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Posts: 1
Registered: 16.11.2010
16.11.10 07:55:29
It would be great to be able to select multiple frames/clips in the timeline to be able to apply the same features instead of having to do them one by one. That's not too bad if you have just a few clips but if you have many that, say you want speed up, it would save a great deal of time.

Also, mentioning speed, it would be useful to be able to prss a number to select the speed rather than having to use the slider or arrow buttons to alter?!
Posts: 31
Registered: 17.10.2010
17.11.10 16:46:04
I've made a similar suggestion - being able to select more than one item in the storyboard and be able to apply an action from the context menu to each. Time savers are good.
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
19.11.10 03:55:00
To: janus

To: LauraEss

Thanks for your suggestions. I agree that this ability would be useful. Be sure it will be forwarded to our developers.
Posts: 59
Registered: 15.06.2013
06.07.13 13:46:38
Sorry about digging up this old post. But i would really like to have this about selecting multiple frames. I understand that this is up to the developers but I'm just trying to revive this.
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
08.07.13 07:13:53
To: doncht

Thank you for the suggetion.

I will surely pass it over to our developers.

Kind regards
Posts: 12
Registered: 10.10.2013
17.10.13 11:13:56
To: Vlad

yet more important stuff still not implemented -

also there's no way to select all clips - which would then allow you (eg) to unselect just the one you want to keep and save that as a project that could be merged into another

would be even better if you could just save a clip to the media pane for future use

I really want to use AVS because ALL the other editors I've tried are really awkward to use

AVS has the best and most usable interface - but I can't use it with it's current limitations

Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
17.10.13 11:23:05
To: mickwest1

Dear Mick,

The option is at the consideration in our development team.

We will inform as soon as it is available.

Thank you for cooperation.

Kind regards
Posts: 2
Registered: 09.11.2013
11.11.13 01:53:24
So I'm doing a stop action with hundreds of frames, all of which will have the same duration, I have to go in and change to each one individually? I can't believe it.
Posts: 2
Registered: 09.11.2013
11.11.13 01:53:56
So I'm doing a stop action with hundreds of frames, all of which will have the same duration, I have to go in and change each one individually? I can't believe it.
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
13.11.13 09:50:42
To: Garnet

Dear user,

Do you use the Freeze frame option?

It is possible to set the default duration for all the transitions and image files used in the project: click on the Edit button on the top toolbar - choose Settings - Edit tab and select the Default Duration for images and transitions.

Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance to you.

Kind regards
Posts: 2
Registered: 23.12.2015
07.02.16 02:14:55
To: Nat

<<17.10.13 11:23:05
The option is at the consideration in our development team.

We will inform as soon as it is available. >>

we have 2016 now.... I am so very disappointed by this... I thought this video editor is a great tool but now I have to make little clips in windows live movie maker which I export as videos and then I import them into the AVS library ... instead of doing it all in the AVS editor. Only because I want to set duration and transitions in several items at a time.

It is VERY VERY disappointing for that money we had to pay.
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
08.02.16 07:40:53
To: 1adt1

Dear user,

Thank you for the feedback.

I will pass them over to our developers team.

We are sorry for the inconveniences caused.

Kind regards
Posts: 5
Registered: 14.02.2017
14.02.17 21:40:17
To: Nat

You are kidding. Right?
In that case is no change since YEARS. Every stupid program can multiple selection, only this soooo much usable program is without.
try to make a timelapse clip with 1000 frames and try differend frame length. have a lot of fun.
Posts: 73
Registered: 15.02.2013
17.02.17 10:09:54
To: StefanDubai

Hello, the inclusion of multiple selection in the time line will result in a bunch of technical problems and new bugs, and it will take a long time to solve them and to consider realization in GUI. We will try to find a solution at least in a restricted mode.

Best regards
Posts: 5
Registered: 14.02.2017
17.02.17 11:30:34
To: Tess
Hello, i am a software developer since more than 20 years. I know that there are some problems to solve in case of multiple selections.
Lets say, we start with selection of a range. Not with single clip/frame pics. Means there is one defined start clip/frame and a end clip/frame. All between are selected too.
Maybe i think too easy, however, it is the same as a user selects one frame, make some changes, select the next one and change someting again. The only difference is, that the program selects the first fame, then the next, and next, and ... until the last frame.

Show a progressbar while the changing is in progress, disallow or ignore other actions a this time.

If you need someone for testing, for ideas with occurring problems? Tell me, i will help you. (for free)
You have a debug version, which generates detailed error reports?

The program is very good compared to lots of other programs which costs a lot but working never really stable.
Posts: 256
Registered: 08.09.2009
17.02.17 12:15:21
To: StefanDubai

We will try to find an acceptable solution, but a little later. Because now our team is busy with some other important tasks.

Thanks for the advice.
Posts: 5
Registered: 14.02.2017
17.02.17 13:18:02
To: RomanN

Hello Roman, i did'nt expect an answer from one of the devs. Thanks.

I had an bit deeper look into the program. It seems it comes in two packages. One makes the hard job in the background. I guess its written in .NET. However, the frontend looks more like Delphi. If that is the case, need i only the source code and i can do it.

Thanks for the advice.

You're welcome.
Posts: 256
Registered: 08.09.2009
20.02.17 07:56:35
One makes the hard job in the background. I guess its written in .NET.


However, the frontend looks more like Delphi.

No, but similar.
Posts: 1
Registered: 07.04.2020
07.04.20 15:32:30
This thread has been running for 10 years and still there is no multiple selection feature available. Avid, iMovie and Premerie had this back in 2002. Sorry to be harsh...I understand programming may be difficult...sounds like yall made a critical error in your code early on and would have to re-write a substantial chunk to get this very elementary feature installed. You really cant consider AVS4You a serious editing software without basic features like multiple select...as so many of your customers have written above. It's fundamental working in any software tool...crtl-select, shift-select is up there with undo and copy/paste.

I have imported a 20 minute 16mm short-film reel. All the scenes shot out of order...as you do in TV/film production. I have synced-up the audio to all the clap-sticks from a separate audio file. Everything looks beautiful. Next step is to simply move the clips around in the timeline to get them in proper order, but because I cant select the audio clip that is married to the video clip the timeline quickly becomes a mess as I try to move things to their proper locations.

I have almost a week invested into this project but I'm going to switch to a different software over this issue and start over. I know I will need multiple-select for many more editting tasks ahead. It's just not worth forging ahead with one arm tied behind my back. Like others I have enjoyed many other things about the AVS interface and was enjoying the experience until I hit this brick wall.

Time to put your big boy pants on AVS.
Posts: 197
Registered: 27.02.2019
09.04.20 09:38:03
To: Wilson42

Dear user,

We apologize for the inconveniences caused!

Unfortunately, at the moment this feature is still unavailable. We will forward your feedback to our developers.

Best regards
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