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Posts: 6
Registered: 04.08.2009
15.08.09 06:36:58
To: nadin

Please ignore my last email - the codec was not yet installed correctly. After complete installation of codec the problem was solved! Thank you for your help - you guys (ladies) rock!!! Sorry to tell you though, now I'm going to start experimenting with the AVS editing software, so I'm sure I'll be back here with more stupid problems :-))))) (Just call that job security)
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
16.08.09 22:59:20
To: healthydog

You are most welcome! Please feel free to contact us in case you have further problems/questions. ;-)
Posts: 1
Registered: 18.08.2009
16.08.09 23:00:20
The Video Converter and media player are not recognizing the MOV video format. I get an error message stating "File Format Error". I can play the video on the digital camera the video was shot on and it will play in the Quicktime player. I have removed the Video Converter program and re-installed it with the same results. A sample of the MOV file is attached.
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8781.01 KB
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
19.08.09 00:58:37
To: BigDogYL

You will be contacted on the support page with the appropriate instruction.

Best regards
Posts: 1
Registered: 25.09.2009
19.08.09 00:59:37
I am trying to convert some WMV videos to a format which can be played on my daughter's Nano. I do not believe that the files are protected and I am a registered/licensed owner of AVS Video Converter 6.3 but when I try to add any of the files I get the same "file format error" with no further explanation. I am unable to upload any of the files here due to their size but if you provide me with a place to upload them I would love to see if you can have a look. I can easily play them directly in WIndows Media Player and have not had any other issues with them. Please let me know if you need further information. Thanks in advance, Ben
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
27.09.09 23:17:53
I am unable to upload any of the files here due to their size but if you provide me with a place to upload them I would love to see if you can have a look.
I'll send you the instruction on the support page. We'll do our best to take a look at your file asap.

Best regards
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
12.10.09 01:46:04
To: alanharper@iinet.net.au

Your post has been moved. Please follow this link.
Posts: 1
Registered: 15.01.2010
15.01.10 00:45:41
Reading this forum shows me that videoconverter6 is a program full of bugs. For me it was impossible to convert mkv-files. "The specified file contains no video data". OK after transmitting the file and waiting around one week they sent me a file that made the program work with my kind of mkv-files.

Kaj Larsson
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
15.01.10 01:46:26
To: kaj.larsson

Your post has been edited as refund issues cannot not be discussed on the forum and advertising is not allowed according to the forum rules.

That was the problem with particular mkv file and not with mkv format at all. We fixed the problem and made all on our part so the program could work for you.
Posts: 1
Registered: 27.04.2010
27.04.10 23:00:55
I having a problem with my avs4you converter 6.4.
I was trying to convert my movie from RMVB format to DVD format, but I don't know why can't convert and can't put my movie to the converter. its always pop up a error message that said "File does not exist", I don't have any problem with this before, but today i tried to convert a movie to DVD, its start to pop up this error message. I hope you can help me*SOS*:-(
Attached files:
37.57 KB
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
28.04.10 08:33:39
To: lazygrl513


As far as I can see in your screenshot, the file input directory is not recognized by our software (F:\?????). Please rename the folder which is displayed as ???? with english characters.

Best regards.
Posts: 4
Registered: 29.04.2010
30.04.10 00:06:18

I downloaded a paid version of AVS4 yesterday and tried to convert AVI to WMV but got the "File Error" message.

From previous post answers - I am going to try the following when I get home:

1. Ensure latest version of AVS4
2. Make sure no "." after AVI
3. Ensure no characters in file name

I would also like to send a file to your FTP site - can you please send me detail on how to do this?

Are there any other solutions apart from above I have missed?


Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
30.04.10 01:24:45
To: heather1571@hotmail.com


I would be helpfull if you attached a screenshot of the error message.

Posts: 4
Registered: 29.04.2010
30.04.10 03:26:11
To: Vlad

HI Vlad,

Screenshot attached.

Attached files:
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
30.04.10 04:19:21
To: heather1571@hotmail.com

Sorry, but the attachment has not gone through. Please use the instructions below to make a screenshot:

- press PrtScn to copy the screenshot to the clipboard

- open a graphics editing program (e.g. Microsoft Paint, select Start\Run..., enter 'mspaint' and press OK to start it)

- press Ctrl+V to paste the screenshot from the clipboard

- save the image in PNG format

- attach the image file to your message
Posts: 4
Registered: 29.04.2010
30.04.10 04:29:48
To: Vlad

Hi Vlad,

Sorry, here it is...

Attached files:
Posts: 4
Registered: 29.04.2010
02.05.10 20:31:38
To: heather1571@hotmail.com


Was wondering if there had been any progress with my problem.

Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
04.05.10 00:56:55
To: heather1571@hotmail.com

Dear Heather,

Thank you for the screenshot provided and sorry for the delay. As far as I can see the file name and path is correct. Do you get this error opening only this certain file in AVS Video Convert or several files? Also, please run Repair from menu Start>All Programs>AVS4YOU, all files excepting AVSMobileDevice2ActiveSync.dll should be loaded successfully. If it is not, please specify what files were not loaded, attach a screenshot.

Posts: 1
Registered: 13.06.2011
13.06.11 10:14:08
I recorded a 1.5GB .mov video on my Drift HD 170 video camera that gives me the "File Format Error" message when I try to import it into the video editor. Other media programs (i.e. windows media player or quicktime player) return a "unrecognized or not understood" type of error.

I've had 90%+ success rate with the camera in providing good useable files on the internal SD card. One file that other media programs couldn't open did open in AVS4YOU, but just wouldn't play the last 10% of the file and failed to produce/convert into an avi or any other format. I was able to cut the end of the file off in the video editor and all was then good - it played and converted just fine.

So, given that I have ~1.5 GB of video data, is there anyway I can fix the header or extract the video data from the file to get a useable video for any part of it? It was about 30 minutes of recording time and if I can get 10-15 minutes out of it it would be a good success and recovery!

Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
16.06.11 08:58:53
To: invisiblewaverider

First of all please make sure that you have the latest version of AVS programs which are avaliable on ww.avs4you.com website.

As far as I understand the file can be opened in AVS Video Converter, but cannot be converted fully. Is it so?

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