Does the problem persist no matter which files you import into the program? Please specify format, origin and size of the files you have tried editing in AVS DVD Authoring. Is the problem stable, i.e. does it persist every time you build a project?
Also please specify 1) the version of AVS DVD Authoring installed, 2) which other AVS programs were installed before and after DVD Authoring.
You can also try running the program in one thread mode using the .reg files attached. Please run
Authoring_ThreadOne.reg and click OK in the new window. Then try using the program. In order to return to multi-thread mode, please use
Please inform us on the result. |
Also, after using AVS disk creator, the dvd wouldn't play on the television dvd player OR on the computer! Is there something I'm missing here??? |
Could you describe your actions in more detail. Specify the source of the DVD movie, make sure it is correct. Specify 1) settings selected to burn the disc, 2) disc type used, 3) model of your burner, 4) model of your DVD player. We'll try to clear up the problem.
Best regards