Hi All,
I have been using A4U video editor for a couple of years now, from time to time, and it suits me and my basic needs well. Yes, I´m a registered/paying user.
BUT what has been a problem from the very beginning are all crashes and memory issues. I have run the program on several generations of computers. My latest one sports; Z87 motherboard, i7 4770K CPU, 16GB RAM, SSD and GTX780 x2 (SLI) - yes, I have enough Power. Besides that I run Windows 7 x64.
After installing the latest version it has become even worse. SO okay, the UX have become more fancy, but functionality.. worse in my opinion.
Any Power-tip or suggestions on how to resolve this except; give details on your config.
Or better up; any suggestions on (another) intuitive software that doesn’t cost too much, but works with Windows 7?