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Posts: 1
Registered: 14.01.2012
14.01.12 00:59:29
I go throught the steps tyo convert AVI to DVD so I can burn to disk but when I try to burn it tells me the disk is not writable - I can burn on the same disk with other things so my disk drive is ok andhte disks are fine - have also tried different brands - no luck.
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
16.01.12 19:41:13
To: kcf25313@bigpond.net.au


Were you able to burn discs successfully with AVS software earlier? If yes, please reinstall it following the instructions here.

If not, please specify the brand and type of blank discs you use and the model of your burner. Also, please specify your PC configuration (Operating System, CPU, Ram.)

Best regards.
Posts: 51
Registered: 26.04.2012
03.05.12 02:40:17
To: kcf25313@bigpond.net.au

Got any luck on this? if not, what version are you using?
Posts: 1
Registered: 12.02.2020
13.02.20 00:03:51
Hello, my computer keeps saying disc is not writable and will not burn files to cd or delete the files that are already on there. Is there any chance I can get some help with that?
Posts: 197
Registered: 27.02.2019
28.02.20 15:23:32
To: Dyerl1


Please try to completely uninstall AVS4YOU software from your PC:

1. Follow this link and download the utility that will automatically remove all AVS software components from your PC. Save the utility on your computer and launch it.

2. Download the latest versions of the necessary programs from our website and install the software on your PC anew.

If it doesn't resolve the issue, please specify:

- the brand and type of blank discs you use and the model of your burner.
- your PC configuration (Operating System, CPU, Ram.)
- were you able to burn discs successfully with AVS software earlier?
- does the issue appear with different types of discs?

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Best regards.
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