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Posts: 1
Registered: 18.08.2008
18.08.08 08:01:27
I am trying to convert an .ifo file to an .mov file and I keep getting an upable to create directory error. I have converted two files already but I can't seem to figure out what I am doing wrong. Any advice would be great.

Posts: 569
Registered: 16.05.2008
19.08.08 02:43:55
To: billiards5


Please send us a screenshot of the error.

Hope to hear from you soon.
Posts: 2
Registered: 19.10.2008
19.10.08 16:39:47
here's an image of the error he's talking about. What's the solution?
Attached files:
Posts: 2
Registered: 19.10.2008
19.10.08 17:13:43
To: sdarling

Actually, I think I've solved the problem. It doesn't work well if you try to convert files that are on your desktop, so move any files you want to covert to another folder before converting. Hope that helps.

Posts: 569
Registered: 16.05.2008
20.10.08 06:54:57
To: sdarling

Hi Sean,
I'd also recommend you to choose any common name for the output file, such as My_video. The format (.avi in your case) will be added automatically, so as an output you will receive My_video.avi

Best Regards
Posts: 1
Registered: 15.01.2009
20.10.08 06:55:57
I'm using windows XP and Video editor 4. Editor works well, and I can save the project file just fine. I cannot, however, save the finished movie. I get an "Unable to create directory" error.

I read elsewhere here that someone solved that issue by moving the file off the desktop. Mine is in a standard folder on my C: drive, so that's not the issue. I've tried several video clips, so it's not the clip. I have tried several naming options for the project file, all of them basic: movie1, test1, etc.

I've tried uninstalling, reinstalling, and running before and after license key information was entered.

I'm stumped, and really need to complete this project. Program's earlier versions worked fine... but I sure like the new features in ver 4, so it's what I'd like to see working.

I've attached error screen.
Attached files:
Posts: 569
Registered: 16.05.2008
20.01.09 01:22:12
To: martinvanw@gmail.com

Try the solution above. I mean try to save your video to My Videos folder.

Inform me about the result
Posts: 6
Registered: 10.02.2009
10.02.09 21:29:54
i've got the same problem and i didn't find the solution at this time.
Help me please
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
11.02.09 03:27:40
To: christophe.quignard

The advice is the same: try saving your movie to another folder. Create a new folder on the other hard disc and try saving the file there.
If the problem persists, please attach a screenshot of the error showing directory you are trying to save your movie to.
We will do our best to help you.
Posts: 6
Registered: 10.02.2009
11.02.09 08:53:58
I tried to change the directory many times, it does'nt work.


The screenshoot:
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486.19 KB
Posts: 6
Registered: 10.02.2009
11.02.09 08:56:15
The screenshoot
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127.03 KB
Posts: 6
Registered: 10.02.2009
11.02.09 08:59:10
When i clic on "enregister le film", it said me:
Unable to create directory
and after, i must close the program in order to use it anymore.
Because the buton "fichier", "edition", "affichage" ......does'nt work!!!!!!
Posts: 6
Registered: 10.02.2009
11.02.09 09:03:41
When i use video converter and authoring, it work !!!*CRAZY*
But not with video create:'(
Posts: 6
Registered: 10.02.2009
11.02.09 09:26:15
ok, i find the solution:

in french sorry:
J'ai changé le chemin d'accés de "mes documents" et l'ai remis par défault (configuration d'origine)
J'ai enregistré mon fichier dans vidéo
j'ai appuyé sur enregitrer et là : Bingooooo

Thanks for your help
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
12.02.09 01:00:40
To: christophe.quignard

We are glad that the recommendation was helpful :-)
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