I continue to have video/audio sync problem when recording with AVS Video Recorder. Please help me.
I am running a Sony VAIO laptop with an i5 processer,6G of memory and windows 8. All drivers are up
to date and working properly.
I am using AVS to record videos of me playing guitar and singing. The internal camera on the laptop
is the video source, and the audio source is an analog microphone connected to an Alesis
Multimix8USBFX soundboard with USB out connected to a USB input on my laptop. (This is the only
device connected, and only application running) I have also tested using the Sony onboard microphone and onboard camera. Both configurations have the synchronization problem. i.e. the audio is delayed from the video by several seconds in both configurations. I am using the recommended video format
selection. Please see test video recordings as example of issue. (Links attached below)
I uninstalled AVS Video Recorder and reinstalled it from the AVS Download site to insure I have the
latest version.
I have read numerous forums, and see that syncronization is a common problem for many AVS users. The only users with the sync problem that appear to have fixed it, discuss setting the buffer in the register to on, however I do not know how to make register changes.
Can you help me? I will say that AVS Audio Editor, and AVS Video Editor work great and have a good amount of functionality. I just need help with the Video Recorder.