To RomanN :
I have followed all the above procedures, including but not limited to , doing a clean re-install of AVS4YOU Video Editor 9.1, and I still get a blank screen in the project view window section of the app, when I import .mp4 files that I'm working on.
My PC is running, on Microsoft Windows 10 Home, Version: 10.0.17134 Build 17134, on Intel(R) Core(TM)i3 CPU, with an nvidia Geforce GTX 1050 Ti graphics card.
My AVS4YOU Video Editor app, has always worked fine, until I the following 2 upgrades were done to my PC:
1. Upgraded my graphics card to nvidia Geforce GTX 1050 Ti, updated the latter's drivers, to its latest, and;
2. Updated my AVS4YOU Video Editor, to the current version 9.1
To Everyone:
Is anybody experiencing blank screens just as I am, with the AVS4YOU Video Editor app running in combination with an nvidia Geforce card? Would appreciate your sharing your experience, and or, how you got the AVS4YOU Video Editor working again.
Would appreciate a feedback.