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Registered: 14.08.2008
14.08.08 19:34:24
Tried AVS repair.....
Here's the deal ....
AVSMobileDevice2ActiveSync.dll Can't load library
I've unistalled and reinstalled....deleted project restarted project.........hours into this now.....*CRAZY*
It loads all of my project then when it goes to parsing audio it freezes...unresponssive and different error message each time.....says encountered error and has to terminate.
I just purchased this one month ago and have had nothing but problems with this software... I am so frustrated.
I was able to create one movie with very few issues.
I've tried to reopen this project numerous times. I've restarted computer etc.....
My eyes are burning and I'm tired!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pls let me know!
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Posts: 569
Registered: 16.05.2008
15.08.08 07:37:04
To: Jessicapetrucco@yahoo.com

Hello Jessica,

It loads all of my project then when it goes to parsing audio it freezes

Please make sure that you hav not removed, deleted or renamed the file, that makes part of the project you're trying to download.

Best Regards
Posts: 1
Registered: 16.08.2008
16.08.08 08:53:46
I have the same problem Jessica had, could you( Dan) be more specific on how to find and fix the .dll file? I'm no computer guru. Please and thank you
Posts: 569
Registered: 16.05.2008
18.08.08 03:56:37
To: cyccy


AVSMobileDevice2ActiveSync.dll Can't load library

This .dll does not influence the convertion process. That gives an error, as that dll is responsable for the mobile device, which at the moment was not connected to your PC.

So, the error is caused by another issue. Please describe the problem you have in the most detailed way.

Hope to hear from you soon.
Posts: 1
Registered: 29.10.2008
29.10.08 11:50:17
*SOS*Hi i have recently installed avs converter 6 and all worked fine,for some reason today it would not launch.I get an EAccessviolation message,tried uninstall and reinstall but iget the same message when i go to register the product!(ANY ONE GOT ANY IDEAS)..TIA...
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Posts: 569
Registered: 16.05.2008
30.10.08 01:23:34
To: chris impett

Please follow this link for a possible solution. If that does not solve the problem, please let us know.

Please,next time make some search before postind a new topic.

Best Regards
Posts: 1
Registered: 01.12.2008
30.10.08 01:24:34
im trying to run converter 6.2 but all it does is crash. i contacted support, they said uninstall/reinstall. no change. i ran the repair tool it says cant load library - AVSMobileDevice2ActiveSync.dll. what is this file and why wont it load. need some help
Posts: 569
Registered: 16.05.2008
02.12.08 06:18:11
To: h.mathews@live.com


As for the dll. you can see above.

We are always ready to help you, but we need more information about the error.
So, please describe your actions step by step, precise when the error occurs, the input file format and the presets you choose. Send us a screenshot of the error.

Hope to hear from you soon.
Posts: 1
Registered: 02.12.2008
02.12.08 19:59:39
I have been looking at the possible fixes for this problem. I went to look at the license folder and I do not even have one. It shows that my License is active but I have no folder in the place it should be. I have re-installed several times. It worked fine when I had the trial version ???
Posts: 569
Registered: 16.05.2008
04.12.08 06:28:30
To: josephs@dejazzd.com

Please precise the error you receive and describe your actions step by step. What operating system you have?
Posts: 1
Registered: 16.12.2008
16.12.08 03:21:16
Hi Dam,
I have been getting the same message.

The movies I have been converting from avi to DVD; PAL High quality format convert ok, but the sound and picture are out of synch, and the pictures seems to skip every 4 seconds.

I then run repair and it brings up the AVSMobileDevice2ActiveSynch.dll… Can’t load library message.

Yes, I have reinstalled.
Yes, I have reregistered.
Yes, I have tried again, but still the same result.
Yes, I have downloaded AVS 6 but I have also paid for an unlimited licence on avs5 and wasted too many discs on this, and would really like to know how to fix this problem rather than pay for a new piece of software.


Posts: 569
Registered: 16.05.2008
16.12.08 05:15:40
To: Natz


As for the AVSMobileDevice2ActiveSynch.dll you can read in the posts above.

As for the synch issues. Please upload the input file to our FTP server. That will allow us to reproduce the error. I will send the FTP details to your mailbox.

Best Regards.
Posts: 2
Registered: 03.02.2009
03.02.09 13:20:17

I also cannot load this special dll. What is it good for?
Where I can get it?
I run the Repairtool and downloaded the latest version ffrom VideoEditor, no affect.

The next problem I have, is that I sometimes get C++Runtimeerror while Using VideoEditor and sometimes the program does not answer and I have to kill the process.

Any idea?
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
11.02.09 06:55:36
To: fisyhase

As for the .dll, please note the information already posted above:

This .dll does not influence the convertion process. That gives an error, as that dll is responsable for the mobile device, which at the moment was not connected to your PC.

As for the Runtime error, please could you describe your actions step by step when using the program. Specify the format of the files you add to your project and the moment the error occurs.

Hope to hear from you soon.
Posts: 1
Registered: 29.06.2009
11.02.09 06:56:36
avs converter 6 keeps coming up cant load libary have followed your steps and sent 4 emails with no response what now
Posts: 1
Registered: 17.08.2009
17.08.09 09:41:39
I have a similar trouble.

If I execute "AVS Update Manager", the process shows the message "Abnormal program termination", and the "Repair" process informs that "AVSMobileDevice2ActiveSync.dll - Can't load library".

In fact, the file "AVSMobileDevice2ActiveSync.dll" is on the folder "C:\Archivos de programa\Archivos comunes\AVSMedia\ActiveX" (in English should be somethink kike ""C:\Program files\Common files\AVSMedia\ActiveX").

Any suggestion will be welcomed.

Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
19.08.09 04:04:02
To: jgirones@telefonica.net

The problem is not caused by the AVSMobileDevice2ActiveSync.dll error in the repair window. It has already been mentioned in this thread that this .dll does not affect functionality of our programs.

To avoid the problem, please completely uninstall AVS4YOU software from your PC. Instructions below:

1. Go Start> All Programs> AVS4YOU> Uninstall.

2. Go Start> Run... Print regedit in the opened window and click Ok. In the opened Registry Editor window please find and delete all AVS4YOU folders.

3. Go Local Disc (C:) > Program Files > AVS4YOU (delete it).
Go Local Disc (C:) > Program Files > Common Files> AVSMedia (delete it).
Go Local Disc (C:)> Documents and Settings> All Users>>Application Data>AVS4YOU (delete it).

Now install the latest version of any AVS program anew on your PC. Download it from here.

Please inform us whether the problem is solved.
Posts: 1
Registered: 18.11.2010
18.11.10 12:21:11
To: nadin
just go to another people, this forum does not have any idea how to solve the problem, surely the program have a glitch and they have no idea what the problem is.
I have the idea that the problem is with the registered file because i used the program for few months perfectly and one day stop working.
I unload it , i repair it with that funny popup of the file "AVSMobileDevice....not load"", I clean the register, etc, etc , etc ,etc.
thereafter I took the same program and I load it in the next computer, and so far is working perfectly in a trial.
So surely they have no idea and can not help you because they dont know.
They send me the same standard answer that they gave to all of you, and miss the target for a mile.
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
22.11.10 05:06:42
To: adolfo tapias


Please be advised that "AVSMobileDevice2ActiveSync.dll not loaded" is not problem. This dll does not affect functionality of video programs, as it is intended only to upload files to Windows Mobile devices, The dll loads successfully if ActiveSync software is installed. You can check it for yourself installing ActiveSync: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=9e641c34-6f7f-404d-a04b-dc09f8141141.

Please try the solution of our support managers. I can assure you, they will do thier best to solve the problem you have faced using our software.

Kind regards.
Posts: 1
Registered: 25.11.2010
25.11.10 09:47:13
To: nadin

I agree. I've been having this problem for two days now
and I have used this software for quite some time and it's always
had some type of glitch.

Now this particular .dll file has been a problem and my work
has been butchered for hours over hours. It's really frustrating.*SOS*

I've followed the links, but there's no help there and the moderators
are not getting this problem obviously, so they don't know what
we're talking about.....figures @=

In the meantime, I've spent $59.00 for the year and have had
nothing but 'issues' each time I've tried to use this software. ]-:)

Sometimes it works, most of the time it doesn't. It's not as much a
rip off as it is another way to disguise misguided information as saleable
and because of this problem I've wasted more time than I wanted and
don't have.

Moderators? Are you hearing us?

Nicole Jolie
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