To: Nat
Dear nat
I think I describe the process, yet here it is: AVS
2. press current project. (a new one) the import button. a folder was opened. i choose the file 20130115_135025
4.i drag it into the time line. i shorten it : with the split tool. and delete the part that i don't want.
5.i click on the "image" button. a folder was opened. i choose the 6 files: G-0630, G-0631, G-0633, G-0633a-DSCN6736, G-0634-DSCN6735, G-0636-DSCN6738
6. i drag each jpg to the time line.
7. playing the clip on the time line i can see only parts of the jpg !
8. i saved the current project and named it "test 1"
9.i click "produce"- File- WMV-standard quality- create...
10. when it came to the first jpg, a box came, :conversion is completed.
11. I played the clip. sure enough , it ended before the first jpg. only video.
I tried to attach the .vep project but it writes: file wasn't uploaded.
i'll try the FTP server