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Posts: 3
Registered: 06.04.2013
06.04.13 08:43:20
I'm using Video Editor 6.3.While editing text which was placed previously on video frames; both the balloons, unedited text and currently being edited remain on the screen, which make editing tedious. Though after finishing the editing only one balloon remains. This problem was not there in the earlier versions on AVS video editors. The moment text editing is initiated by clicking the mouse the unedited text window should open up. Please correct if i'm not doing it properly. Thanks. - Pramod
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
08.04.13 05:57:03
To: pkumar

Dear Pramod,

Please try to describe the problem in more details: try to describe your actions step by step.

When adding a new text, you need to delete the text used previously (if you do not need it), it will not be deleted automatically.

The ballon could diappear due to the fact that you could unclick the Image in Objects options on the Editing text window.

Thank you for cooperation.

Kind regards
Posts: 25
Registered: 13.01.2009
12.04.13 23:56:27
I've been a happy lifetime licensee of AVS4YOU applications for several years and have recently purchased and installed a licensed copy of the software for a second computer that I use.

Unfortunately, I am now experiencing the same problem I believe pkumar above is trying to describe, which has not occurred in previous versions of AVS4YOU Video Editor.

The operating enviromnet in which Im using the program is as follows:

AVS4YOU Video Editor Version
Running on Windows 7x64, fully updated
Intel Core i5-2450 2.5GHz processor, 8GB RAM

You should be able to replicate the problem as follows:

1. Open AVS4You Video Editor
2. Drag a text object (Simple 02) onto the Text Line
3. Double click in the text object to open the Edit Text dialog
a. The Edit Text dialog opens showing a text item containing the word “TEXT” within the edit window
b. Double click in this text item to edit the text itself. The cursor changes to an insertion caret indicating readiness to accept or modify the text.
c. At this point using the backspace and/or delete key to erase existing text within the item should remove the affected character just as when
performing edits within any textbox. However, the “erased” text remains visible, and newly entered text appears as if overwritten on it
(rather like a photographic double exposure), making it all but impossible to see the result of the attempted edits in progress.
4. Now click outside the textbox area. The “erased” text is indeed gone, but because of the difficulty of editing with the jumbled double image of
characters it’s often the case that errors have been made but not seeable while attempting to enter the desired text .

This same problem may occur when returning to edit text in a previously completed text object.

There are several work-arounds for this problem, but it makes placing useful text objects in a video extremely tedious and time-consuming, and clearly is incorrect behavior by the application.

Please advise when/if a fix will be made to the software.
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
15.04.13 05:39:20
To: stanwhjr

Dear user,

You have an old version of AVS Video Editor installed.

To avoid the problem please completely uninstall AVS4YOU software from your PC. Instructions below:

1. Go Start > All Programs > AVS4YOU > Uninstall. Please make sure to click the "Check All" button.

2. Follow this link and download the utility that will automatically remove all AVS software components from your PC. Save the utility on your computer and launch it. It is highly recommended to leave the default option "Delete license key-files" checked.

3. Download the latest versions of the necessary programs from our website:
Now install the software on your PC anew.

Please inform about the result.

Best regards.
Posts: 25
Registered: 13.01.2009
22.04.13 23:36:52
To: Nat

As it happens, I was using the most current version ot the program ( to begin with and the version mentioned in my previous message was a typo. Nevertheless, I have uninstalled/reinstalled the AVS4YOU programs per your instruction. Unfortunately, the text editing problem in AVS4YOU Video Editor persists exactly as previously described. To recapitulate and demonstrate the problem, I'll describe again the steps to dulicate and attach a MS word file with screenshots that show it.

1) Open AVS4YOU Video Editon (Version
2) Choose Text from the main screen middle toolbar
3) Choose the "Simple" folder of text presets
4) Drag and drop a "Simple 02" text preset item onto the Text line
5) Double click on this text item to open the Text Editing window
As seen in the 1st screenshot, the Text Editing window opens with a text object already filled with the characters "Text"
6) Double click inside this text object to begin editing the text characters
As seen in the 2nd screenshot, the carat is now placed inside the text item in text entry mode
7) Press backspace to begin erasing the unwanted "default" characters
As seen in the 3rd screenshot, instead of erasing any character, the text area becomes a jumble.
8) Click anywhere outside the text entry area to exit text entry mode
As seen in the 4th screenshot, the backspace did in fact erase the "e" character as intended, but that is of little help when such editing is
not visible while actually attempting to enter/edit text in text entry mode.
9) Click "OK" in the Text Editing window to conclude and save editing
As seen in the 5th screenshot, the editing that was actually done with the difficulty at least is preserved.
10) Finally, in the 6th screenshot I've Help/About just so you can verify that I'm indeed working with the latest version.

To summarize, text editing can be done, but to do in this manner is very cumbersome and clearly not how the program should work. Also, there are work arounds, such as creating/saving a custom preset like one of the standard ones one might use except with the text area explicitly cleared but, again, that should not be necessary, and moreover, if one subsequently edits text placed in such a custom preset the same problem arises when that text is altered.

Please let me know if you need any more specific information or description of the problem and/or more/different illustrative screenshots.

The ability to create and edit text overlays is integral to almost all my Video Editor projects, so I will be very interested to hear your comments re this problem and look forward to a prompt fix as a) this it has never occurred in any of the several previous versons I've used and b) everything else about the program seems to work just fine.

Thanks, Stan Hall
Attached files:
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
26.04.13 06:57:05
To: stanwhjr

Dear user,

Thank you for the detailed description of the problem and the screenshot attached.

You are right, here is a problem with text editing described. We have passed the information over to our developers.

As soon as the issue is resolved I will let you know.

Thank you for cooperation and understanding.

Kind regards
Posts: 25
Registered: 13.01.2009
27.04.13 04:15:54
To: Nat

Thanks, Nat ... I'll look forward to hearing that a solution has been implemented.

Stan Hall
Posts: 3
Registered: 03.05.2014
03.05.14 18:03:41
I've got the same problem too at the latest AVS video editor (6.5 ).. are this problem still exist? even for the latest version? :-(
i still keep the old version ( 6.1 ) which not affected by this problems.. please help.. i love this editor and i stop update its version since this problem encountered :(
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
08.05.14 06:36:21
To: KennyWinner

Dear user,

Our developers are working on this issue now. I will let you know as soon as the problem is resolved.

Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance to you.

Kind regards
Posts: 4
Registered: 14.05.2014
14.05.14 20:59:30
I've just paid for and downloaded the most recent version and this problem is still there.
I find it depressing that it was first reported weeks ago.
How much priority is being given to finding a solution ?
This package is pretty well useless to me without this feature.
Posts: 4
Registered: 14.05.2014
15.05.14 10:32:16
In desperation I'm trying the workaround detailed by Stan Hall.
All is well till step 9) where there is no "OK" button on my text edit screen, and therefore the edits are lost.
If someone would tell me how to capture the screenshot, I'd produce the evidence.
This is driving me mad.
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
16.05.14 05:19:38
To: sliphornman

Dear user,

To avoid the problem please use the backspace or delete buttons to delete the word "text" and then close the Edit Text window.
When you reopen the editing text window, the word "text" will not be there.

Our developers are working on this issue now and I will let you know as soon as it is resolved.

To make a screenshot, please,
- press PrtScn to copy the screenshot to the clipboard;
- open a graphics editing program (e.g. Microsoft Paint, select Start\Run..., enter 'mspaint' and press OK to start it);
- press Ctrl+V to paste the screenshot from the clipboard;
- save the image in PNG format;

Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance to you.

Best regards.
Posts: 4
Registered: 14.05.2014
25.05.14 10:43:16
To: Nat

Thanks for your reply.
I'm afraid your suggestions don't work for me. (The word "text" still keeps re-appearing after saving).
However I've found a workaround by going back to an old version 4 which I still have on a standby computer.
Works fine there.
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
26.05.14 08:14:58
To: sliphornman

Dear user,

Thank you for the information.

Our developers are working on this issue, we will let you know as soon as the issue is resolved.

Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance to you.

Kind regards
Posts: 4
Registered: 14.05.2014
01.12.14 16:29:24
To: Nat

Are the developers still working on this (since May) ?
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
05.12.14 12:07:53
To: sliphornman

Dear user,

Unfortunately we cannot tell you the exact time when the issue can be resolved.

Kind regards
Posts: 1
Registered: 10.01.2015
10.01.15 15:30:16
I'm using Video Editor 7.0 and the text editing problem is still there.
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
13.01.15 09:44:49
To: Donkey

Our developers are working on this issue, we will let you know as soon as the issue is resolved.
Posts: 75
Registered: 30.01.2012
15.01.15 01:16:07
I too was stupid enough to download your latest version of the Video Editor. My old version worked fine. This new problem with version 7.0 of the Video Editor is having the same problems as those described earlier in this thread. I notice that this problem was reported back in May 2014. I think you have had plenty of time to fix it. You should not be selling new versions with such an important feature known to be broken.

What I would like to see is:

1) A working TEXT entry function.

2) A method to enter new text using an entry box.

3) A way to store a new text button that the user can produce. I would like
to create a new button completely blank without the word text in it.

I don't know who your developers are, but I am beginning to think you don't have any.

Sherwin Dubren
Posts: 75
Registered: 30.01.2012
16.01.15 00:13:01
Since this issue has been festering since last May, I do not have any hopes for a quick resolution.

Can you supply me with links to an earlier version of the Video Editor that is working properly?
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