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Posts: 47
Registered: 20.09.2011
06.02.13 05:03:24
I just downloaded the new version of AVS Video Editor When I load an AVI video file into the software, and drag it onto the Timeline, it will not play at 1X speed. I press the play button and nothing happens. I have to change the playback speed to 2X (or higher) before it will start playing. The last version of this program had the same problem.

Re-downloading and re-installing the program makes no difference.

Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
06.02.13 06:39:06
To: will7370

Dear user,

I am not sure if you have tried to delete all traces of AVS4YOU software using this utility. If not, please try to.

If the problem remains after the reinstall, please specify:
- if the .avi file can be played without any problems on some other PC players installed on your PC,
- if you have the same problem while playing any other files in AVS Video Editor, of the same and different format,
- if the file can be played from media library, before darg and dropping it onto the timeline.

Thank you for cooperation.

Kind regards
Posts: 47
Registered: 20.09.2011
08.02.13 03:01:44
To: Nat

I did as you requested and these are the results:

1. Using the utility you provided, I removed all traces of AVS4YOU software. Re-installing did not change anything. The problem persists.

2. ALL AVI files that I have tried play fine on other PC players installed on my machine, such as VLC Media Player, etc.

3. I also tried using an MP4 file and it did the same thing.

4. It makes no difference if the file is played from the Media Library, or after dragging and dropping on the Timeline. No files play at 1X speed. I either have to increase or decrease the play back speed in order for it to play. At 1X speed, nothing happens when I click the play button.

5. Please confirm that you have the same problem on your end. Also please advise what can be done to fix this. The last version of AVS Video Editor had the same problem.


Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
08.02.13 09:21:34
To: will7370

Dear user,

To analyse the problem we need one of the files that you use in AVS Video Editor.

I have sent you the instructions on how to upload the file to our FTP sever using AVS Support System.

Kind regards
Posts: 47
Registered: 20.09.2011
09.02.13 20:10:14
To: Nat

OK, I did as you have asked. I sent you one of the files I am using via your FTP link. The file is called Robert-Williams.avi

ALL of my files of the AVI or MP4 type do not play in AVS Video Editor at 1X speed. They play fine if I increase or decrease the speed (i.e., 2X, 3X, .5X .25X etc.). It does not matter if they are in the library or on the timeline. Same problem.

I did notice, that at 1X speed, if I hit the PLAY/PAUSE button repeatedly, the file will advance at .5 second increments. But they do not free play at 1X speed.

Is this problem just on my computer? Or is this a bug that you need to fix in the next version release?

Thank you for your help in solving this issue.
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
11.02.13 09:40:31
To: will7370

Dear Robert,

Unfortunately we have not received the file you mention.

Please try to upload the file once again. Please see Support System for help.

Kind regards
Posts: 47
Registered: 20.09.2011
11.02.13 23:51:35
To: Nat

Hello Nat,

I just uploaded my file Robert-Williams.AVI to your server using the FileZilla program you sent me. I'm pretty sure you have the file now.

Please let me know a solution when you are able.


Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
12.02.13 09:17:33
To: will7370

Dear Robert,

Thank you for the files, we have received and tested them. The problem you encount was not reproduced.

Please try to:
- update or reinstall your video card drivers,
- update or reinstall your audio card drivers.

If it doesn't help please specify:
- the OS you use and your PC configurations,
- audio and video card you use,
- attach the screenshot of the audio and video card drivers' versions.

We greatly appreciate your help.

Kind regards
Posts: 1
Registered: 20.02.2013
20.02.13 02:38:51
To: will7370

I had the same problem, AVS Video Editor will not play at 1X speed.
Actually I had stopped the Audio service for some reason and I started the service again --> now AVS Video Editor played at 1X speed.
I think that's a bug, no Audio service no Video playing at 1X speed.
Best regards Wolfgang
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
20.02.13 03:51:40
To: Wolfgang Quarter

Dear Wolfgang,
Wolfgang Quar...:
no Audio service no Video playing at 1X speed

Please specify what you mean by "audio service", do you mean AVS Audio programs?

Wolfgang Quar...:
I had stopped the Audio service for some reason and I started the service again --> now AVS Video Editor played at 1X speed

Maybe the problem was resolved after your reinzstalled AVS4YOU software?
Please try to install AVS Audio programs one by one and inform if you still get any problems with AVS Video Editor playback.

Thank you for the information.

Kind regards
Posts: 1
Registered: 21.07.2014
21.07.14 00:48:19
To: Nat

I am having the same problem too

If playback speed is set to 1x nothing works properly. Can't play or edit any file. Playback window is black and if I try to produce a file the file has audio but no video.

If I change speed to 4x then I can edit files fine

Using Windows 8.0 and build .234

Has to be a bug
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
21.07.14 10:26:25
To: gsearles

Dear user,

To avoid the problem please try to completely uninstall AVS4YOU software from your PC following the steps below:

1. Go Start > All Programs > AVS4YOU > Uninstall. Please make sure to click the "Check All" button.

2. Follow this link and download the utility that will automatically remove all AVS software components from your PC. Save the utility on your computer and launch it.

3. Download and the latest versions of the necessary programs from our website:

Try to use the program and inform about the result.

Thank you for cooperation.

Kind regards
Posts: 2
Registered: 14.09.2014
15.09.14 00:22:37
To: Nat

I am having a similar problem with AVI files. Although, it will not playback at any speed using the AVS Video Editor. I have uninstalled, used the utility to wipe clean, but continue to have the same problems.

As for the following questions,

If the problem remains after the reinstall, please specify:
- if the .avi file can be played without any problems on some other PC players installed on your PC,- Yes the file plays fine on other pc players.

- if you have the same problem while playing any other files in AVS Video Editor, of the same and different format,- Other files work just fine with the editor.

- if the file can be played from media library, before drag and dropping it onto the timeline.- Yes, it plays fine before.

Please advise what the problem could be.

Thanks Nat!
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
19.09.14 12:25:23
To: mgmray

Dear user,

Please send the avi files you have problems with to our FTP server so we could analyse the problem.

I have send the instructions on how to do it via AVS Support System.

Thank you for cooperation.

Kind regards
Posts: 74
Registered: 15.09.2014
20.09.14 12:39:31
To: mgmray

Hi Ray, any updates yet if you were able to upload tha AVI file already?
Posts: 1
Registered: 29.06.2015
29.06.15 01:30:11
I'm having the exact same problem. AVS help is no help. I did what they said and get the exact same problem. AVS needs to fix this pronto and publish what to do to resolve it until then!

Where are you, AVS help? And please don't reply with the standard, uninstall/reinstall thing...I've already done that as have many users and it doesn't solve the problem.
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
30.06.15 10:05:33
To: dal.richardson@gmail.com

Dear user,

Thank you for the information.

Please try to repair AVS files:
1. Close all AVS programs and other running applications.
2. Copy the following link to the address bar of My computer window and press <Enter>:

If you run 32bit PC: %COMMONPROGRAMFILES%\AVSMedia\ActiveX\Repairing.exe
If you run 64bit PC: %COMMONPROGRAMFILES(x86)%\AVSMedia\ActiveX\Repairing.exe

If some of the .dlls are not registered, please make a screenshot of the Repair window showing those files and send it to us.

Please also try to update your video and audio card drivers or reinstall them. Inform about the result.

Thank you for cooperation.

Kind regards
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