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Posts: 4
Registered: 28.02.2010
02.03.10 02:40:41
To: scharamella@bigpond.com

Hello Nadin,
I wanted to use the edit software to trim recordings made on a Tivo. To make the recordings accesible to anything, I have to run them through Direct Show Filter to get rid of the Tivo flags & call them Mpeg's.
When I first installed the edit prog, I ran a "Doctor Who" thru it & it worked fine.
I tried another show the next night & that's when I had trouble exporting the movie.

As of tonight, I can't import a new recording into the editor at all. It gets to 89% & hangs up.
There is no error message, it just gets slower as it approaches 89% & then freezes.

A quick question please ?? Is this prog better on XP pro than vista ??

I'll experiment a bit tonight with your suggestions & get back to you ASAP.

thanx again,
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
04.03.10 00:49:39
To: scharamella@bigpond.com

Were the recommendations helpful?

If the program still freezes when importing a particular MPEG file, please send us this file for testing. I will submit the uploading instructions on the support page.

Kind regards
Posts: 1
Registered: 29.04.2012
29.04.12 23:27:39
To: nadin
I just want to say thank you for posting this! you saved me from having to redo an entire school project!
Posts: 914
Registered: 20.05.2010
02.05.12 08:31:45
To: sammybam24

You are always welcome!
Posts: 4
Registered: 08.03.2010
08.03.10 09:04:27
Ok, I have made a 40 min movie with effect and music!

I can NOT save the movie or burn a dvd??? OR SAVE IT TO THE PC.......... it will give me a message that the video editor has stopped working and must close!!

Why is this, is the movie to big!!

I have a brand new Gateway 8g ram 1 terra bite mem quad proccessor......I just bought to start this project!!

Please help me ASAP, I only have a couple more days till I have to return the PC if it cant handle!

Thanks, Danny
Posts: 4
Registered: 08.03.2010
08.03.10 11:03:25
To: loanshark

It will save a small movie file.....why is this????

Please help, I am on a time line!
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
08.03.10 23:22:15
To: loanshark

Please try using the recommendations provided in post #9900 above. If they are not helpful, provide additional information asked for.

We will do our best to offer a solution promptly.

Kind regards
Posts: 6
Registered: 09.03.2010
09.03.10 09:03:02
[How do you do the screen shots???

Ok, so it is giving me the following errors:

An inernal error was encountered (Code65536)

Please contact your service provider

Then, External Exception E06D7363

Then it will do:

A problem occured Video Editor has stopped working

Then it will shut down

The screen on the video editor turns almost white!!

I do not know how to do the requested screen shot, however I do need some help at getting this fixed ASAP.

I am using Windows 7

Gateway 8g, 1 terra bit, and quad processor......this should be plent of PC to do this with!


Posts: 6
Registered: 09.03.2010
09.03.10 09:39:55
To: Danny

I have uninsalled and reinstalled also!

Please help!

Could it be a windows 7 thing??

Posts: 6
Registered: 09.03.2010
09.03.10 09:57:30
To: Danny

Nadin, could it be that I am using the license code from my former lap top??

I have bought a new computer and downloaded AVS video editor onto it, then used the same code you gave me.

Everything works great, but it will do all of the errors I mentioned above only when trying to save to the PC or onto DVD.

I did get it to burn about 8min of the movie, I was able to veiw on my DVD player.

But I cant go through this all the time everytime!

Thanks again,

Posts: 6
Registered: 09.03.2010
09.03.10 12:59:41
To: Danny

I know silly question, but where do I find the task manager???
Posts: 8
Registered: 18.06.2009
09.03.10 15:16:47
To: Danny

You can bring up the task manager by pressing the Ctrl, Alt, & Del keys at the same time.

Posts: 6
Registered: 09.03.2010
09.03.10 16:18:48
To: davecooper@optonline.net

Thanks Dave!!
Posts: 8
Registered: 18.06.2009
09.03.10 19:57:52
To: Danny

Danny, I recall having the same issue about a year ago with a 1hr video. I believe what I had to do was save it as an mpeg file, then use use Video ReMaker to import the Mpeg files, then create the DVD that way.

I'm currently in the process of creating a 1.5hr video. I was hoping to be completed tonight but I'm having major issues with the credits so probably tomorrow after I figure out how to rig it to work. I'll let you know if I encounter similar issues as your DVD creation and need to come up with a workaround solution again.

AVS is a really good video creation solution -- although it does carry many, many serious quirks as you're witnessing. It's not your PC that's for sure.

Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
10.03.10 00:58:12
To: Danny

I will contact you on the support page with some further instructions.

Posts: 6
Registered: 09.03.2010
10.03.10 10:41:41
To: davecooper@optonline.net

I must say a big thank you to Dave and Nardia....Dave please keep me updated!!

I still have not solved the problem, and will be working on it tonight!

I will let you know if the problem gets solved......I sure hope so!!

I lost my 40 min movie last night after 40+ hrs of work!!

So this problem needs to get fixed ASAP!

Yes I am very frustrated!

Posts: 8
Registered: 18.06.2009
10.03.10 12:32:08
To: Danny


That really stinks you lost your project. Hope you can rebuild quickly.

I was able to successfully build and burn a 1.5 hr DVD using Video Editor last night. I'd like you try a couple things then attempt yours again...

1. Go to your program groups, and under AVS4YOU, select the AVS Update Manager, then select Check for Updates. If you have an older software version this will update you to the most current. I hope this in itself corrects the problem you're experiencing.

2. Once complete, whether you had updates or not, save & close any open files on your PC, then restart your PC to clear it's brains.

3. After the reboot, go directly to the AVS Video Editor and select the "Save Movie" button and select the options appropriate for your save. Don't have any other programs open or running while this is going on because it is memory intensive. Go watch TV or something :)

4. Uncheck the "preview" box while the DVD files are being generated. I've found this feature sometimes to be problematic to a save, probably memory related.

Lemme know how you make out -- crossing fingers for ya...

Posts: 4
Registered: 08.03.2010
10.03.10 14:30:22
To: davecooper

Dave, thank you so much....it great to hear that 1.5hr movie can be made and burn to DVD.....I am stoked for you!

I will print what you said in above post and work on it tonight!!

I will let you know my outcome tomorrow!!

Thanks for having your fingers crossed for me....hope it works!!

I will update ya tomorrow!

Posts: 8
Registered: 18.06.2009
12.03.10 08:26:41
To: loanshark

How'd you make out with that Danny?

Posts: 4
Registered: 08.03.2010
08.03.10 12:07:28
So if I go to the conversion mode so I can burn a dvd, it will work fine with small files, however I have a 40 min movie with effects, music and video I want to bump off on to dvd and it will not let me.

It says the video editor has stopped working, I have tryied for hours!!

Please help!

See my posts will not save to computer and will not burn dvd.

Thanks so much,

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