After I installed the
second release avs video converter 6 (I think it was (I don't remember the # of the origanal release) I started to have the following problem:
The file(s) I converted, converted fine but in the properties the duration reported was at least twice as long as it really is and subsequent version upgrades have not solved the problem.
I contacted support with the issue and they recomended uninstalling the software and re-install which I did as per thier instructions but it had no effect the same problem still exists.
I am running XP SP3. AVS video conv 5 works fine and does not have this issue niether did the first release of V6 but now all versions of V6 have this issue and support is looking into it but I have had no resolve to this issue and I was wondering if anyone else has noted this problem.
For example: Origanal file is 23 min. long and converted file reports it is 53 min. long but it is still only 23 min. long.
The file converted fine and plays OK just the properties are wrong, it has me stumped and I gather it has support hog-tied too
Any Ideas it's driving me