I'm posting here because I am having issues with videos put together and produced in AVS Video Editor. The problem i'm having is that whenever a video with pictures added to it is being streamed via wireless network onto one of the monitors that it is supposed to play on, the picture will show up for 1 second or less and then become a black screen for the duration of the picture. The video parts work perfectly but for some reason any time I produce a video with pictures added to it, the picture flashes on the screen and then the screen turns black for the rest of the pictures duration. This only happens on monitors that are connected to our wireless network via mini pc's. When played on the computer I created the videos on, the pictures play for the full duration allotted. I'm wondering what is going on here, and if you can help me with this issue.
I'm not sure if this will help but these are the steps that I follow when making a video in AVS Video Editor. It is basically always the same steps
Import video clips into the current project window of AVS Video Editor
Import pictures into the current project window of AVS Video Editor
Drap and drop them onto the Main Video section of the timeline
Open the Backgrounds folder and drag / drop backgrounds between video clips on the Main Video section of the timeline
Go to the Text tab and drap / drop text onto the Text section of the timeline.
Snap text to the duration of each background section.
Go to the current project window and add pictures to video
-> AVI
..Profile:: Custom
-> Advanced::
..Video Codec; H.264/AVC (Advanced Video Coding)
..Frame Size; 1920x1080
..Frame Rate; 25 fps
..Bit Rate; 1200
..Audio Codec; No Audio
Go to next, click create and upload the video to our server.
The pictures imported are normally around 400 x 640, i've tried a couple different formats that work with AVS Video Editor but none will display properly when streamed to these monitors via our wireless server.
The videos imported are most likely 1920 x 1080 shot with a 12 mp camera.
Side note: If it asks to set the aspect ratio to the aspect ratio of the first file I say 'No'
Anyway, any help with this would be greatly appreciated,
Thank you for your time.