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Posts: 18
Registered: 23.07.2012
23.07.12 08:17:11
Sometimes we need to join some clips to deliver to a TV station, and the format has to be 720x576 anamorphic 16:9. This seems not possible to output as a file, only with 16:9 aspect ratio forced maintained, so that I end up with the 3:4 movie containing the wide clip with black bars in the top an bottom.

I have googled and tested for days. Is it possible at all? (Support did not answer after almost a week, so I write here, which must be the right place fort it)

Latest I found I can save as a dvd TV PAL, and the outcom is a widescreen video as a .VOB. When i play this it plays as 1024x576, but mediainfo says it is 720x576. but the TV station need a file in either .AVI or MP4 anamorphic.

BTW: It can not open in AVS Media Player, says it is corrupt (but it plays in VLC Player) only when renaming to .AVI, and then it plays letterboxed 720x576.

I found I can use the video converter and do actually a crop 5:4 and resize to 720x576, but I want to make it happen in the video editor.

Thanks in beforehand...
Posts: 914
Registered: 20.05.2010
23.07.12 08:52:07
To: joergenaj


If you want to have video with 16:9 aspect we advise to select the 16:9 project aspect and convert video to 720:480.

Best regards.
Posts: 18
Registered: 23.07.2012
23.07.12 10:40:10
To: joergenaj

... and convert video to 720:480

We are in Denmark and have PAL TV. The editor of the TV station want's the clip in anamorphic 720x576, so 720x480 will not do.

But thanks for reply. For example -----has no problem outputting 720x576, so I thought AVS did not faulter, since AVS are so keen on everything else.

Any suggestions?
Posts: 18
Registered: 23.07.2012
23.07.12 10:43:25
...---- can output anamorphic 720x576, so that when played it is truncated in the width to be narrowscren instead of widescreen. And then when played on TV, it is stretched to 1924x576.
Posts: 18
Registered: 23.07.2012
23.07.12 10:44:20
Correction :
.. it is stretched to 1024x576.
Posts: 914
Registered: 20.05.2010
23.07.12 11:39:06
To: joergenaj


In that case please try to follow instructions below:
- select the aspect correction 4:3
- select one of the first four presets of AVI format and manually set 720x576
or select one of the first six presets of MP4 format and manually set 720x576

Best regards
Posts: 18
Registered: 23.07.2012
23.07.12 17:48:56
To: Lex

Thanks, but with your suggestion, I still get letterbox output 720x576. Could you or someone try yourself. I have been through all possible settings and tests. My source test file is a standard cam file 720p downloaded from here: http://archive.org/download/MTS-Testfile/00042.MTS
Posts: 914
Registered: 20.05.2010
24.07.12 08:17:50
To: joergenaj


We have downloaded the file. Please specify the result you are looking for.

Best regards.
Posts: 18
Registered: 23.07.2012
24.07.12 18:35:31
To: Lex

I would like to output, as I mentioned in my first post:
720x576 anamorphic 16:9.
Thanks for trying, should be quite simple, since the converter can do it.
Posts: 914
Registered: 20.05.2010
25.07.12 10:13:11
To: joergenaj


Please try to follow instructions given in the screenshots below:

Best regards.
Posts: 18
Registered: 23.07.2012
26.07.12 09:21:14
To: Lex

Thanks, but still letterbox output, no matter what player.
Widescreen with black bars in top and buttom, 720x576 box.

Can you show me screen dump of a produced anamorphic clip?
Posts: 914
Registered: 20.05.2010
26.07.12 10:09:08
To: joergenaj


Unfortuntely, the output file will be always with black bars.

Best regards.
Posts: 18
Registered: 23.07.2012
26.07.12 18:13:34
Thanks very much for the investigation. But I think it's a pity, whenAVS Video Editor is so capable in any other way. Could you put it on a wish list for future updates of the video editor? Or can I submit it?


... I found I can save as a dvd TV PAL, and the outcom is a widescreen video as a .VOB. When i play this it plays as 1024x576, but mediainfo says it is 720x576. but the TV station need a file in either .AVI or MP4 anamorphic.

BTW: It can not open in AVS Media Player, says it is corrupt (but it plays in VLC Player) only when renaming to .AVI, and then it plays letterboxed 720x576.

I must see if the TV man can use this, else I must run it through the video converter after editing it...
Posts: 914
Registered: 20.05.2010
27.07.12 07:18:57
To: joergenaj


Your suggestion will be put forward to our developers.

Best regards.
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