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Posts: 2
Registered: 21.02.2015
21.02.15 18:36:11
Has anyone noticed a correlation between video file size and audio out of sync after conversion? Every file I have converted to DVD has been good except for those over 2 Gig.
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
05.03.15 08:33:14
To: SFXNut

Dear user,

The problem with audio not in sync with video does not depend on the size of the video file.

Please try to provide some additional information about the issue so we could assist you:
- specify the version of the program you use,
- describe your actions step by step,
- specify the input and output file settings (bitrate, frame rate, frame size).

Thank you for cooperation.

Kind regards
Posts: 2
Registered: 21.02.2015
14.03.15 13:34:35
To: Nat
Thanks so much for getting back to me,
Sorry, I just saw this. I have been working crazy hours. I'll go through the conversion process again and make note of the settings but I didn't change anything and operated in default program settings. It just seemed very strange that the out of sync only happened when I was converting large video files to DVD. I'll post back with the information you require.
Posts: 45
Registered: 21.11.2012
12.05.15 20:20:10
To: SFXNut

What format of file, mp4, mkv, flv, or whatever are you converting to DVD? I cannot convert a mp4 file to DVD, much over 2 mb with the audio not being out of sync. I've turned it over to support, if they can read their own ftp server. the think is, I can convert any FLV or MKV regardless of size, and the audio is in perfect sync. the Video Converter definitely has a problem converting MP4 files to DVD. It simply can't handle it. the same thing is true, converting MP4 to AVI, MPEG, and WMV, those formats are all out sync with audio too. I've got a stack of DVD-R's I burned before I noticed the problem, I would be happy to send to them, along with the MP4 files which were in perfect audio sync. I used FLV, and MKV files to rebuild all of them, and zero problems. It was a headache and took a lot of time, but they really need to figure out this MP4 being converted problem.
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
15.05.15 14:58:32
To: Indyrod

Dear user,

Sorry for the delay in reply.

You have aready been assisted in AVS4YOU support system and our developers are working on this issue now.

Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance to you.

Kind regards
Posts: 45
Registered: 21.11.2012
23.06.15 16:30:38
To: Nat

How is the fix coming along with the audio out of sync problem? I've noticed mp4 files, will convert ok, if they are large, over 900mb, and small, 250mb or less. anything inbetween for mp4, will have the audio out of sync, converting to any other format, mostly DVD. thanks
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
24.06.15 11:06:51
To: Indyrod

Dear user,

To avoid the problem please completely uninstall AVS4YOU software from your PC. Instructions below:

1. Go Start > All Programs > AVS4YOU > Uninstall. Please make sure to click the "Check All" button.

2. Follow this link and download the utility that will automatically remove all AVS software components from your PC. Save the utility on your computer and launch it.

3. Download and install the latest versions of the necessary programs from our website:

Try to convert your video once gain and inform about the result please.

Kind regards
Posts: 45
Registered: 21.11.2012
25.06.15 01:37:37
To: Nat

I've all ready done that about three times or more, and all the other times, and even asked to use Revo Uninstall. If you have not released a fixed corrected version of Video Converter, I'm not doing the same thing, over and over again for nothing. the audio sync problem is either fixed with a new release, or it's still being worked on. Why would you ask me to do the same exact thing over again, and expect a different result? Einstein had a word for that. When the support programmers send me an email with a genuine tested fix or fixed release, then I'll be happy to, but until then, your Video Converter is nice, except for the same old audio sync problem. just fix the problem and quit giving me these canned answers, that don't do anything but cost me time.
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
25.06.15 12:10:54
To: Indyrod

Dear user,

Sorry for any inconvenices caused.

Please send one of the MP4 files you have problem with to our FTP server.

Please find the instructions on how to do it in AVS4YOU support system.

Thank you for cooperation.

Kind regards
Posts: 36
Registered: 19.07.2015
26.07.15 16:55:20
To: Indyrod

Hi buddy, have you sent out the MP4 files so far? I was just curious onto which one is causing this.
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