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Posts: 2
Registered: 21.03.2013
21.03.13 22:47:59
Hoping you can help. Feeling rather dumb right now. I've imported a DVD recording. Need to take out 4 sections about 5 seconds each. So I bring the video into the Main window. I choose Multi trim. I then do the Mark in and Mark out 4 times in different sections. I see the Scenes start and end times for the 4 sections in the Multi Trim window on the right. So then I hold down the Ctrl key, click on each one and hit delete. Then I hit okay. But when I play the video the sections I trimmed out are still in there. Am I missing something? Driving me nuts. Probably something simple, but can't figure it out. Any help would be great!!
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
25.03.13 10:06:22
To: plouie10

Dear Phil,

If you use the Trim or Multitrim options the sections marked will be left, while the sections that are unmarked - will be deleted; so you might have misunderstood the feature. You can find the detailed information in AVS Online Help.

it might be easy for you to use the Split option to split the video into several parts and delete the unwanted one, you can also use the Next Frame, Previous Frame on the preview window to make editing more precise - please see the screenshot attached.

Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance to you.

Kind regards
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Posts: 2
Registered: 21.03.2013
04.04.13 15:35:17
To: Nat

It looks like I did misundertand the feature. It would work the way I wanted if there were and inverse feature though. Perhaps they will include it in future releases!
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
05.04.13 04:18:47
To: plouie10

Dear Phil,

Thank you for the suggestion, I will pass it over to our developers.

If you have any other questions or suggetion please feel free to contact us.

Kind regards
Posts: 35
Registered: 16.03.2013
13.04.13 21:03:06
+1 on this. Would be nice to get the inverse feature at lease considered.
Posts: 2
Registered: 16.04.2013
02.03.17 13:05:20
After Splitting and trimming beginning or certain parts of the video, can i save that video without producing it.
Posts: 255
Registered: 08.09.2009
02.03.17 20:59:32
To: imyr4u@yahoo.co.in

No, you have to produce video (with conversion) or try to use AVS Video Remaker (without conversion).
Posts: 1
Registered: 16.02.2018
16.02.18 09:20:52

|'ve edited source movie and splitted to multiple scenes using Multitrim option. All fine. So I've added scenes to timeline of my main movie. But I would like to "re-edit" multitrim and add another scene from source. Is it possible? How to do it?
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
21.02.18 08:18:31
To: lolkus

Dear user,

Thank you for your question.

You can trim the original file on the media library: right click on the file in media library - choose Multitrim, then select the trimmed part and place it to the timeline.

Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance to you.

Kind regards
Posts: 1
Registered: 17.03.2021
17.03.21 14:09:17
I imported a video, trimmed it (and it rendered correctly), produced it, and then when I played the saved, edited video, there was no video --just audio. I'm stumped and annoyed as it was a very long video (45 minutes) and so took a long time to buffer and complete...for nothing. Please help.
Posts: 45
Registered: 19.03.2021
19.03.21 09:58:14
To: amie@amiedevero.com

Dear user,

Please describe the situation in more detail. Video not showing in the preview or in the output file itself?

Enable "Use Video buffer" option: Edit > Settings > Preview > Video Rendering = Use video buffer > restart the program.

Best regards
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