To: sherwindu
There seem to be two types of file references and only one type is stored within a project file - direct links to the files in use - these are easy to find and replace. And then there are the files in the Media Library which aren't saved in the file itself, but rather in a global MediaLibrary file which is stored in your user data folder, like:
C:\Users\Somebody\AppData\Roaming\AVS4YOU\AVSVideoEditor\Data and the file is
I noticed this bit just now after building a simple utility to automate the find and replace actions. The utility is made using WinAutomation (you can get a 30 day trial) and is rather basic - it expects to have the necessary files in the same folder as the project file, if that is the case it will replace the stored file paths to there and show a notification:
Then save a
New file. This works for me, hope it can be useful to someone as well - you can find attached a WinAutomation project file. I used WinAutomation because it is simple (well, after a little practice and learning regular expressions) and also lets people see the code and not worry about downloading unknown executive files.
If I find the time I might look into relinking the files stored within the global Media Library, but that seems rather tricky. The more logical thing would be to store all file references within the project files themselves, but that's up to AVS.