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Posts: 1
Registered: 07.12.2013
07.12.13 07:26:37
I just really wanted to post this here, as this is an important problem that I have seen a lot

There is a big diffrence between that big produce button and the little file/save project button

Producing = Converting your project into one big video

Saving = Saving the project as it so it can be edited.

IT IS VITAL that if you are going to CONTINUE editing your project to SAVE, INSTEAD of PRODUCE

Also, the video producing takes a while, so what i do is export a rough draft with extremely low quality, it only takes about 10-20 minutes depending on size

When it's exactly how I want it, then I produce in best quality.
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
10.12.13 09:29:57
To: creat0r

Thank you for the information.

More detailes can be found in AVS4YOU Online Help:


Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance to you.

Kind regards
Posts: 75
Registered: 28.01.2014
28.01.14 17:06:53
I would suggest either MKV or MP4 will provide the best output on the selections. You'll notice that files will be larger too.
Posts: 1
Registered: 29.01.2014
30.01.14 04:04:36
To: creat0r
Oooooo! So you can't edit a video until you have turned it into a project. Hmmmm. Nice to know.
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
30.01.14 07:35:59
To: monamontgomery

Dear user,

When working in AVS Video Editor you add video to the timeline for editing, you can save the project if you decide to continue working on it later, or produce the video without saving the project.

Should you have any questions please feel free to ask.

Kind regards
Posts: 1
Registered: 31.05.2014
31.05.14 20:22:07
My video is cut short whenever I save it to youtube. How do I avoid that?
Posts: 1
Registered: 01.06.2014
01.06.14 06:18:05
THANK YOU for the information here. I used the video editor, and thought I was saving it to play back or save it to dvd. Saved it in a file folder, and tried to play it, would not, says could not " forgot the wording" but it would not play.
So you are saying that to be able to play it back, I have to use the Produce button and use that, then I can play back or burn it back.
Sorry to sound so dumb, but kept trying to save it, to no avail.
I converted it from my wmcenter, to avi, and was able to play it back. SO , should I edit first, then convert, or does it make a diff.
]Thanks for the help

Tom Jones
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
02.06.14 07:26:19
To: toejamproduction@aol.com

Dear Clive,

Try to describe your actions step by step while creating video.

What is the video duration before you save it to YouTube?

What software you use and is it the latest version?

Thank you for cooperation.

Kind regards
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
02.06.14 07:41:55

Dear Tom,

Please specify the player you use to plaback the created video. Some players do not suppport DVD playback.

Try to import the VIDEO_TS.IFO file from created DVD structure into AVS Video Editor and inform if you can playback it on the preview window.

Thank you for information.

Kind regards
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