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Posts: 2
Registered: 10.11.2009
10.11.09 07:19:47
11/9/2009 11:46 AM John Lathrop (subject: Presale)

I have downloaded the trial version with the watermark. I used a short DVRMS file to test this with. The file was generated by a tv tuner card. The video plays back great in the Windows Media Center. I typically play all of my DVD content and Blu-ray files through the ArcSoft Total Media Media Center 3, although I have several other players. When the file was converted from DVRMS to Blu-Ray, the video looked great, but it was a bit jerky, the audio had artifacts in it, and the video leads the audio. (out of sync issues) It sounded like there were probably bits of the stream that were missing. I also had the same result with attempting to convert DVRMS files to DVD.

I am attaching the system configuration I have so that you can look at how the desk top is set up.

I would really like to resolve the issues and purchase same on the website. It would be helpful to be able to play the content on a regular Blu-ray player or DVD player and not be locked into using Windows Media Center for playing some of the HD DVRMS content I have, and to archive.

There are several threads from several different periods of time. Let me know what you need, files, reports, etc., and I will email, FTP, to what location it needs to be sent to.

I would appreciate any assistance that you can lend.

Thank You

John Lathrop
Attached files:
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
11.11.09 05:18:42
To: jhnlthrp

Please try using the .dll offered in post#7755 above (I have just updated it to a newer version).

If this does not help do not hesitate to write back
Posts: 2
Registered: 10.11.2009
04.12.09 19:12:03
Nadin- I tried using the .dll that you mentioned. It was accepted, but I still have the sync issues. The Video leads the audio in my case. Are there other things I can try?


Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
07.12.09 14:36:15
To: jhnlthrp

Hello John,

Please send us your file so we could work with it. The instructions has been sent to you via our support system.

Best regards.
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
10.12.09 05:28:13
To: nadin

I am running and my dvr-ms files have audio out of synch issues when I convert them to either AVI or MPEG.

MPEG profile is DVD PAL Compatible
AVI profile is Video: MPEG4 (DivX, Xvid)

I also experience the same issues as another poster, my DVR-MS playback looks fine in Media Center and Media Player but when I "Edit" the video the audio is out of synch.

If you need me to send the file so you can check it, let me know the FTP location, its a 2Gb file.

Hello Andrew,

Our developers have fixed the bug with your DVR-MS file. Please download the attached zip archive, unzip it and save AVSWMVFile3.dll in the directory C:\Program Files\Common Files\AVSMedia\ActiveX replacing the old one dll. Then repair avs software following menu Start>All Programs>AVS4YOU and running Repair. After that, please try converting your DVR-MS files once again. Inform us about the results.

Best regards.
Attached files:
Posts: 7
Registered: 30.09.2009
11.12.09 19:16:53
To: Vlad

Hi Vlad,

I tried the file you attached but still have an issue where the audio comes before the video.


Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
12.12.09 02:21:12
To: andrew2276

Hi Andrew,

We have tested you file with new dll carefully and it has been converted ok. :-(

Please download the latest version of AVS Video Converter and make complete reinstallation. Instructions below:

1. Go Start> All Programs> AVS4YOU> Uninstall.

2. Go Start> Run... Print regedit in the opened window and click Ok. In the opened Registry Editor window please find and delete all AVS4YOU folders.



3. Go Local Disc (C:) > Program Files > AVS4YOU (delete it).
Go Local Disc (C:) > Program Files > Common Files> AVSMedia (delete it).

Download the latest version AVS Video Converter from the link below:


Now install the program anew on your PC.

4. Download and save new AVSWMVfile3.dll which I provided to you in the previous post.

5. Try converting your videos once again.

I hope it will help.

Posts: 7
Registered: 30.09.2009
18.12.09 02:39:37
To: Vlad

Hi Vlad,

You mention that the issue is fixed with my file that you have received. That is correct my original issue is fixed for most of my files but I am still having the same issue with other dvr-ms files and using the latest file that you attached I still experience the issue.

I find that maybe 3/10 videos have a problem but others convert fine.

Do you want me to update one of the files I am having an issue with?

Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
21.12.09 01:19:54
Do you want me to update one of the files I am having an issue with?
Yes, please upload one of the problem dvr-ms files to our FTP server once again. The uploading instructions are the same, I will forward them on the support page JIC.

Posts: 7
Registered: 30.09.2009
05.01.10 22:19:58
To: nadin

Hi Nadin,

The dvrms file has been uploaded to your FTP site.

Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
07.01.10 01:50:06
To: jodil

Your post has been moved. Please follow this link.
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