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Posts: 13
Registered: 23.07.2009
08.08.09 20:44:37
I am having a problem in DVD Authoring. I am testing using a single mpg file and using the basic wizard.

After choosing the criteria to burn the DVD I receive an error message, "The integration of the Program Structure is corrupted". It then asks that I reinstall but reinstalling does not help.

Please advise
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
10.08.09 03:31:41
To: cehanlon@verizon.net

Are you using AVS DVD Authoring under Windows 7? Unfortunately, the error mentioned really occurs when you run the program under Windows 7, as AVS DVD Authoring is not yet compatible with this OS.

Best regards
Posts: 13
Registered: 23.07.2009
10.08.09 14:18:50
To: nadin

Yes, I have both windows 7 and vista installed in separate partitions. I have retested DVD Authoring unter Vista and I am not getting the error. I will now uninstall all AVS from windows 7 and use exclusively on my tower computer under Vista.

Thanks for your help!!
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