I'm having an issue with the Burning Fade transition wonder if anyone can help with. I also notice the same issue with Burning Fire transition.
It seems there are two variations to this transition. One goes from the outside->in, and the other from the inside->out. Revealing the next section from the center or from the edges. You can see the two variations when you double click the transition (sometimes takes a couple clicks to get it to change). Anyway, when I use this transition in my video sometimes it is one way, and using it for another transition it goes the other way. Kind of annoying because I want them to be consistent.
Does anyone know how to pick one or the other and not have it randomly decide between the two. I want them all to be from inside->out, from the center.
All support ever says it. "try to uninstall and reinstall". Tried that like 10 times with no change.
Thanks for any help.