I read several posts complaining about AVS support. For the life of me I can't understand why?
I have received a reply each time in less than 24 hrs from my original post. Every time with information in an attempt to fix the problem or a request for more information to assist in getting the proper answer. The exception is on the weekend and I can't blame them for that.
What do you want? These are great programs with plenty of features and power at a fraction of the cost that commercial programs cost. I ought to know, I spent thousands over the years on the others.
Trust me, even though I spent that money I never received fixes or help that I wanted as fast as I needed.
So take my advice, if you don't think you're getting your money's worth here then go seek out the expensive software, buy it, install it, crash it and wait for a response from them as well with the only difference is your cost per minute of wait time is a LOT more!