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Posts: 75
Registered: 30.01.2012
01.10.12 20:50:09
I finally got my BluRay DVD to burn after a series of errors kept popping up. I still don't know why I was getting these errors, since I made no changes to my PC. I continued to use the trial version of the editor that corrected unwanted shifts in the text timeline. This is scheduled for a correction in the next release. The AVI file I moved to the timeline did not install correctly, but the file that produced the errors somehow got installed on the timeline, despite the numerous errors generated when I tried to move it there. I will chalk this up to some kind of random error that hopefully will not reappear.

Although I was able to burn my BluRay DVD, the chapters I installed (about 20) were not available on my Samsung BD-C5500 Blue Ray Player connected to my Plasma TV. This is an old issue with my BluRay burnings, one I submitted a while back to Support. They could not reproduce it at their end, so it leaves me with a less than fully performable BluRay disc. Whenever I select Chapters off the lead menu, I see the first 3 on the TV. I cannot then select more than these 3 using the arrow keys which just cycle around the first 3. I am left with the quandry as to what is broken here. Is it the AVS software or is something wrong with my Samsung. Strangely, this phenomenon does not appear with the non-BluRay DVD's I have created. Those chapters work fine.
I am curious if anyone else has had this problem.
Posts: 75
Registered: 30.01.2012
01.10.12 22:25:38
I should have tried this sooner, but while talking to Samsung about my player, I tried the newly burned BluRay in my PC. Looks like it played well there showing all the chapters. It also allowed me operations not available on my Samsung BDC5500 such as Reverse Play. Samsung felt that their player did not have the full capabilities as my PC Blue Ray Drive. I asked if their newer models might handle my chapters. They did not know for sure, but told me their latest player is a BDE6500. I now have to decide if it is worth upgrading my player and research if any of the newer models can work like my PC player.
I was using Cyberlink to play my BluRay which handled the chapters and reverse just fine on my PC. Any recommendations for a BluRay player that can handle the chapters ok? This may be an issue with BDMV vs. BDAV formats and what various players can handle. The AVS burner defaults to a BDMV, so
I would need a BluRay player that supports that format.
Posts: 334
Registered: 10.04.2012
02.10.12 08:47:06
To: sherwindu


Since the disc you burned in AVS Software plays back correctly in player on your PC, it means it was burned correctly.

To be able to burn a BD playable in your hardware player, you will need to know exact specifications of Blu-ray discs which your BD player support.

Best regards
Posts: 75
Registered: 30.01.2012
04.10.12 04:21:21
I don't think the fact that my chapters work on my PC indicates that everything is ok.

I have tried several players from Samsung and LG with the latest models and software and none of them work with chapters. I don't understand the inner workings of these BluRay files and Chapters I created, but there is obviously something unstable about the result. Besides chapter trouble, these players will not handle the reverse commands from the remote controls. Maybe the gurus at AVS can analyze this and come up with an explanation and recommendation how I can get chapters to work.
Posts: 75
Registered: 30.01.2012
04.10.12 19:31:39
Based on replies from Support and my experiences with my own testing of the Video Editor, I think this product was not sufficiently tested by AVS4YOU with
regards to Blue Ray Chapters. I have used the latest versions of this editor to produce video with chapters and cannot get them to play on the latest machines from LG and Samsung. I cannot send my BluRAy to Support because the amount of data is too big. The fact that I can see these chapters on my
PC indicates to me that I have installed them correctly into my final product. I have burned several BluRays with the AVS4YOU editor, and all display the same problem with not being able to advance the Chapters. I suggest AVS4YOU tests the Chapters on some of the major brands and recommend a few different players that can handle their software. Strangely enough, I found only one version of LG that played ok, and that was one of their older firmware
models. All of the latest firmware for LG and Samsung cannot play these Chapters properly.
Posts: 334
Registered: 10.04.2012
05.10.12 16:11:52
To: sherwindu

We are currently testing the issue.

We will inform on the results.

Best regards
Posts: 75
Registered: 30.01.2012
19.10.12 16:13:05
The final word from AVS4YOU is that they could not reporoduce the chapter problem on the three machines they use for testing. I checked the price of these machines and they are in the 600 dollar price range. The machines I tested were closer to the 100 dollar price range, typical of today's prices for the majority of users. The machines I used were:
Samsung BD-C5500

Samsung BD-E6500

LG BP 620C

These are two popular brands that I tested with their latest firmware. The machines AVS4YOU used the following:
Sony BDP-S350

Sharp Aquos BD-HP21

Pioneer BDP-51FD

I used the AVS4YOU built-in burner to produce a 1080 line MPEG Blu-Ray disc. The chapters failed to progress forward beyond the third chapter on all
three of my machines.

My question is has anybody else had this problem with the lower price Blu-Ray player?
Posts: 334
Registered: 10.04.2012
22.10.12 10:22:37
To: sherwindu

We appreciate your taking time to post your comment here.
We would like to inform you that we haven't received any complaints from our clients about the issue you have described.
We will try to test BDs burnt in AVS Software on the players similar to the ones you have tested the BDs on.
Best regards
Posts: 3
Registered: 07.01.2013
01.05.14 17:10:43
Posts: 2
Registered: 01.09.2014
01.09.14 20:41:46
To: dcromley

I too have problems with the chapters of a blue ray disk I burned.
some details : version of video editor :
content of the disk directory : see attatchents.

It doesn't show the chapter startup at all. it just starts playing the 00000.m2ts file.
Attached files:
120.86 KB
41.59 KB
Posts: 2
Registered: 01.09.2014
02.09.14 09:19:19
To: wulfram

p.s. I use a Philips bdp3400/12 player which is a 2013 model.
It is tested as one of the best players in the field in 2013/2014.
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
05.09.14 14:24:28
To: wulfram

Dear user,

You have been assisted in AVS Support System.

Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance to you.

Kind regards
Posts: 51
Registered: 19.07.2014
13.09.14 18:46:44
To: wulfram

Hi. Sorry to bump this up but is there a quick fix for this yet?
Posts: 2364
Registered: 03.07.2008
19.09.14 12:14:54
To: mikewashtm

Dear user,

The problem is not systematical or typical and can be resolved individually for each user.

Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance to you.

Kind regards
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