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Posts: 75
Registered: 30.01.2012
22.11.12 09:35:42
I have seen in past postings where the staff has recommended editing the vep files in a project. From what I know, these files can only be read by the
Video Editor Program. Is there a way to edit them either inside or outside of this program, and what kind of editor whould do the job?

I tried to open a project vep file and it called for a video source not associated with the text. It was something from an earlier proect. Obviously, the vep file is confused or pointing to the wrong file. Maybe I can edit the vep file so that the video on the timeline reflects the actual video I am using.
Posts: 334
Registered: 10.04.2012
23.11.12 05:58:24
To: sherwindu

A .vep file is an AVS Video Editor project file that can be opened by AVS Video Editor only.
.vep files can be edited only in AVS Video Editor.
We do not recommend replacing the files while working on the project so that no data is lost.
Posts: 75
Registered: 30.01.2012
25.11.12 03:22:17
I found that ordinary notepad can look at and modify this file. It is very complex looking, but for my purposes, I was able to identify the path to the original video files that the vep could not find. I did a simple change of drive signifier and the vep was able to find them.

I don't know what editing you are refering to in the Video Editor. There is no mechanism there for truely editing and correcting things like source file location. In fact, there is no mechanism to tell you where the vep thinks the source files are located. The program will tell you that a file is missing and that you can browse to try and find it. That's about all it does. A more sophisticated vep editor would be helpful.
Posts: 334
Registered: 10.04.2012
26.11.12 09:27:26
To: sherwindu

By editing we meant editing the project itself (not the source files locations).
Thank you for your suggestion about the .vep files.

Best regards
Posts: 75
Registered: 30.01.2012
13.12.12 09:21:48
[I had good luck with this editing on the last BluRay I burned, but now it is not obvious how to fix the current vep file.

My project took files from a BD Player and a location on an auxiliary hard drive. The logical units were F: and C: respectively. I was forced to remove
the C: drive, but I had it backed up on an external drive. Now, when I look at the vep file, I only see the m2ts files from the F: drive. Even more strange
was that when adding the two files from my external drive, their numbers in the editor image file area did not increase from the last added files of the
F: drive. It renumbered them mt2s 0001 and 0002, which duplicated the names from the F: drive.

I had no reason to think anything was wrong after I reloaded the video sources and the last good vep file which was made while the C: drive was still
attached. The editing seemed normal, but when I tried to produce the video, I got the error that the program could not get the current profile. At this
point, I do not know how to correct the vep file. I searched for references to the last two videos in the vep file, but found nothing indicating their presence.

This is all very frustrating, as I stand to lose many hours of work here.
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
13.12.12 10:42:22
To: sherwindu

Dear User,

As AVS Video Editor uses only links to the files located on your PC, not the files themselves, we recommend you to save the source files, used in project, to some save place on your hard drive first, them import them to AVS Video Editor media library. The source files should not be replaced, moved or deleted before you create a video file out of your project.

Please specify to what format you are trying to save your video to and what preset (settings) you select for the output video.
Try to describe your actions step by step when saving the video and inform the moment the problem occurs.
Try to use some default profiles available in other file formats and inform if you can save your video file.

Thank you for cooperation.

Kind regards
Posts: 75
Registered: 30.01.2012
14.12.12 01:27:17
In this case, i did not move the source files when I last created this project. Most of them were on my BluRay Drive and two were on my hard disc. The problem here can be with the vep file itself. At one point, the Video Editor hung up while re-writing an updated vep file. When I tried to restart the edit,
the vep file was reported as corrupted. Now I tried to recover an earlier vep file from a backup drive and continue editing and was successful in doing this.

My files were stored on a secondary hard drive mounted on my newest PC, that was originally the main drive for an older computer. When the older computer was repaired, the PC repair people asked for the drive back again to complete the repair, so I removed the secondary hard drive and gave it to them. At this point, the only copy of the vep file was on a third external drive used for backup. In order to continue editing, I moved the video files and
vep to the main drive of my new computer. I then restarted the project using this vep, video files from the backup and now on my main drive, and the
video files still on my Bluray player. After loading the videos and invoking the vep file, everything seemed to come up ok, and so I continued editing the
project and updating the vep periodically. All this on my new PC main hard drive and BluRay Player. When I was done editing, I tried to produce this edited
project, and the program told me the project file was missing. I tried to examine the vep file with an editor, as I had done on a previous occasion, but could not find any identifier for the two video files on the main PC internal hard drive. I'm not sure if this is the problem, or something about the vep file itself that doesn't match up. The vep file could be pointing at my removed drive for two of the files and not finding them. As mentioned before, when adding the two files from my disc to those already added from the Bluray player, the numbering did not increment where the previous files left off. It did produce two copies of 0001.mt2s and 0002.mt2s on the attached file display. They were indeed distinct files and I was able to move them accordingly to the time line.

I am going to attach my latest vep file, if someone can figure this out.
Attached files:
Posts: 75
Registered: 30.01.2012
14.12.12 01:31:28
Forgot to mention that I am trying to create a BluRay Disc.

Also, I tried a few earlier vep files and they gave the same error.

I could try removing the original drive from my repaired PC and mounting it back into the new PC,
but since my edits were done with and without it, that may not help.
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
14.12.12 03:52:42
To: sherwindu

Dear User,

Thank you a lot for the detailed description of the problem, I really appreciate that.

To avoid the problem 'could not get current profile' while saving a video, please try to reinstall the software following precisely the instructions below:
1. Go Start > All Programs > AVS4YOU > Uninstall. Please make sure to click the "Check All" button.

2. Follow the link below to download the utility that will automatically remove all AVS software components from your PC. Save the utility on your computer and launch it. It is highly recommended to leave the default option "Delete license key-files" checked:

After that download the latest version of AVS Video Editor, install it and try to save your video once again.

Inform about the result.

Kind regards
Posts: 75
Registered: 30.01.2012
14.12.12 08:01:53
First of all, I would not use your latest version as it has a bug in it concernting titles on the timeline. I am using the test version of the latest version with the correction for this problem.

I am not trying to avoid this hang up problem again as my primary goal. It is something probably buried deep in your software, and until I see release notes
that describe how this has been fixed, I will stick with my test version.

My main issue is the CORRECTION AND EDITING of my latest vep file, so that I can complete the burning of my BluRay disc. I think the error message is coming from the change of location of the original vep file and/or the difficulty of finding the m2ts files that were originally on a different drive. I don't know the mechanisms of the vep files, but seems like if I start a new project and load the m2ts files from their current locations, saving this file should redefine things in the original vep file. Since I cannot locate two of the m2ts files in the vep file, I don't know how to correct this problem. I was able to
fix this problem once before by editing the vep file, but this situation is more cryptic. You will see 13 m2ts files in the vep file located on the F-drive, which is my BluRay player. The other two m2ts files were loaded from my C-drive, but I cannot find them.

I am reloading my current vep file for your conveience.
Attached files:
Posts: 75
Registered: 30.01.2012
15.12.12 03:30:38
I too am looking for a missing vep file. I don't want to reload the video editor because of a fix put in my version. Besides, I suspect the problem is more related to the moving around of my vep file. Certain source m2ts files were moved, but were reloaded while reopening the project. These files that were moved were either repeat names of the first import, or when given distinct names and imported, did not show up in the vep file.
Posts: 75
Registered: 30.01.2012
14.12.12 21:57:19
I am still awaiting a possible fix for not being able to produce my BluRay project, but I have some other basic questions which might assist me in recovering
at least part of my data.

Assuming that the source video is not moved from it's locations when invoking a 'produce' operation, is there any problem with using a vep that was copied and modified on a different drive? I know the source video locations are embedded in this vep file, but are there any other links that would mess it up if this
file were reused from a different drive?
Posts: 75
Registered: 30.01.2012
15.12.12 21:56:39
I was about ready to give up on hours of work on editing a video, when it finally went through. I am still puzzled as to what actually fixed the problem. I will try to review the steps I took that may have had something to do with the project finally producting a disc.

1. I moved source videos from my backup drive to my main internal drive.

2. I moved the vep file, as well.

3. I changed from a test version video editor to a later version ( I was reluctant to use
this version not knowing if a fix was included to correct issues of inserting titles into the timeline.

Much of this confusion could be cleared up if AVS would reveal to us an explanation of what fixes are going into each update.
I know there were several changes in the version I finally used because the chapter disiplay had changed from opening with
3 chapters to now showing 9 chapters on the opening screen. These new chapter displays are not working properly for me
when I try to invoke chapters on the bottom row.

I have some comments from this latest burning experience:

1. The AVS Burner Video Service gives misleading information. It told me I did not have enough room on my BD-R single
surface disc to contain all the video for burning. I had about one and a quarter hour of video and understood that I
could get up to 2 hours of viewable video on it. I went ahead with the burn anyways and there was ample room on
the disc.

2. The button for stop (reset to the beginning) is placed in an awkward position next to the play button. I was going
back and forth many times from pause to play and would frequently hit the stop button by mistake. I then had to
reposition the timeline to where I had left off.

3. When trying to display the videos added to the project, the display only shows the last group loaded. If one wants
to look at a previous group (say the source comes from more than one folder or device), they must be reloaded to
view or move to the timeline.

4. Error messages should be more specific as to which file or parameter is at fault.

5. As mentioned in earlier posts, an editor for the vep files would be very useful.

Although I was not satified with the final burned version, I was just happy to be able to recover the editing for
burning something.
Posts: 75
Registered: 30.01.2012
16.12.12 02:01:46
Although I am glad I was able to salvage my last edit session, I am not happy about the 'replacement' for the chapter software.

Instead of an improvement in the playing of chapters, things are worse now with the new version.

I can no longer play the chapters on my PC with this new version. Using the well respected Cyberlink PowerDVD, I can no longer even view
the chapters from my latest burned BluRay. Just to check, I can still see the chapters with BluRay's I burned months ago. I tried to download about
three other BluRay Players from the web, and they also could not display the chapters.

The playing of the newest Blu-Ray on my Samsung Blu-Ray Player connected to my plasma TV also gave dissappointing results. Although I was able to see all fourteen chapters (nine at a time), it was almost impossible to select any of them. The arrow keys seemed to have a mind of their own, sometimes going to the right chapter and sometimes bouncing randomly all over the place.

I can't believe there is anything unique about my hardware, so I can't believe this software was well tested. In a similar past complaint, I was assured that AVS could not duplicate the problems at their end. I have seen this problem appear and go away on various players in an electronics store's equipment.
The only variable I could see was that an older version of firmware on an LG player seemed to play the chapters ok.

I suppose I should be grateful that I can at least view my videos, even if I can't conveniently skip around inside them.
Posts: 59
Registered: 07.07.2012
16.12.12 17:05:20
To: sherwindu

Glad it all worked out for you. These things would really consumed us. I guess good job for keeping your cool here throughout the troubleshooting process.
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
17.12.12 09:43:56
To: sherwindu

We are very glad to have such a user that is doing so much testing.

I am not happy about the 'replacement' for the chapter software.

Unfortunately for now the problem can not be resolved, it is being under the cosideration at our development team. As soon as we find out the solution we'll let you know, thank you for understanding in this matter.

I changed from a test version video editor to a later version ( I was reluctant to use
this version not knowing if a fix was included to correct issues of inserting titles into the timeline.

The update that fixed your previous problem with titles has been added to the latest version of AVS Video Editor just released. So we recommend you to use it instead of the one you have installed. Please download the latest version following this link.

It told me I did not have enough room on my BD-R single
surface disc to contain all the video for burning. .... I went ahead with the burn anyways and there was ample room on
the disc.

If the issue occurs once again please attach the screenshot of the message you get, the screenshot of indication of free space on your disk while in AVS Disk Creator and from Windows Explorer - right click on the disk - choose Properties.

The button for stop (reset to the beginning) is placed in an awkward position next to the play button.
Error messages should be more specific as to which file or parameter is at fault.
an editor for the vep files would be very useful

We greatly appreciate all your suggestions and will surely pass them over to our developers.

When trying to display the videos added to the project, the display only shows the last group loaded

Does the zoom in/ out feature help you to navigate on the timeline (medialibrary) - see the screenshot attached? If you mean something else please specify.

Kind regards
Attached files:
2083.75 KB
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
17.12.12 09:49:38
I think the error message is coming from the change of location of the original vep file and/or the difficulty of finding the m2ts files that were originally on a different drive.

The error message 'could not find current profile' is not connected to the .vep file, thus I recommended you to reinstall the software to be able to save the video to Blue Ray profile. I am glad the problem has been resolved after installing another version of the software.
But still I recommend you to reinstall the software using the instructions given here and install the latest version to avoid the problems with functionality in future.

I hope I answered all your questions, please let me know if I can be of further assistance to you.

Best regards
Posts: 75
Registered: 30.01.2012
18.12.12 03:46:16
Thanks for updating the Video Editor.

I would like to see what (if anything) else was fixed, added, enhanced with this latest release. Where can I view this information?

If I want to add to the BluRay disc I just burned, can I somehow import this to the Video Editor, retaining the existing titles and edits?

Again, something was changed in the chapter software as it is displaying and behaving (not well) differently from my last burned disc. Was
anything changed in chapters? I can no longer view the chapters on my PC and although I see all the chapters on my plasma tv, I cannot
select most of them. I would prefer to drop back to the previous version of chapters, if the current one cannot be made to work.
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
18.12.12 05:30:27
To: sherwindu

Dear User,

The following changes were made in the latest versions of the software:
Datch language support, HD-presets for Apple devices (iPhone 5, iPad 3, iPad mini), several DVD Menu styles, visual effects, WTV file format support, DVD templates were added.
AVS4YOU software is now fully supported in Windows 8 OS.
Besides, several problems found by AVS users and by our testing team were fixed.

If I want to add to the BluRay disc I just burned, can I somehow import this to the Video Editor, retaining the existing titles and edits?

If the disk is burned already the changes can not be applied to the created video on the disk, the only thing you can do is edit your project file and create the video once again.

something was changed in the chapter software

There have been no changes in the update concerning the chapters display. The issue is at the consideration at our development team. I hope we can find the solution soon. Could you once again specify the exact models of the players where you encounted the chapter problem (as you made some more testing after you last time send us the models of the players) and if the navigation through chapters differs on those players.

Thank you for using AVS4YOU software.

Kind regards
Posts: 75
Registered: 30.01.2012
20.12.12 04:47:02
Thanks for all the replies.

As regards using the zoom for viewing loaded files, I have not tried that yet.

The update list was interesting, and shows that more effort is being made to accomodate all the new hand held toys and Windows 8 that I think is an
exercise in frutstration with no real benefit (I will stick with Windows 7). All these small changes to accomodate users are of more interest to me to see if any of the bugs I am experienced have been addressed. I will look forward to better chapter handling, but I probably won't have the time to redo all the
Bllu Rays I have already burned. Besides, my source videos are scattered all over the place and would be a chore to try and reconstruct their locations
on the drives and which ones to include. That vep editor that was being discussed might make this job easier. What is Datch language support (possibly Dutch?)? I would also like to see some improvements to the documentation to cover the more special cases one encounters in editing.

Besides a stop button, there should be and 'end' button. It is painful to reposition to the end of an edit. Also, maybe something can be done to prevent the editor from jumping back to the start of the timeline whenever one deletes something at the tail end of the timeline.
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