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Posts: 45
Registered: 21.11.2012
04.05.15 21:17:26
I have had several problems when converting movie mp4 format files to DVD format. The audio is out of sync after the conversion, even though the source MP4 file did not have the problem. The first mp4, after the sync problem with the DVD output, I tried again and converted the MP4 to an AVI format, and the audio sync problem was there too. I also had a FLV format version of the same movie, and used the same AVS Video Converter 9.1, and I converted it to the DVD format, and the sync problem was gone, it played perfect. The problem appears to only be when converting a MP4 format to DVD, and with the other test, MP4 to AVI formats, which also had the audio sync problem in the AVI. I use Windows 7, my AVS4YOU programs are all up to date, at least since last week, when I last checked. Let me be clear, this does not happen all the time when converting MP4 to DVD, but it happens more than it should. I don't know what other information you might want, but the problem is clearly converting MP4, I've not had audio sync problems with other conversions. The MP4 files, do not have any audio sync problems, only after conversion.

another topic, I don't get emails when new versions are released, I just manually check occasionally to see if new releases are available.
Posts: 45
Registered: 21.11.2012
04.05.15 22:19:38
I just made a long check of all the mp4 to DVD format I've done, and the audio is out of sync on all of them. disappointing to say the least, I should have checked them. what is wrong with this software?
Posts: 45
Registered: 21.11.2012
05.05.15 04:38:03
To: Indyrod

this is such a bunch of crap. every single MP4 file I have converted to any other format, has the audio out of sync. Is it too much to ask that you guys figure this out, and FIX IT? I have to install new software that knows how to do this, because yours does not. I've converted MP4 format files, to three different formats, and they ALL have the audio out of sync using the most current AVS Video Converter software. If I use a FLV format, it works, but why do you have such a problem with MP4 files, being converted into any other format? this is pitiful, and not acceptable by anybody's standards.
Posts: 45
Registered: 21.11.2012
06.05.15 04:51:35
To: Indyrod

Since nobody from Support, seems to want to address this, although I've looked at numerous threads and posts concerning this problem I assume Support doesn't know how to correct the problem. I don't think this software is capable, of converting a movie MP4 file to any other format, without the audio out of sync. that's a shame, I would think the programmers could fix it, but I guess not. I converted the MP4 file to a MPEG file (and the audio was out of sync with the source MP4), and the time was exactly the same as the original MP4 file which had perfect audio sync, exactly how you would expect it. I then extracted the audio from the source MP4 file to a MP3 file, and again, the running time was exactly the same as the MP4 and the new MPEG file. In fact, the running time was 1:40:12 on all of them. following the video instruction for overlaying the audio in a file, I used Video Editor, step by step, and imported the MPEG video file, and the time was right 1:40:12, and then I imported the audio file from the original MP4 with correct audio sync, which was 1:40:12 before it was inputed into Video Editor, and for some reason, the file time was now 1:40:26 in Video Editor. Where did the extra time come from, as slight as it was, but enough to make the new MPEG file off. The audio file was correct before being imported into Video Editor, time wise, but a little time was added for some reason by the software. After the Video Editor was finished overlaying the out of sync audio in the MPEG file from the source MP4, the audio was still out of sync in the newly created MPEG file. I did everything right, and still this software cannot keep the audio in sync converting a MP4 to anything, but it does it perfect with a FLV file, which I had of the same movie.

So, expert developers, why does converting a MP4 file to anything causes an audio out of sync problem, but converting a FLV file to any other format, keeps the audio syncing perfect? You don't know do you? If you did, the frigging thing would have been fixed a long time ago. I've seen posts going back to 2009, with this same problem, and I still haven't seen a fix. now, I have to buy some other software just to convert MP4 format to anything, because you developers can't fix a problem you have known about for years. If you have a solution to why, the audio gets out of sync when converting to any format whatsoever, it would nice of you to SHARE IT. You guys leave a lot to be desired as a support team, or lack of in this case. This is pitiful support, because you have not even addressed my thread, which I find in this day and age, about as unprofessional as can be.

I've tried numerous MP4 movie files in AVS Video Converter, and every single one had the audio out of sync in the output format.
Posts: 142
Registered: 15.10.2013
07.05.15 14:58:43
To: Indyrod


Please accept our sincere apologies for such a delayed answer. Normally we provide our support service within 48 hours, but this time there has been a delay due to some technical problems on our server.

We would like to inform you that your request has been answered in our support system. Please log-in our Online Support Service to get prompt assistance and be able to track the support answers online.

We will find a solution for you.

Best regards.
Posts: 45
Registered: 21.11.2012
07.05.15 17:24:13
To: Claire

thank you, I followed all your instructions, and I sent you an email, because I wanted to know what happened to DVD COPY, and the AVS4YOU program that checks for updates, and lets you download new versions from my desktop, without going to your website download page. also, I need my email added to whatever it takes, to email me whenever new versions are available. thanks again, I hope this works to fix the audio sync problem.
Posts: 142
Registered: 15.10.2013
08.05.15 08:18:00
To: Indyrod


Your requests have been also answered in our Support System.

We are glad to assist you.

Best regards.
Posts: 45
Registered: 21.11.2012
10.05.15 05:30:37
To: Claire

I have found a solution to the audio out of sync, after converting any format, especially MP4 to DVD format, or any format conversion that involves compression. Evidently, the AVS4YOU video file conversion to other formats, is faulty. After working a lot on this, I have found if you convert your MP4 or FLV, or whatever, to another format, that requires compression to fit a dvd-r file size, this software cannot handle it, and that results in a audio out sync problem almost always. Just convert your source file, to whatever format, but do not allow compression, because in my opinion, it does not work, in keeping the audio in sync. if your output file requires compression to fit on a dvd-r, do not use this software, use DVD Shrink, or something similar, to compress your file to fit. it works for me at least.
Posts: 142
Registered: 15.10.2013
10.05.15 08:59:11
To: Indyrod


Your requests have been answered in our Support System again.

We hope we will be able to resolve the issue.

Best regards.
Posts: 36
Registered: 19.07.2015
25.07.15 17:07:14
Hi Indyrod, would you be so kind to post the solution for this issue please?
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