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Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
13.08.10 05:50:48
To: 05GTStang

Thanks, we have received the files. We will test the files and let you know the results.

Posts: 21
Registered: 12.04.2010
17.08.10 11:11:11
To: 05GTStang
Any updated status yet on the QA of the files I have sent over?
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
20.08.10 06:38:20
To: 05GTStang

Sorry for the delay.

We have tested your files and could not reproduce the problem- not no lagging, no jumping. Even audio quality is comparable. In what video player do you play video on computer?

Posts: 21
Registered: 12.04.2010
20.08.10 15:10:38
To: Vlad
I use Media Player Classic - Home Cinema x64 on my PC and then I use PS3 on big screen. No mater which option I use to play the converted video I get the lagging. Can you put the converted file you that you reproduced on the ftp site and let me grab it and play it on my side to see if I get the same results from your converted file?

The other question is, are you seeing the lagging I am referring too in the mp4 file that I uploaded to you on your end?
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
24.08.10 06:11:57
To: 05GTStang

Sorry, but we did not see lagging even in your output file uploaded, nor on a computer, nor on a PS3. I've shared our output file, you can download it here.

Posts: 21
Registered: 12.04.2010
24.08.10 16:36:53
To: Vlad
I downloaded the file you provided, thank you, and I also can play this file with no problem. There is no jiggery or jagged motion. But I also noticed that you converted it as 480p resolution. The problem I am having is converting the m2ts file at 1080p resolution. I want to keep the video quality preserved that comes from m2ts files not degrade it.

I am going to upload another batch which from my system(s) you can definately see the lagging and jiggeriness in the picture quality, especially at the beginning when it is scanning across the mountains and into the cave.

Please test this newly uploaded files on your side and let me know.

Posts: 21
Registered: 12.04.2010
24.08.10 17:05:57
To: 05GTStang
Vlad, can you please grant me access again to the ftp site so that I can upload the new files for you to test and take a look at?
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
25.08.10 10:34:45
To: 05GTStang

Access to ftp is the same, you can find all instructons to access ftp in our support system. Looking forward to receive your file.

We converted to 480p profile as it has surround sound and actually the best for PS3.

Posts: 21
Registered: 12.04.2010
25.08.10 20:44:09
To: Vlad
The 480p convert is great if converting a regular DVD .vob but for blu-ray m2ts, which is standard 1080p, why degrade quality of video and audio when it is so superior...

I have uploaded the new files onto the ftp site, and you will notice when viewing the mp4 the lagging and stepping motion of the picture right at the beginning when the camera is scanning across the mountain and then the mountain side.

Also, I am using your software on a PC that is built with the Intel i7 Core and I have to change the AVS software to use "single thread" in order to get an output mp4 file. If I try using "multi-thread" my CPU thread all raise to 100% for the total time of the conversion and at the end it errors out. I would love to continue to use your software, but unfortunately it looks as if there are still internal issues with it running with the i7 Core processor.

Please advise...
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
26.08.10 07:09:46
To: 05GTStang


Thank you for the files provided. Yes, I see the lagging in your output as you described it. I've passed the files to our developers, we are investigating the issue. I'll let you know about the results.

As for multi-thread mode I can assure you our developers are working on the issue with i7 and do their best solve the problem, we apologize for the inconvenience caused. Meanwhile you can go into Task manager>Process, find there AVS Video Converter.exe click right mouse button on it, choose Set the Affinity. There please sheck first 4 CPU's. It will allow you to convert in multi-thread mode, not full i7 unfortunately, but much faster than single-thread.

Best regards.
Posts: 21
Registered: 12.04.2010
27.08.10 04:24:33
To: Vlad
Thank you Vlad for the insight on the core setting within the Set Affinity. I gave this a shot last night and it did decrease the conversion time by 3.5 hours ( a good thing) but unfortunately I had two issues. First issue was that I did set the Affinity to use only the first four cores and while the AVS Converter was converting those 4 cores stayed consistently at 99-100% usage. However, it did create a mp4 but this leading to my second issue is that the converter stated it completed successfully and did also create a 4.36GB output file, but the file is unplayable. If I try to use Windows Media Player, Media Player Classic or PowerDVD Player, they all state that the file is either "data corrupted" or "Can't render file". And when I tried to play the same file on the PS2 it sees the file but I also get an error "Can't play file - data corrupted".

This only happens when I try to convert an m2ts file using multi-thread and using the Core i7 CPU. As in the previous emails and files uploaded, they have all been converted in single thread, 1080p, but as you have now seen, the converted video has lagging and/or jittery sections.
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
31.08.10 07:58:45
To: 05GTStang

Our developers have investingated the issue. The main reason for the problem is that original frame rate of the movie is changed from 23.98fps to 30 fps during conversion. It gives several duplicate frames and spoils smooth playback. Therefore, we advise you to set Original frame rate in the Edit Profile option for conversion to avoid this problem.

Also, we have tried converting the same file using Set Affinity option and the resulted files was playable. Do you set CPU's starting from CPUO?

Posts: 21
Registered: 12.04.2010
01.09.10 20:02:46
To: Vlad
I will give the changing the frame rate a try and see if that will resolve the issues of the conversion.

Also, I set the Affinity using CPU0 - CPU3. I also noticed that this setting has to be set every time AVS is started. Is there any plan on having this maybe be a switch setting in any of the future releases?
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
02.09.10 06:32:10
To: 05GTStang

Our developers plan to solve the problem with i7 processors in future versions:-)

By the way, the new version AVS Video Converter 7.0 is already avaliable on our website. There are some improvements for the problem. Please try converting the files using it.
Posts: 21
Registered: 12.04.2010
02.09.10 16:00:30
To: Vlad
i downloaded and installed AVS Converter 7.0 and just FYI, when I try to convert m2ts file into MP4 format with resolution 1920x1080P, and gave it a shot using multi-thread, I receive this error "An internal error has been encountered (code: 13). Please contact our support staff, if this error persists." I am now working on converting the same file in single thread and will see what the outcome looks like.
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
06.09.10 07:17:16
To: 05GTStang

Does the error code 13 occur at the start of conversion process or during conversion process?
Posts: 21
Registered: 12.04.2010
06.09.10 08:46:12
To: Vlad
At the very start when click on the "Convert Now" button.

Also, I wanted to give the "To Blu-ray" option a try and took an m2ts file "The Chronicles of Riddick" and converted it to the blu-ray format and then burned the format to a blu-ray disc and I noticed in the "Advanced" options when converting that the settings can't be modified. My question is why would the software convert a blu-ray that is in surround sound (Channels 5 or 6) convert the format into stereo (2 Channels)? It would be a great benefit if your software would convert either as original or set for surround sound.
Posts: 2396
Registered: 29.01.2012
07.09.10 06:20:59
To: 05GTStang

Error code 13 could occur if you selected incorrect output settings.

As for blu-ray, it is not allowed to modify output setting sconverting to blu-ray, becuase blu-ray disc requires standard output settings to play on blu-ray player. If you set your own which does not fit this standard, output disc will not play. The same is for DVD. Unfortunately AC3, DTS multi-channels sound is not supported by our software for output. We are sorry if it may be of any inconvenience.

I hope it clarifies.

Posts: 5
Registered: 04.05.2010
07.09.10 13:30:53
To: Vlad

I just upgrade to Core i7 Platform and experienced all sort of CPU underload issues. Then I tried my Core 2 duo platform, similar problems with Video Editor I do remember Video Editor 4.1 utilizes my Core 2 Duo 100%.

Does this make sense to you?

Where can I download the Video Editor 4.1 to see if I can get my Core i7 CPU fully utilized.

Posts: 21
Registered: 12.04.2010
08.09.10 04:27:33
To: 05GTStang

Error code 13 could occur if you selected incorrect output settings.

As for blu-ray, it is not allowed to modify output setting sconverting to blu-ray, becuase blu-ray disc requires standard output settings to play on blu-ray player. If you set your own which does not fit this standard, output disc will not play. The same is for DVD. Unfortunately AC3, DTS multi-channels sound is not supported by our software for output. We are sorry if it may be of any inconvenience.

I hope it clarifies.

The only thing I can determine is that now with the new Version 7.0, there has been an error code implemented when trying to use the multi-thread setting using an Intel Core i7 processor and converting to MP4. If I change the setting to single-thread using all the same other profile settings it converts the m2ts but with issues. Hopefully soon the new version will be distributed to resolve the Intel i7 cpu issues and converting performance.
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