I'm running newly installed AVS Video Editor 8.0 on a brand new HP Pavilion laptop, and am having a glitch I never had on my older Lenovo.
When you preview a clip in the library, everything is fine. But when you drag it down to the timeline to edit, the video playback preview is moved up and to the left of the screen upon playback. It also saves this way (the video is way offset). Every clip does this. I tried new projects, changing the aspect ratio, using different videos, and changing my computer's resolution but none of it changes this glitch.
I just ran the utility that will automatically remove all AVS software components from my PC and re-installed the software hoping that would help, but I still have this issue.
It should be noted when I tried using my PC's snipping tool to take a screenshot for this, the offset video appeared to 'float' around in the background...it's hard to describe, but because of that I couldn't get the screenshot of it (the playback area showed black, I've included that screenshot). Instead, I used my iPhone to take a picture of the laptop screen so the glitch can be seen.

I just got this new laptop to edit videos because it's so fast...but I can't edit with this problem!

I really like AVS Video Editor but might have to change if I can't figure this out.
Any help would be appreciated!