointer, and make it a little more visually obvious you are correctly dragging it to the preferred location.

Maybe it's a Windows 7 quirk? I haven't used the software in this detail yet, and I just got Windows 7. Who knows...anyway it seems I've figured it out.

Thanks for the quick reply!

PS- It seems we all can't wait for the "return to menu" option. Hopefully it's soon in the making!
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
20.07.10 23:26:59
To: chris123

Thank you for the information.
Should you have any questions please feel free to contact us.
Posts: 1
Registered: 03.01.2013
03.01.13 06:52:37
How do I add chapters in Custom Project mode? I have tried each and every possible method but I can't seem to figure it out. Please help me,
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
05.01.13 04:05:24
To: ehfaz32

Dear User,

Unfortunately the development of AVS DVD Authoring software has been stoped, it is no longer available on www.avs4you.com and support is no longer provided.

The functionality of the program has been partially moved to AVS Video Editor and AVS Video Converter.

We are sorry for any inconveniences caused.

Thank you for understanding.

Kind regards
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