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Posts: 2
Registered: 11.09.2009
11.09.09 12:59:43
I used the DVD Authoring software to build a DVD from several AVI files. After I burn the created DVD using AVS Disc Creator, the main DVD menu is shown off-center on my screen. If watched on a 16:9 television, the menu page is shown 4:3 but justified to the left of the screen (ie not centered with black bars on both sides...only one large black bar on right side). If watched on a 4:3 television, the menu page is distorted and still located to the left of the screen. Same results when I watch the DVD with a computer.

What's the deal?
Support Manager
Posts: 87
Registered: 06.05.2008
17.09.09 01:39:10
If watched on a 16:9 television, the menu page is shown 4:3

It always creates menu in 4x3

but justified to the left of the screen

Please download and install latest version of the program.
If it doesn't help, specify the saving settings.
Did you have such problem with other projects?
Posts: 2
Registered: 11.09.2009
17.09.09 07:46:58
To: cotoPeC

I have the latest version of the program on my computer. I have found that the program does NOT do this if I build the DVD's on my laptop, but it does do it if I build them on my desktop. I will attempt to uninstall and reinstall the program and see if that works.
Support Manager
Posts: 87
Registered: 06.05.2008
18.09.09 00:29:06
To: laerik

specify your PC specs (desktop)
inform about result :-)
Posts: 14
Registered: 01.08.2008
21.10.09 08:39:54
To: cotoPeC

Was there a solution for this? Mine has been doing this too.
Posts: 1786
Registered: 22.01.2009
21.10.09 23:14:46
To: KSum

This bug has been reproduced, it happens when you create NTSC movies. Our developers are working on a solution at the moment.

Best regards
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