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Posts: 75
Registered: 30.01.2012
20.02.13 08:33:52
I reported earlier that I was seeing annoying pixelation while burning a Blu-Ray disc. I now think the problem was due to using a DVD source video that did not have the resolution to handle this. My failed BluRay burn was to a 1080 BluRay BD disk using the AVS Editor burner. I then tried burning this DVD source from my timeline to a 740 line BluRay, and the pixelation went away. I can only guess that the 1080 resolution was too much to extrapolate the
DVD source. Both of these BluRay burns produced discs playable in my BluRay player, but only the 740 had no pixelation issues.

Another issue I had was trying to burn another disc using the AVI designator and directing the output to my harddrive. This produces a single fine of the
edited video, but no chapters. I read where one must include the BDMV Folder, Certificate, and Sly Folders to the AVS burner. I could not find any of these three folders, just the output file which did not contain chapter information. I also read the Sly folder is not always there for BluRay burning. Will the burn include chapters even if the Sly folder is missing? This requirement to incorporate these extra three folders makes recovery of the output files more complicated, I suppose one has to rename these folders and the output file and put in a sub-folder to isolate them. Kind of messy.
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
22.02.13 07:26:36
To: sherwindu

Dear user,

You are right, the problem with pixelation of the output file is connected to the low frame size of the input file, so to guarantee the better quality of the output you need to set the bitrate, frame rate and frame size to be closer or the same as in input.

Please specify if you created BlueRay video, and what Menu type you selected, if you save the video to AVI format it is not possible to creat menu for this file type.

Thank you for the information.

Kind regards
Posts: 75
Registered: 30.01.2012
23.02.13 02:34:34
My first attempt was to burn the video to a Blu-Ray disc at the 1080 lines MPEG option. That caused the pixelation.

My next attempt was to burn the video to a Blu-Ray disc at the 790 lines MPEG option. This resulted in no pixelation.

I also burned a DVD at the highest resolution and that also did not have any pixelation.

Are you saying I can still do the 1080 line version without pixelation if I adjust the bit rate, frame rate, and pixelation to
match the source? This DVD source was done by a service, so I may not find out what these rates are. Is there some
easy way to determine them myself?
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
25.02.13 06:31:51
To: sherwindu

Dear Sherwindu,

Pixalation can be avoided by choosing the frame size (that is 1920x1080 or 1280x720), bitrate and frame rate of the input file on the output, thus if the original file is 1280x720, please use it for the output also to get better quality.

To see the settings of your input file please import it into AVS Video Converter and press the Advanced button.

Please note that it is not possible to change the settings of Blueray or DVD video to be created (only choose one of the profiles available), that is done to avoid the problems with playback on the output.

Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance to you.

Kind regards
Posts: 75
Registered: 30.01.2012
26.02.13 08:51:54
The file I was importing was an MPEG-2 of 720 x 480 recorded at 9100 kbps.

Would this source resolution account for the pixelation at 1090 lines and none at 740 lines of the Blu-Ray I burned?

Also, I am looking at transfering VHS video into the Editor and considering buying a Blackmagic video transfer device. It can supposedly produce Blu-Ray
data in true 1080 lines in the uncompressed mode. However, this would really suck up a lot of hard drive for say a one hour video. Would I lose much by
converting it to a compressed mode like MPEG. What should I be looking for to be most compatible with the AVS Video Editor?
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
04.03.13 06:10:05
To: sherwindu

Dear Sherwin,

The file I was importing was an MPEG-2 of 720 x 480 recorded at 9100 kbps

To avoid pixelation you need to choose the BlueRay preset that is closer to your MPEG file parameters (such as 740 lines), thus 1920 frame size may cause pixelation.

It can supposedly produce Blu-Ray data in true 1080 lines in the uncompressed mode. Would I lose much by
converting it to a compressed mode like MPEG.

If your input video is of high quality you need to save the video to a high quality profile (you can use MPEG format, but make sure you select bitrate, frame rate and frame size to be the same as in input), if you use AVS Video Recorder, save the video to native format. If you edit the video after recording from VHS in AVS Video Editor, you can check the input file parameters by right cliking on it while on the medialibrary - choose Properties.

Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance to you.

Kind regards
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