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Posts: 3
Registered: 10.01.2014
10.01.14 22:13:44
I will start off saying its a nice layout and ease of use, but that's about where it ends. Been a long time Unlimited user since there was only a few programs to choose from, only started using this program about a week ago. I really only use the Audio editor, and use other programs for every thing else, but that's probably due to the amount of Advanced options and setting they offer. I would use the Audio recorder more, as it has better quality, but that's due to not being able to bind Hotkeys.

Mostly the problem with screen capture I think lies with audio/video being out of sync. This seems to be a problem with a number of these kind of programs, as not sure why when even the same companies can record in games flawless. I think the problem mainly lies with the FPS it records in, as all programs having similar problems seem to all be capturing in non standard FPS, witch is between 23.976-30 FPS. But also all these programs do another similar thing and that's use some non standard Codex that 95% of programs do not use, such as this Huffman Ffmpeg Avi codex you use, although its seems to be a standard for Video capture.

I have only found one program out side of yours that will deal with it and that's MKV merge, although I have only tried 4 other programs that I use. But the AVI seems to be only one using non standard codex I think, and is probably the main reason for out of sync along with FPS. But FLV seems to be sporadic on weather it will play or not, still out of sync as well, and probably due to FPS issue as well. WMV have vary poor color capturing, such as in my background and a lot of Orange in it, and when played back less out of sync, the orange is some times purplish and some times flickers between other colors, and probably due to FPS issue as well for out of sync.

1 - More options in settings
2 - allow setting FPS for captures (such as the standard 30 FPS)
3 - use all standard Codex's
4 - use other containers such as MKV, TS and other formats.
5 - allow other capture lossless formats such as Jpeg capture, its similar to Huffman supposedly, but never had a problem with sync, quality and editing of this format.
6 - allow settings of the audio capture separate from the video settings.
7 - add a use last screen setup save button ( and allow us to save a location as I use 5760x1080 and annoys me to have to re-setup record area for center 1920x1080 every time, as I can not select a program screen as it selects only parts of it)
8 - add and merge hotkey for start and stopping of the capture so I only have to push that to start and stop recordings.
9 - allow all keyboard keys to be hotkey's as I use CTRL-Num Del to start and stop both game capture and voice recording programs.
10 - remove that dam pop up when you start recording ( I do not need to be reminded every time what hotkey it is to stop recording, that I then have to edit out of video, if I take more then 1s to hit ok)

I have tried all sorts of ways to fix the problems, even changing setting for these file types in the XML files, but any changes lead to far worse problems. The only current solutions have been to compress the audio with 3rd party programs as yours does not offer compressing/stretching of audio files, but this only works rarely. The best way is to spending a lot of time chopping up the audio/video files to line up, as usually the video files are shorter in length, I have to cut and add duplicate parts in the video to extend the video to a greater length of the audio, and/or compress the audio and do same steps.
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
20.01.14 08:22:45
To: Daimond

Dear user,

Thank you for the detailed descrioption of the options that are really essential for AVS Screen Capture.

I will pass the detailed description to our developers and inform as soon as we got any informtion.

Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance to you.

Kind regards
Posts: 75
Registered: 28.01.2014
15.02.14 19:33:15
6 - allow settings of the audio capture separate from the video settings.

I'd like to have that also please.
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
17.02.14 06:29:20
To: dwaynnyt

Dear user,

Thank you for the suggetion.

Please specify it, do you need to record audio and video separately and have them in separate files?

It is now possible to record video without sound in AVS Screen Capture and record sound without video in AVS Audio Editor.

Thank you for cooperation.

Kind regards
Posts: 2
Registered: 19.03.2014
19.03.14 10:01:50
To: Daimond

Hello Diamond.

Sounds like you know what you are doing. I'm not.
I desperately needs to make some video tutorials for internal training and I face the out of sync problem.
I can't seem to make it Work and have also tried different programs.
Do you have any suggestions for me - a non tech user?
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
20.03.14 07:18:13
To: henrik.notlev

Dear user,

Our developers are working on this issue now.

For now to avoid the problem please try not to use FLV or AVI for the output in AVS Screen Capture and try not to use the full screen mode.

Thank you for cooperation and understanding.

Kind regards
Posts: 1
Registered: 26.05.2014
26.05.14 21:45:39
Has this issue been resolved, everything works well except screen capture playback
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
27.05.14 11:43:26
To: avseditor

Dear user,

Our developers are working on this issue now.

For now to avoid the problem please try not to use FLV or AVI for the output in AVS Screen Capture and try not to use the full screen mode.

Thank you for cooperation and understanding.

Kind regards
Posts: 2
Registered: 04.07.2014
04.07.14 17:11:44
To: Nat

Wish I had read all this sync problems before buying the package. :( =-O

The first one I tried was badddddd out of sync.

Sure hope you guys can get this problem solved.

I need to make some business videos and other things and right now it gets the viewer totally out of sync themselves, some even cackle out load. Not funny to me. :(

Please hurry. I see you have been "working" on this, basically all of 2014, or so it seems from the postings to which I am replying today.

Thanks and Have a Great Day. :);-)
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
11.07.14 08:07:08
To: jraquel

Dear user,

Our developers are working on this issue now.

For now to avoid the problem please try not to use FLV or AVI for the output in AVS Screen Capture and try not to use the full screen mode.

Thank you for cooperation and understanding.

Kind regards
Posts: 3
Registered: 25.07.2014
25.07.14 21:33:45
I have done everything the tech support suggested. I havw W7 can't get any sound when using screen capture, just video, although the sound's fine for my videos, recordings etc.
Does it really work?
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
28.07.14 10:49:51
To: lago

Dear user,

You have been assisted in AVS Support System.

Please try to follow the recommendations and inform about the result.

Kind regards
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