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Posts: 76
Registered: 23.07.2009
30.06.10 17:58:37
This is my first attempt to burn a disc using AVS Video Editor. And I need some help. After the conversion was completed
I clicked on the Burn disc button and got the message that I need to insert a disc. But I had already placed the new disc in the tray even before
I started the conversion. So I tried to redo the process by trying to open the tray BUT IS NOW STUCK, can't open it. Tried pressing the Refresh
button but doesn't work either. So I had no choice but to press the Close button. I got out of the screen (pls. don't ask for a screenshot - it's gone!)
but my tray is still stuck. I'll get this ' unstuck' by unplugging the computer. DID I LOSE THE COMPLETED CONVERSION FILE? I looked all over
and could not find it. This was the directory when I tried to burn it - C:\......AVS4You\AVSVideoEditor\Output\Untitled\Disc1
Posts: 76
Registered: 23.07.2009
30.06.10 18:10:20
To: groovy3130

Also is there a need to convert to a different format the just converted movie file? If so, to what - MP4, AVI, ??
Posts: 76
Registered: 23.07.2009
30.06.10 18:48:47
To: groovy3130

Got lucky and found the BEEF eventually .... AUDIO TS folder is empty VIDEO TS folder had contents. How do I bring these files in to burn to DVD disc?
Why is the AUDIO TS empty? The file has audio and video - they are video clips - not a silent movie.
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
01.07.10 03:03:27
To: groovy3130

Why is the AUDIO TS empty? The file has audio and video - they are video clips - not a silent movie.

Usually AUDIO_TS folder is empty (the files will be there only in case it is a DVD Audio disc and, instead of VIDEO_TS.IFO, VIDEO_TS.BUP, VTS_01_1.VOB and so on there will be AUDIO_TS.IFO, AUDIO_TS.BUP, AUDIO_PP.IFO, ATS_01_1.AOB and so on).
The VIDEO_TS folder contains files with BUP, VOB and IFO extension.

AUDIO TS folder is empty VIDEO TS folder had contents. How do I bring these files in to burn to DVD disc?

To burn the created video please right click on the VIDEO_TS folder - choose Send to - AVS Video Burner.

I clicked on the Burn disc button and got the message that I need to insert a disc.

We recommend you to use a new disk of well known manufacture. If the problem remains please send us the .log files that contain the decription of the burning process and may help us to resolve the issue.
They can be found in the following directory:
for Vista - C:\Users\[User]\AppData\Roaming\AVS4YOU\AVSVideoBurner\logs
for XP - C:\Documents and Settings\[User]\Application Data\AVS4YOU\AVSVideoBurner\logs\

Please zip them and attach here.

Thank you
Posts: 76
Registered: 23.07.2009
02.07.10 17:33:22

I did the right click on the file and Send to AVS Video Burner. 'No Disc' message. Then I ran the AVS Disc Creator and brought in
the files - same result 'No Disc' message. It looks like the software is NOT recognizing the disc/disc drive. And I am already
using a well known brand in MEMOREX.

P.S. I have used this same disc drive creating audio cd's (using Roxio) with no problem.
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Posts: 76
Registered: 23.07.2009
02.07.10 17:42:50

I missed the other log .... here it is
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Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
05.07.10 03:31:32
To: groovy3130

Thank you for the information and the .log files, the fact is you have the previous version of the program.

To solve the problem please completely uninstall AVS4YOU software from your PC. Instructions below:

1. Go Start> All Programs> AVS4YOU> Uninstall.

2. Go Start> Run... Print regedit in the opened window and click Ok. In the opened Registry Editor window please find and delete all AVS4YOU folders:

3. Go Local Disc (C:) > Program Files > AVS4YOU (delete it)**.
Go Local Disc (C:) > Program Files > Common Files> AVSMedia (delete it)***.
Go Local Disc (C:)>> ProgramData\AVS4YOU (delete it).

Download the latest version of AVS4YOU software following this link, try to use it and inform about the result.

Please note if you have Windows 7 64 bit istead of the keys marked by (*) you need to delete:
*HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Wow6432Node > AVS4YOU (delete it)
**Go Local Disc C > Program Files (x86) > AVS4YOU (delete it).
***C>Program Files (x86)\Common Files\AVSMedia (delete it).

If the problem appears please send us the .log files once again.

Posts: 76
Registered: 23.07.2009
05.07.10 10:59:42
To: Nat

I just finished #1 - Uninstall. When I try to do #2 (Start > Run) I typed 'AVS Video Editor' for program name. .... I got this message (screenshot).
Well, the program was just Uninstalled so it could not be found. I am just following the instructions to the letter ..... can't proceed.
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Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
05.07.10 23:56:58
To: groovy3130

You need to type in 'regedit' in Start - Run.
And delete AVS4YOU folders in

Posts: 76
Registered: 23.07.2009
06.07.10 11:40:50
To: Nat

Done with steps 1 & 2. But hit another bump in step #3. I can only delete AVSMedia. In C:, I don't have a file 'Program Data or ProgramData'.
When trying to delete Program Files>AVS4YOU - got this message (screenshot). Nothing else is running, I have 59.2GB free in disk space.
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Posts: 76
Registered: 23.07.2009
06.07.10 15:29:01
To get the latest version of ANY AVS SOFTWARE, I am wondering if you have to go through this step by step process before
downloading the latest version? Because the prelim process itself is another issue you have to put up with, as is happening to me now.
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
08.07.10 04:28:39
To: groovy3130

When trying to delete Program Files>AVS4YOU - got this message (screenshot).

Specify please if the problem remains after you restart your computer.
If it does try to use some other file manager (not Windows Explorer) to open the mentioned folder and delete it.

I am wondering if you have to go through this step by step process before
downloading the latest version?

You do not need to delete all AVS4YOU programs before downloading and installing the latest versions of any of AVS4YOU software.
The procedure of uninstall is necessary to avoid the problem with 'No Disc' message.

Posts: 76
Registered: 23.07.2009
08.07.10 15:38:35
To: Nat

I successfully deleted the AVS4YOU folder and used the 'ALL AVS4YOU SOFTWARE ONE PKG INSTALLATION' . So I guess I have the new
version of the AVS world. Summary of DVD burning:

1. Used right clicking the VIDEO_TS folder, Send to Video Burner .... Same problem 'No Disc' (screenshot AVSNodisc.)

2. Got some daylight using AVS Disc Creator, dragged the file Disc#1 to the area on right side but it did not stick or register. I used the
option to 'drag' because the other option 'Add' is in GRAY (Don't know why). Can't see this in screenshot - cut off. Refer to
(sreenshot AVSdrag).

3. I proceeded, anyway, to Start Burning ..... and got the message (screenshot AVSburn).

What is my next option? I am getting to the point of frustration and thinking of investing in another company's software. My project is overdue
and all I do is take screenshots.
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Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
09.07.10 00:27:47
To: groovy3130

Please download the latest version of AVS Disk Creator following the link below and install it (according to the screenhot you have the previous version of the program installed):

I used the option to 'drag' because the other option 'Add' is in GRAY (Don't know why).

The 'Add' button is not active because you have chosen the option 'Burn Disk Image to DVD' and trying to burn DVD video.
To burn DVD video please press 'Video & Photo' and press the 'Burn DVD-Video Files'

Same problem 'No Disc'

After installing the latest version try to use AVS Disk Creator once again and if the error appears again please send us the new .log files.
The instructions on how to get the .log files please find in post#11273

Thanks a lot for cooperation.

Posts: 76
Registered: 23.07.2009
09.07.10 09:48:30
To: Nat

I will reinstall the AVSDisc Creator although this is in the list of the softwares when I did the wholesale installation with 'ALL AVS4YOU SOFTWARE ' PACKAGE.
Posts: 76
Registered: 23.07.2009
09.07.10 11:55:36

I am reporting that I finally got over the hump. I successfully burned 2 one-hour discs to complete my project. Since this was
my first attempt at Video Editing, I just performed the basic functions of which I am quite satisfied. And I thank you for your
help. I have found other issues with the Video Editing software which I am not too concerned at this time because I was
able to do some work-around solutions. I may mention some - I put together video clips and sometimes when I OPEN files to
do editing, I will be missing a clip, or an image (screenshot AVSNofile). At other times I lose the sequence of a video clip such as
if it was on sequence #5 when it was saved, it shows up in sequence #11 when I open the file.

Thanks again for your help and the early reply to get my project done. I will be doing a little more advanced stuff.
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Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
12.07.10 03:13:53
To: groovy3130

I put together video clips and sometimes when I OPEN files to do editing, I will be missing a clip, or an image

The error message you get appears due to the fact that you replaced (deleted) the video or image on your computer, as AVS Video Editor project does not consists of the files themselves, but of the links to those files on your PC.

I lose the sequence of a video clip such as if it was on sequence #5 when it was saved, it shows up in sequence #11 when I open the file.

Do you lose the sequence of a video clip after you save it as a video file or a project file?
Please send us your .ver4 project file where the sequence of video clips is changed.

Posts: 76
Registered: 23.07.2009
12.07.10 13:01:34
To: Nat

Re: Lost Sequencing -

I usually save the file as a Project File, not knowing the difference between project and video file.
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
13.07.10 02:27:58
To: groovy3130

Please send us the project .ver4 file (place it to a zip archive and attach it to your next message), where the sequence of video clips is lost.

Thank you for your help.

Posts: 76
Registered: 23.07.2009
13.07.10 09:22:12
To: Nat

The current .ver file I have now is result of the work-around already, all put back in place and now burned in disc. I don't
remember which clip and where it was before. Because this happened not just once, but several times when I was fixing
the audio volume of the project. I will give you the info if and when I do this again and the sequence is again misplaced.

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