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Posts: 10
Registered: 25.07.2009
01.08.09 20:11:58
I'm using AVS DVD Authoring Wizard by added 9 WMV files. In step three of the wizard "create a new chapter each file". was used. Step four the system was set to DVD NTSC, Standard Play, aspect 4:3, and Disk Format of 4.7 single layer.

The texit title 1 was renamed to a appropriate titlle for the CD. For the DVD menu the background image was assigned using the selecte image option. The nine chapter layout was selected. Background music added from a file while the background image used the provided black and white filler (as provided). Chapter 1 & 2 noted as invisible was deleted

The button stype tab was selected.The default radio button is set for "Video from File" option. The file listed correctly reflects the name of the chapter 1 file. The radio button option was changed to "image" and an image was selected from a photo file used in the chapter 1 slide show. This process was repeated for each other chapter. The default navigation was not changed for any of the chapters or main menu page..

The values on the setting popup window were not changed.

Issue 1
When the DVD is played on a standard DVD player the DVD menu contains the correct background image and music. The text options of Play and Chapters are displayed and the up/down buttons on the remote work to move between the two. Selecting Play using the remote play or OK button goes to a "black & blank" screen with the square stop icon in the bottom right of the TV screen. The stop icon fades away while the black screen remains until the play button is pressed on the remote. Chaper 1 then begins to play.

Pressing the menu button on the remove return to the DVD menu. Using the down button on the remote moves to the Chapter selection. Pressing OK button on the remote displays the chapter screen with the correct nine chapter format, background images, and background music.

Issue 2
a. A chapter is not highlighted as a starting chapter.
b. The default starting chapter appears to be chapter 2 (i.e. if the down button on the remote is pressed the chapter selection moves to chapter 5, directly below chapter 2).If the right or left buttons on the remote is pressed, as above and in all other cases below, a black screen with the stop icon show, fades after a few seconds, the black screen remains until the play button is pressed. Even if the right button is pressed the DVD opens chapter 1 (again to a black screen first).
c. If the down button is pressed on the remote, chapter 5 image border is highllghted on the 3x3 nine chapter screen. Pressing left, right or down button on the remove moves and highlights the selection to the appropriate chapter.Selecting any of the three chapters in this second or third rows using the OK button on the remove starts chapter 1 (black screen etc).
d. If any chapters in the second row is highlighted and the up button is pressed to move to the first row, chapter 1 is started.
My expectations
1. The default starting chapter in the chapter menu/screen would be chapter 1 and would be highlighted.
2. The right or left arrow used on the first row would move across the 1st row (or per navigation schema)
3. When a chapter is selected to play the chapter would start to play instead a black screen and having to press play

Are the above expectations achieveable? Since I'm new at using the application, is there something I'm not doing correctly?
Jim T.
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
05.08.09 02:43:03
To: jimt@fairpoint.net

Thank you for the detailed description of the problem. It seems that the bug has been reproduced by our testing team. Some further analysis will be done and I will report on the results.

Best regards
Posts: 10
Registered: 25.07.2009
05.08.09 11:37:01
To: nadin

Thanks for the info. My project (volunteered to non-profit) is due this week and I'm assuming the fix is not a quick mod. If you think there is a patch available in a week I will try to delay the delivery, please advise. Or if you find a workaround until a new release /patch is available please let me know.
*SOS. *

I was able to "solve" one of my issues. I had the screen size set to my laptop (LCD) when I initiated the build program. I changed the default to CRT. The top row (chap 1-3) under LCD showed only about 1/2 of the image on the TV played on the DVD player. With CRT setting. all of the images shows and the nagivation issue of these chapters was "fixed". I'm not sure why the LCD version moving to the first row would cause the 1st row to "jump" play the first chapter but the resized page for a DVD player navigates through the rows and chapters OK.

Please post replay ASAP!

Jim T.
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
07.08.09 04:33:56
I was able to "solve" one of my issues. I had the screen size set to my laptop (LCD) when I initiated the build program. I changed the default to CRT. The top row (chap 1-3) under LCD showed only about 1/2 of the image on the TV played on the DVD player. With CRT setting. all of the images shows and the nagivation issue of these chapters was "fixed".

Our testers have tried that, but this did not work with the test project created. Unfortunately, it is hard to tell when the fix will be available, as there is more time needed to find out what exactly is causing such a problem. Anyway, I'll keep you informed.

Sorry for the inconvenience
Experienced User
Posts: 83
Registered: 30.06.2009
10.08.09 15:21:58
To: nadin

this sounds very familiar to a problem I just posted
in might be the NINE chapter menu is the problem
any chapter on the Top Row
(ie chaps 1, 2, or 3)
will auto start when highlighted by cursor movement
(I even verified this on my computer using Power DVD)
Experienced User
Posts: 83
Registered: 30.06.2009
10.08.09 15:22:58
This is a partial repeat of a longer post I made
I have 5 titles om DVD
all work Ok EXCEPT
the Chapter Page with Nine Chapters
does not matter which Chapter I select in the top row
it Auto-Starts - why???? (a bug?)
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
11.08.09 02:49:52
To: greggustin

There is some more testing needed. As soon as there are news or solutions, we'll post here.

Experienced User
Posts: 83
Registered: 30.06.2009
13.08.09 09:36:29
To: nadin

I will try some testing here as time permits
wil try different video codecs
and different number of chaptes per page
Posts: 10
Registered: 25.07.2009
17.08.09 18:17:49
To: greggustin

An FYI, when running the DVD (using Dell Media Experience / player) on my Dell 9300 PC ( w/XP Pro); the chapter selection on the chapter page ....Works. The chapter selection however does NOT work when played in a DVD player.

Jim T.
Experienced User
Posts: 83
Registered: 30.06.2009
18.08.09 23:46:11
To: jimt@fairpoint.net

thanks - but did it work with NINE chapters?
that is when I had the problems
Posts: 10
Registered: 25.07.2009
20.08.09 19:53:22
To: greggustin

Sorry I haven't replied sooner (been away) and I've had to outsource the authoring of the project to meet the deadlines. The project I was working on "required" nine chapters. The nine chapter DVD had the problem. It's been a while but during my learning curve I think I had the same chapter selection problem in one of my first test by using only 3 WMV files/chapters and thought it was something I didn't do correctly.

I'll try using only the first six WMV slideshows as a test and post my results.

Jim T.
Posts: 10
Registered: 25.07.2009
22.08.09 08:14:45
To: jimt@fairpoint.net

I've tested using just 6 chapters and the chapter selection in a DVD player works fine. I haven't tested 7 or 8 chapters but at this point assume the problem only occurs if the 9 chapters option is used.

Jim T.
Experienced User
Posts: 83
Registered: 30.06.2009
24.08.09 12:15:57
To: jimt@fairpoint.net

I stopped my testing
because they are coming our with new version soon

also - as you said you needed 9 chapters
perhaps - a couple extra titles
then you need fewer chapters ?
or you can make less per page (ie use 2 pages) -- still having 9 chapters in total
just an idea for you

hmm , , ,
also wonder what would happen if we made a full length "movie"
then had it "auto chapter" - would certainly male way more than 9 chapters
guess the solution would be to use the 8 or less per page format?

oh well, as i said - just waiting for new version
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
25.08.09 01:04:26
To: greggustin
To: jimt@fairpoint.net

Currently we are testing new DVD Authoring files in relation to this problem and hopefully, the problem will be corrected soon. For the moment, we'd recommend creating less than 6 chapters on a chapters page to avoid problems.

Best regards
Posts: 10
Registered: 25.07.2009
29.09.09 15:22:08
To: jimt@fairpoint.net

I had problems with creating over 6 chapters.
Posts: 10
Registered: 25.07.2009
29.09.09 15:23:39
One posting indicated a new version was being developed to solve the problem.
Has there been any progress? When can we expect the new release?

Jim T.
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
02.10.09 04:51:28
To: jimt@fairpoint.net

The program has already been updated. Do you really face problems with creating menus with 6 chapters per page? Please could you describe your actions during menu creation step by step - we'll try to reproduce the issue.

Thank you
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