I solved it...in a unusual way:
1) first i adjusted the audiomix-track to be in sync with the 1st VTS-file.
2) Now..as soon as it reaches the second VTS-file ..the video-pic would be out-of-sync (350 mSec to early)
3) So i added an image with a duration of 350 mSec...in between VTS-1 and VTS-2 ..this moves VTS-2 so it becomes in sync.
Voila...not bad..and you hardly notice it..only if you know...appears as 1 or 2 frames missing, good enough for Youtube
at least its now sync on both vts-files ..in preview and after created.
You can either insert a fully black pic..or take a screenshot from the last frame before the break
After you insert the image...editor-4 cuts the audiomix there where you inserted it
the audiomix alwas gets cut up when you insert something to the video-line
i dont know ..it's very annoying and i suppose that is another bug that needs to get repaired.
You can solve it by removing the cut-up pieces and add the audiomix once again.
So ...solved...but this cases showed a lot of bugs that need to be solved.
it did cost me 5 hours of experimenting to figure this out.
Dj Mambito