Wanted to share something here and it isn't a call for help or a problem report. Rather these are
15 new overlay masks - more plain in a way than the artistic ones which are included, possibly more useful in day to day editing. This is what they look like (they work best with higher-res videos):
And when adding an overlay:
To get these to show up in the editor just unpack the attached ZIP file in the
C:\Program Files (x86)\AVS4YOU\AVSVideoEditor\Data\Overlay\Mask directory. There are 13 masks there to begin with and these will add to it.
There are only images in that archive, nothing sneaky. I'm doing this because I just love the editor. Wish it had less bugs, though.
Also I built a simple editor for these masks which can generate dozens rather easily:
Perhaps the developers would like to include some extra masks in the next release?