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Posts: 87
Registered: 06.05.2008
10.11.09 00:49:22
it encodes with the wrong audio many times, or doesn't encode the whole movie

The problem may be in the audio track.
Do you get that error while converting with all audio tracks available in "advanced" menu?
Posts: 1
Registered: 13.11.2009
13.11.09 08:04:14
hallo, i'm new and not so well practise. i've a western digital hd player that read avchd file but not iso of blu ray. whit bd ' Wall-e ' (pixar), there is not the largest file that contents all the film, but more and more file.what i can do to get only one file m2ts ? excuse for my english.
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
16.11.09 03:33:15
To: dank

Do you mean your player does not read Blu-ray structure, but recognizes separate m2ts files?

what i can do to get only one file m2ts ?
You can merge multiple m2ts files into one file using AVS Video ReMaker.

Posts: 15
Registered: 16.12.2009
16.12.09 21:21:20
I'm having an issue where index.bdmv files will not read properly and I receive the errors

"File Format Error" & "Access Violation at address 088716F0 in module avsblurayfile3.dll. Read of address 00000000"

I get the first error with the Bluray of the movie Fight Club and the second error with the movie Away We Go.

I have tried reinstalling the program and running the repair file and nothing seems to work.

I can read .m2ts files just fine and they work.

Any fix for this issue would be awesome, as I really like this software.
Posts: 15
Registered: 16.12.2009
16.12.09 21:25:41
Oh and just to note I am using anyDVD HD to remove copy protection and I can copy and play files from the disk perfectly.
Posts: 15
Registered: 16.12.2009
17.12.09 05:24:31
Well, now after the index.bdmv error, there also seems to be a crash after a large files gets converted to around 3gb...The bluray format seems to have many issues and not function properly....
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
17.12.09 05:26:44
To: thesmack420


To solve the problem please download and save the attached AVSBluRayFile3.dll in the directory C:\Program Files\Common Files\AVSMedia\ActiveX replacing the old one. Then run repair from menu Start>All Programs<AVS4YOU. After that try to open index.bdmv file in AVS Video Converter again. Please inform us if the solution has helped.

Best regards.
Attached files:
Posts: 15
Registered: 16.12.2009
17.12.09 05:39:20
To: Vlad

Fantastic! That totally fixed the issue! Thank you so much!

I'll try converting the file again and see if it crashes at 3gb...or does that have a separate fix?
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
17.12.09 05:58:00
To: thesmack420

Great news! We glad that the first problem has been solved.

Crash also should not occur using this dll. However, please infrom us about the results.
Posts: 15
Registered: 16.12.2009
17.12.09 06:10:32
To: Vlad

I will let you know how I make out with the crash issue, thanks again for the great support, I will recommend this software company for sure.

Also to mention, I sent in a support ticket which you may close as that index issue is fixed.
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
17.12.09 06:14:47
To: thesmack420

*OK* We are waiting for your results.
Posts: 15
Registered: 16.12.2009
17.12.09 07:40:01
To: Vlad

The same crash issue has occurred with the new .dll file.

The converter runs until it gets the converted file to 3.0gb and then windows reports that the program has stopped working and must be shut down.

While I was searching the forum for the fix for the index.bdmv, I believe I found a post with similar problems.
Posts: 15
Registered: 16.12.2009
17.12.09 07:49:41
To: Vlad

Here is the post that has the similar issue. It looks like someone found a fix, they just didn't post it publicly.

Link - http://forum.avs4you.com/posts.aspx?lng=ENG&t=1500
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
17.12.09 08:22:26
To: thesmack420

To: Vlad

Here is the post that has the similar issue. It looks like someone found a fix, they just didn't post it publicly.

Link - http://forum.avs4you.com/posts.aspx?lng=ENG&t=1500

I would say problem you faced is different from this post as that problem occurred with files of other format - not blu-ray.

Please provide some additional information about:

- specify your PC configuration (Operating System, CPU, Ram)?

- specify to what format you convert your Blu-ray movie and what output settings you select;

- inform us whether you get this crash converting only the one certain movie or other blu-ray movies too.
Posts: 15
Registered: 16.12.2009
17.12.09 08:33:09
To: Vlad

It does list bluray as an issue. The bluray file format is .m2ts which the user says crashed the program at over 3.0gb, like my issue.

My PC is an

AMD Phenom II X4 @ 3.2ghz

8gb RAM

Windows 7

ATI Radeon 4890 1gb graphics

My conversion format is WMV advanced profile and I have attached my output settings.

I have the crash issue on 3 different bluray movies (.m2ts files) all at the 3.0gb mark.
Attached files:
Posts: 15
Registered: 16.12.2009
17.12.09 08:42:19
To: thesmack420

Also, the user in the post is even using WMV advanced profile...it really looks like our issues are the same.
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
17.12.09 08:46:26
To: thesmack420

As far as I can see, those files were not from bluray disc, they were from Hauppage PVR and smth like that. In any case thank you for drawing our attention to similar problem.

I've just forwarded all the information from you to our developers. As soon as they offer a solution I'll let you now promptly.

Posts: 15
Registered: 16.12.2009
17.12.09 08:49:28
To: Vlad

I see...well, maybe the format itself has issues with WMV conversion.

Is there anyway that I can try the same fix that the user tried in that post just to see if it fixes my slightly similar issue?

Thanks for your help.
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
18.12.09 06:53:17
To: thesmack420

We apologize for the delay.

Unfortunately, we cannot offer you similar solution as that user had. We don''t know the exact reason of the problem you faced and probably it's different.

Perhaps, you are right and there may be a problem converting to WMV format. So I would like to ask you: Have you tried converting your Blu-ray movie to other formats, for example AVI or MPEG? Have you got the same crash?

Also we would like to know what exact error you get when the program crashes. Could you please provide a screenshot of it?

To make a screenshot, please,

- press PrtScn to copy the screenshot to the clipboard

- open a graphics editing program (e.g. Microsoft Paint, select Start\Run..., enter 'mspaint' and press OK to start it)

- press Ctrl+V to paste the screenshot from the clipboard

- save the image in PNG format

- attach the image file to your message

Thank you in advance.

Posts: 15
Registered: 16.12.2009
18.12.09 07:31:38
To: Vlad

Ok, I understand.

I have done some tinkering and have found that it is one bluray that is causing the issue. I was able to rip and convert 2 blurays without issue after you gave me the index fix.

The movie "Away We Go" has the issue where it stops converting at exactly 3.0gb. I'm also discovering that the 3.0gb file that is converted has sound issues where the sound and movie will slighly pause and skip.

I'm going to try to see if I can get the movie to convert using the "AC3" track instead of the "DTS" one and see if maybe the audio track is causing a problem.

If the audio track is the issue I will send you the unconverted file so that your developers can see what the issue is. It's a newer movie so maybe the audio spec has changed?

I will also send you a picture of the error soon, im not sure it will help much as is just a standard "windows has shutdown this program" with no error codes.
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