When I import a .jpg into Editor 5.2 for the dvd menu background the image is too large and it falls off the page at the top and bottom.
On that note, I am also not happy with the inability to customize text for the menus, or ability to drag or edit the chapter boxes to adapt to the background image as you can in DVD Authoring. In Authoring, you can also save a chapter menu format you create as a template for future use. Yes, Editor 5.2 has some of the features that other comparable programs do, but also Intergrating the vast customization, simplicity of use and functionality of Authoring into the new version of Editor would make Editor one of the the most top notch DVD creating/authoring programs available, if not the top.....believe me, Ive tried lots of them, from free to costly pro versions....these features together in one software would be hard to beat!
My situation is this...I am getting the following error message when I try to open DVD Authoring...and when I inquired from AVS support what to do...they suggested I use the new version of Editor instead. Well I did, for about 10min and already miss DVD Authoring terribly, as I use it on a daily basis.
Sorry to ramble on...but I am experiencing great frustration with a software and support, I normally can rely on. Any information on the above questions, would be greatly appreciated. (In Editor, the bkgrnd image problem is happening in both 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratio) HAPPY NEW YEAR.