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Posts: 9
Registered: 16.08.2012
16.04.13 00:07:43
I was just wondering if there could be a way to add a few things:

-Ability to add video effects on the Overlay Video Line, instead of JUST on the Main Video line

-Video/Image Transitions; although there are alot of transitions, I think some of the most cool transitions are not available. I do alot of HQ image editing for people and for my Facebook Fanpage. It would be so cool if AVS could add the ability to do a slider project, (a built in creator that allows for cool image transitioning effects specifically for images). Maybe some stuff like where a bunch of images slide across the screen while a photo sits in the background as the images flow across. Maybe add "Box Fold" Or Checkerboard" effect like Adobe Premiere has. **Just a thought** Here is a link to an example of what would be cool to add: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151330313485892&set=vb.401540989858324&type=2&theater

-Lighting Effects: Like the Gradient Flare, spotlight effect etc

-More Filters: The ability to add different coloring effects like an HD Filter option; a "Tint Filter" "Film Grain"; "Orton-ish" etc.

These are all thoughts and great ideas. The transition effects are cool that AVS already has, but I think some of the best transitions are not available in the program
Posts: 9
Registered: 16.08.2012
16.04.13 00:11:36
To: TWV1978
If the url above does not work, just copy and paste it your browser to view the video.
Posts: 9
Registered: 16.08.2012
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
17.04.13 07:53:43
To: TWV1978

Dear user,

Thank you for the link with the video and the detailed description of the features needed, we are sure to pass them over to our developers.

Please let me knwo if I can be of any further assistance to you.

Kind regards
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